chapter 17

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Luce's POV:

The next morning, or at least I think it was morning, the boy with the black hair came and instead of the usual pain that he inflicted upon me he just grabbed me by the arm and dragged me up several flights of stairs, and I realized that I had been held in the basement like I had originally thought. That thought soon escaped me as I was pushed into a room with the final threat of behave or else whispered in my ear.  I shivered at his closeness and the obvious threat, but all that left my mind when I saw Clary and Jace in front of me.

My eyes watered as they turned both their faces lighting up in shock and happiness but then anger as I'm sure I looked like shit. Then I was being grabbed from behind something cold being pressed up against my neck. The door burst open with a shrill crunch then standing in the door way was a man. He would look handsome except for the enlarge fangs and huge finger nails and hair growing on his face and arms, a werewolf, but I wasn't scared of him. He and the man behind me were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying over the sound of skin and clothing tearing apart a sinefany of dieing wails.

Then I was flung away my head connecting with the corner of the table and my sight went fuzzy. When I was able to see again, the two men that had captured me were standing in front of some kind of mirror but instead of it reflecting the room it held a picture of a normal enough looking house out in the country, it looked formilliar but I couldn't place it. Then with one final glare that sent shivers down my spine the golden haired one was gone, the one with black hair sent a wink at me and a final, "till we meet again my princess," that sent equal amounts of shivers down my spine and he went though as well. Turning back Mr. Golden hair launched a dagger at the portal striking it with a clear clinging sound as it shattered.

Jace and Clary were on me in seconds. Jace took my head and placed it softly in his lap, and Clary took my arm pushing my sleeve up I knew she was going to draw a rune on me to heal me, I also knew it wouldn't work nothing would, nothing except letting my body heal itself like a normal mundie. However, she tried anyways, and as I expected, it didn't work. I looked over when the door bursted open. The werewolf, who I realized, had been standing back guarding the door stepped up and growled preparing to attack. That is until the rest of my family came running through the door. Magnus was first,then Alec, Izzy, then finally Simon, when they saw me however they stopped short staring wide eyed at me, and I knew why, I looked like shit. With a weak smile that I'm sure would give small children nightmares I asked. "Can we go home, guys?" So with that Jace and Alec and Simon and Magnus all carried me back to the car. Although I think they just wanted a reason to have physical contact since I was sure that Clary would have been able to carry me by herself just fine.

When I opened my eyes I was looking up at a drawing I had seen several times, the naked cherub's and clouds that were painted on the ceiling of the institute infirmary, cause ya now, while I'm dieing name fat babies are most definitely the last thing I want to see. Please note the sarcasm! The door to the large room opened and I smirked sitting up and looked over to see low and behold Alec and Jace coming in, to be honest I thought Simon would be here too. Hmm, good to know they all aren't too worried about my health. My smirk grew.

"Oh no you don't! Don't get all smirky just because Simons not here! He would be but Clary said it was a family emergency," he leaned in to whisper the next part, "but I think she tied him to a chair and hid him in a basement somewhere so he could get some rest." I chuckled then stretched swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"That's great Alec, love the conspiracy theory. Now where are my clothes? I would like to hit up the training room and work on my agility and flexibility since I'm feeling as stiff as a board right now." I exclaimed but as soon as the words left my mouth I was pushed back on the bed and Jace was looking down at me, "no! You will stay here and rest and get better!" He warned. I scoffed. "I am better! look," I gestured to my body. "No blood! No broken bones! No death! I'm ready to go let me up!" I explained and Alec sighed.

"This is your fault Jace all your fault. I'm just going to say it now! It the cursed Herondale blood line!!" Alec pointed a fingure to the sky or naked fat flying baby covered ceiling then turned and left though the doors he and Jace entered through.

I looked over at Jace as I sat up myfeet hanging over the edge. " you know this isn't the end right! There going to come back, who ever they are." He sighed and took a seat next to me putting his arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his side.

"I know, but we're ready for them now. We will win, I will protect you, I promise." I nodded and he chuckled, "oh and they call themselves Valentine and Sebastian. Supposable reincarnations of the first ones." I nodded again. It was nice to have thus time with my brother. Just then the doors bursted open and a frantic Izzy came running in. "Guys get in the library now!" I looked at Jace to find him looking at me and we, like the sibling we are sighed simultaneously while shaking our heads, "no time to relaxed." Then we were up moving swiftly to the door all stiffness forgotten. We had work to do, a world to save.

We will win.

I. Promise.

The End

Wow guys and galls that was the end of book one!! That's amazing!!! So book two I will be starting soon, but seeing as it is 11 o'clock on a school night I will be going to sleep. So good night my shadowhunter and Downworlders or just mundies I will see you all in book two which I will post here when it is out!
Stay inspired

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