chapter 11

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    I was laying in my bed with my phone in my hand the number already dialed all I had to do was press call and even when I felt like I needed to hear his voice I can't bring myself to talk to him without knowing I will cry because even when I acted earlier that I was fine I was so scared all I wanted to do was breakdown and cry I was supposed to be killed by the person I love. Finally I pressed call and put the phone to my ear it rang. Once. Twice. Three. Four... Five... Voice message "hey Magnus um so today was..." I paused should I tell him? "Terrible" I whisper with a sigh here goes nothing "today we were at breakfast and Simon came in and said that there was someone coming for me, a demon, and he said the demon said that Simon would help because Simon was going to kill me" I explained on the verge of tears " and I don't know what to do I'm trying to be strong like you taught me but I'm scared and I don't know what to do. And I miss you. " I let out another sigh that chocked on a sob as now I was full on crying "bye Magnus I love you" I whispered pulling the phone away from my ear and pushed the end call button. I fell back on my bed and cried letting everything out. About half way through my pity part there was a knock on the door "go away" I called out but who ever it was opened the door and stepped in, it was Jace "hey there Luce um how you holding up?" He asked rubbing his back awkwardly I laughed "clearly not very well" I replied and he chuckled coming over he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me over so I was sitting next to him "well as long as your here nothing is ever going to hurt you I'll make sure of that. Okay?" He asked looking down at me I nodded looking back up at him "know get some sleep we've got more training to do tomorrow your going to need to be well rested trust me" he said with a smirk I smiled and nodded laying down as he pulled the covered up over me and pressed a kiss to my forehead "good night" he said "g-night" I responded then closed my eyes and was sleep instantly.

     The next morning I was woken by my phone ringing I groaned grabbing it off the bed side table I pressed answer and presses it to my ear "hello?" I asked "Luce oh thank god Luce I just listen to your message and I'm coming back okay stay at the institute I'll be there in an hour I love you baby girl" he said finally slowing down at the end "I love you to Magnus ill see you soon and yes I'll stay at the institute I promise" then he hung up so I got up and got ready for the day getting in and out of the shower pulling on a plain black shirt and blue skinny jeans them taming my hair pulling on shoes and brushing my teeth. Ready for the day. At breakfast everyone was quiet still cooped up in yesterdays activities. Then there was a knock on the door I looked up to see Magnus "Magnus!" I cried out and ran to him launching myself into his arms not even awarded that I was crying till he whipped the tears away and stroked my hair mumbling comforting words in my ear till I had control again then he pulled back and smiled at me before looking at the others "know what happened when I was gone I heard it was quiet eventful."

So I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm back sorry for the inconsistent updates.
Stay inspired

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