Chapter 8

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I paced back and forth across my bedroom floor like I had done for almost an hour now, nearly wearing a hole in the carpet. Kendall and I had taken the paternity test at the ob/gyn's almost four hours ago, and no one had called with my results yet. I stopped my pacing to look in the mirror. I had changed from a loose-fitting lace shirt and shorts to a tight white cami and grey sweats. In a shirt this fitting, you could definitely see where my baby bump was starting to to grow.

The loud sound of my phone ringing from where it lay on my bed made me jump. I sprinted across the room and pounced on my phone, grabbing it in my hands and staring at the number that was calling. It wasn't one I had saved in my contacts. I crossed my fingers, hoping it would be the paternity test results.

"Hello?" I said as I answered, hoping not to sound overeager.

"Hello, is this Cameron Barone?" a cool voice asked.

"This is she," I replied, trying to keep a calm tone.

"This is Dr. Ramirez's office calling to confirm the results of your paternity test. The results were positive. There was a definite match."

My hands were shaking, and I suddenly felt unable to reply.

"Hello?" The voice called. "Are you still there?"

"Yes, yes I'm still here. Thank you very much."

I flopped down on my bed staring at the ceiling, shaking with relief. So now what? What I had known to be true all along was now 100% proven. So what happens next?

I had to tell Kendall. I didn't know how much it was going to change things between us, and quite frankly, I didn't care. I just felt like I needed him to know. I needed to make sure he knew that what I was carrying inside of me was half him. I didn't want my child to be stuck in the constant confusion of not having a father force present in their life.

I picked my phone back up and called Kendall.

No answer.

I called him again.

Still no answer.

I called a third time, and this time, I got disconnected on the second ring. I couldn't believe it! He was pushing ignore on my calls intentionally. Adrenaline rushing through my brain, I decided it was time to put an end to this nonsense, once and for all. I pulled a T-shirt over my cami and went downstairs, grabbing my keys off the counter and yelling over my shoulder to John, giving him some excuse to where I was going.

As I drove down the road, probably going way over the speed limit, rain began to fall, little spritzes at first that eventually grew into big, fat raindrops that slid down my windshield like tears. I tried calling Kendall again. No answer. I pushed down harder on the gas, sending up sprays of water as I drove through puddles. I caught a glance of my reflection in the rearview mirror and shuddered. My hair was falling out of my messy bun in stringy pieces, and my eyeliner was running down my face. But it didn't matter now. I drove on, the rain sounding heavy and angry on all sides of my car. I didn't slow down a bit though, not until I reached Sycamore Lane. Kendall's street.

I didn't care if I was being a crazy stalker. I had to get this done, and I had to get it done today.

I pulled into Kendall's driveway, sending water flying with the suddenness of my stop. His car was at home. Good. I stormed up to his front door, my adrenaline still flowing, and knocked three times. I waited a few minutes. No answer. I rang the doorbell and waited some more. No answer. I stamped my foot and screamed in frustration. When I couldn't wait any longer, I turned on my heels and walked quickly back down his walkway into the rain, the water coming from above mixing with my tears. I screamed out loud, but my cries were drowned by a burst of thunder. I stood there, my head hung, while rain poured over my body. I was going to be completely alone in raising this baby. That much was clear now. Kendall would be of no use.

I don't know how long I had been standing there in the rain, shaking and angry, when I heard my name being called from behind me.

I turned around. It was Kendall, standing right in front of me.


I looked down at the rain splattered walkway that lead up to his house. Then slowly I let my eyes trail up him. He was soaked to the bone, as I'm sure I was. How long had he been out here?

"Cameron, what are you doing here?"

I swallowed nervously. My teeth were chattering.

"The results are back," I said solemnly. "The baby is definitely yours."

Kendall's eyes widened. He nodded slowly.

"I just wanted you to know that, okay? I don't expect you to 'pay' for it, alright? I just want you to be present force in this baby's life Kendall! We both made a mistake, okay, and we both need to pay somewhat of the price. This baby is half of you. I just don't want it to grow up not knowing it's daddy. And I just think --"

Kendall cut me off. But not with words.

Kendall cut me off by kissing me on the lips.

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