Chapter 3

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We both stood there in silence, stunned. My stomach was in my throat, and my heart was beating a million miles a minute.

"Positive?!" I choked. "I. . .I can't be pregnant!"

"Cam, look --" Kelly started.

My stomach heaved.

"I think I'm gonna puke," I said, miserably. Knowing I'd never make it to the bathroom on time, I leaned over and puked in the kitchen sink.

"Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore," Kelly muttered, covering her eyes and stepping away as I turned on the water to wash out the sink.

"That's a first," I mumbled.

"Look," she said. "If you need some time by yourself to sort all this out, I get it. Just let me know and I'll be on my way."

"No!" I said. "Please, do NOT go. I don't think I can be alone right now."

"Well. . .," Kel said. "Do you want to talk about it, or. . ?"

"Not right now," I replied. "It hasn't sunk in yet, and I don't want to speed the process up. I'm going to be a mother. . .yep, definitely can't think about that. It's making me nauseous again."

"You're gonna be a great mom, Cam," Kelly said with a genuine smile. "Little kids love you, and you're one of the nicest people I know."

"Thanks," I said, trying to ignore the fact that my name and the word mom could even be in the same universe, much less the same sentence. My life had been turned upside down by two little lines. Gone was partying and late nights. Soon my life would be all diapers, spit-up, and Barney. I would be labeled as the school slut. NOTHING would ever be the same. My life was pretty much over.

"Let's just go watch TV or something," I said.

"Sure, hon," Kel said. I followed her into the den, leaving the pregnancy test on the kitchen counter for the time being. We walked into the den and flopped down on my cushy blue couch. I pulled a blanket over me and stretched out, putting my legs on top Kel's and hoping I could just sleep this nightmare away.

We were halfway through NCIS when there were three sharp knocks on the door.

"My parents!" I gasped, sitting up. My parents must have come home from their dinner early. Panic started to rise in my chest.

"Calm down," Kelly said. "Would your parents really knock on their own door?"

"Kelly I can't face them," I said, my hands shaking. "I'm not ready!"

"Chill," she said. "I guarantee you it's not them, but if it makes you feel better, I'll get the door, okay?"

I nodded as I laid back on the couch and tried to keep tears of panic from escaping my eyes. I watched Kelly leave the room to answer the door.

"Oh hey Joey," I heard her musical voice pour through the house. "Yeah, she's in the den. Come on in."

Joey? Oh no. Panic rose in my chest, now a million times worse than before. Why did it have to be Joey? Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no.

"Hey babe," Joey walked in the room. "I thought I'd surprise you and try to make you feel a little better." Even though he was the last person on Earth I wanted to face, he still looked gorgeous. In his hands, he clutched a bouquet of roses.

"I brought you something," he said with a smile, handing me the flowers. Why did he have to be the nicest guy in the universe? It was going to make me telling him the truth about my baby a million times harder.

"Thanks," I said, smelling them. The smell made me a little queasy, but I couldn't tell if it was morning sickness or a guilty conscience.

"Feeling any better?" he asked. He sat down on the couch armrest and stroked my hair.

"No," I mumbled. At least that much was true.

"Do you mind if I go get a drink?" he asked. "I'll be right back after, I promise."

"Not at all," I said with a weak smile. "You know where the kitchen is."

He kissed me on the head and I smiled as I watched him walk away. He really was the best boyfriend ever, skipping a fancy dinner with his mom and dad to hang out with me, his sick mess of a girlfriend.

"Um, Cam, where is he going?!" Kelly hissed as she rushed back into the room. Her voice was heavy with urgency.

"The kitchen. Why?" I asked.

Kelly rolled her eyes.

"Hello!" she whispered, terror on her face. "Don't you remember what ELSE is in the kitchen?!"

My heart stopped. I was so stupid.

The pregnancy test was in the kitchen. Just as I sat up to see if I could distract Joey, I heard his voice call out.

"Cameron? What is this?!"


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