chapter 13

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Jace my brother? That seemed impossible, I looked over at him and he looked at me his eyed wide and mouth hanging open, not possible "really?" I asked Magnus raising an eye brow in suspicion but he nodded "yes" was all he said as he looked down he looked ashamed why would he feel ashamed? Then I realized he thought I was mad at him because he didn't tell me before but really I couldn't be happier that Jace was my brother know I had like 3 brothers! Anyway Jace and I already acted like siblings so I had a feeling nothing would really change. "I'm sorry" Magnus whispered and I realized he still thought I was mad at him, was I? No. No I couldn't be mad at Magnus he was a brother and a father a best friend and a protected my entire life he wasn't leaving know weather he likes it or not. "There's nothing for you to be sorry about" I whispered back and hugging him tightly he smiled back and pulled me so close I was sitting on his lap then a thought came to me and I looked up at Magnus "remember when I used to call you Maggy daddy?" I giggled at the memory he laughed and nodded "I remember the first time you did it we were walking through the grocery store and you just said 'I was Mac and Cheese Maggy daddy' and you didn't apologize or look embarrassed after or anything you just grabbed an arm full of mac and cheese and dumped them in the cart then even went back and got another arm full and I was so shocked I didn't even notice." He chuckled and I laughed but then looked up at him and said "I love you Maggy daddy" he smiled though shock was still plain on his face but he replied back"I love you too baby girl"

Later that day I was in the training room trying to work up an appetite and blow off steam from the events of the last few days in hadn't talked to Jace yet everyone had left to give me and Magnus time to catch up. The door opened and a familiar voice said "what's up sis?" I didn't stop and said " working up a big enough appetite to eat Izzy's cooking but I don't think I'll ever get one that big" he chuckled "mind if I join" he asked and I shrugged "I don't own the training room" again he chuckled and came over next to me and picked up a knife from the pile and throw it at the target I did the same. The next 20 or so minutes passed in silence finally Jace spoke up "so about the whole sibling thing if you want to it can stay the way it is we can be just friends no relation but if I could I would like to get the chance to make it up for all the lost time, I would like to be your brother if I could." Again there was silence as I thought over everything he said finally I said " how about we go to Takis for dinner tonight... Big brother? " he smiled and sling his arm over my shoulder "sure but man you need to shower you stink" he said making a sour face I laughed " you don't smell to great either big brother" I said fanning the air in front of my face he laughed and we parted ways with a promise to meet up at the elevator in ten minutes. I showered and changed in to a pair of jeans and a black tee with my combat boots and a leather jacket before going to the elevation it only took me about 8 minutes to get everything done so I was ready to wait for Jace but Jace meet me outside my door he had just been leaving his.

Takis was great as always I ordered a large plate or spaghetti and Jace got his usual which was just a burger and a large fries we talked about everything and nothing all through the meal laughing at each others lame jokes and weird memory's from our childhood finally we headed back to the institute and were meet by a mad Izzy and worked up Alec "where have you been?" They asked Jace and I just shrugged "out" I said and Jace nodded in agreement then said "and know we are going to bed it has been a long day and I plan on another eventful day tomorrow so as much as I enjoy chatting with you both I'm going to hit the hay," then he looked at me "what about you?" his eyes said play along not that I needed it " yep same for I'm going back to Magnus's anyway he's home today and I miss the apartment and his cooking as much as I love yours Izzy his is my favorite know bye" I said and Jace took the chance to sneak up the stairs only looking back when he got to the top and looking down giving me a smile and wave before we parted ways and I headed home.

When I got home Magnus asked if I had dinner I said yes also he said it was late and I should go to bed exactly like I know he would I got to my room but didn't go to bed I changed into PJ's and jumped on my bed taking my phone and texted Simon
L- what's up?
S- nothing just getting ready for bed what about u?
L- same just got back from the institute
S- where did u go I went to see u to take u to dinner but u were not there?
L- oh me and Jace went to Takes to A:get out of Izzy's cooking and B:have brother sister time.
S-oh that's great I gtg mom said its lights out night babe I love u <3
L- night babe I love u too💜
I set the phone on my night stand closed my eyes and was out like a light.
Yes I am not dead school is finally out and updates will come more often. Please check out my other mortal instruments book called the runner its good I think but please read as always feed back is we

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