Chapter 10

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Crickets chirped around us, filling the night air with their song. Kendall was beside me, and my head rested on his shoulder. His hand was on my stomach, rubbing my belly in slow, steady circles. We were lying on a flannel blanket in the middle of Kendall's backyard, watching the sunset and talking about tomorrows. It was the second week of August, and the air was thick and hot as ever. Fireflies lit up the dusk air.

"Just five and a half months until we get to meet Little Peanut," he said, lifting up my shirt to reveal my now visible belly. Looking at me, some people probably wouldn't think I was pregnant. I looked more like I was just overweight now, especially when I wore a loose shirt, which is what I usually did at this point. But I knew a miracle was inside of me, stretchmarks and all.

I was eighteen weeks along now. And tomorrow morning, we were finding out our baby's gender.

"And tomorrow," I said. "We get to find out if Little Peanut is going to be a girl or a boy."

"Or two Little Peanuts," Kendall added. He gently kissed the top of my bump.

Twins? The thought had never occurred to me. Sure, two babies would be cute. . .but could we really handle that? I wasn't even sure we could handle one baby yet. What were even the chances of having twins? I felt so unprepared.

The next morning, Kendall arrived right on time to pick me up for my ob/gyn appointment. We sat in the waiting room and then in the ultrasound lab for what felt like eternity before our ultrasound tech came in. I was lying on a table and Kendall was sitting on a stool beside me, his hand wrapped around mine. The tech raised my shirt, a loose-fitting lace blouse I'd gotten from a maternity store. As much as I hated it, about half of what I wore now came from maternity clothes. The other half was giant T-shirts I stole from Kendall and John.

The tech smeared green ultrasound goo over my stomach.

"Alright you two," she said as she turned on her machine. "Ready to find out what kind of baby you'll be having?" I looked up at Kendall and smiled, admiring his chiseled features. The last nine weeks with him had been better than I could have imagined. He took care of me through all my symptoms, would go out of his way to cater to even my weirdest cravings, and held me even when my mood swings were raging. He had supported me through everything, and I was really falling for him all over again.

"Ready," he said as he squeezed my hand. The tech placed what was called the "transducer probe" on my stomach. I watched with joy as my little baby -- our little baby -- appeared on the screen, happily sucking his/her thumb.

Instantly, my eyes welled with tears, and I knew this wasn't another hormone issue. I had never loved something so much, and I could only see it.

"It looks like you have a healthy baby," the tech said with a smile. "Congrats."

I watched on the monitor as the baby kicked.

"Can you feel that?" Kendall asked, sounding awestruck.

"Yep," I said with a smile. I placed Kendall's hand on my belly and tapped the spot beside his hand. We watched on the screen and felt with our hands as the baby kicked.

"Wow," Kendall whispered under his breath. I looked up at him and saw tears brimming in his eyes. I leaned up a bit and gently kissed his cheek.

"So are we ready to know the baby's gender?" the tech asked with a smile.

"Ready," we both said together with a smile.

The tech was silent for a moment as she moved the probe over my belly and stared at the screen.

"Congrats," she said. "It looks like you're expecting a healthy baby boy."

A/N: yaaaayyyyy its a boy!!!! what do you guys think????

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