Chapter 4

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Before I could react, Joey was standing in front of me, holding the pregnancy test.

And for some reason, all my stupid brain could come up with was the fact that I had peed on that stick, and Joey was holding it in his hands.

"A pregnancy test," I mumbled, playing with a loose string on my blanket.

"Yours?" he asked. I nodded miserably, tears streaming down my face in heartbroken silence. Hear I was, about to loose the best thing I'd ever had.

"But Cameron," his voice broke, and I waited in silence to hear the rest of his statement. I already knew what he was going to say. The thing that killed me the most was that was that he didn't sound angry -- he just sounded a little confused, and extremely patient.

"But Cameron," he tried again. He knelt beside me and put one hand on my cheek. I saw a tear slip down his cheek. "Cameron, we haven't. . ."

"I know," I said, moving my face to where he couldn't touch it and allowing my tears to come faster.

"Then whose baby is it?" he asked softly. Pain was beginning to register in his voice.

A knot formed in my throat, and suddenly, my tongue turned to rubber. I couldn't speak.

"Kendall's." I finally choked. I buried my face in my hands and let the tears rush down faster. It was finally time to face the truth. I was pregnant with my ex boyfriend's baby.

"But how could it be Kendall's?" Kelly's voice broke into the conversation. I started, having forgotten she was there. I sat up a bit and turned around to see her standing in the doorway.

"You two broke up more than ten months ago," she continued.

I sighed and put my face back in my hands. Did I really have to spell it out?

You made this mess Cameron, the least you can do is explain it.

"I-I went to his house a couple of weeks ago," I started shakily. "To work on a project for our biology class."

"You told me about that," Joey replied slowly.

"Once we got there, I saw we were alone. I thought m-maybe I should leave, b-but he said we should work anyway."

I took a deep breath and waited for someone to say something. All around me there was nothing but silence, so I went on.

"H-He started telling me all these things about how gorgeous I was and how much he missed me, then one thing led to another an-and --" I broke off, sobs racking my body.

"And?" The single word came out of Joey's mouth low and slow. He expected me to come right out and say it.

"And we slept together," I said. After that, when no one said anything, everything came out in a rush. "It was just one time Joey! I didn't mean anything by it! I love you more than anything in the world, and Kendall is completely dead to me, and you know that! You know it! I'm so sorry! Please, you don't know how sorry I am!"

"Cam, I don't know what I know anymore. You cheated on me."

"I love you, more than anything," I said through tears. "I need you by my side when I have this baby. I love you, and you're one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Please."

There was a long and dead silent pause. The only sound in the entire house was the clock ticking all the way in my parents' bedroom at the back of the house.

"Maybe you should tell Kendall that. We're done."

I watched in horrified silence as the love of my life turned on his heels and walked out the door without looking back once.

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