Chapter 28

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The next few minutes were agonizing. At times, I could feel myself floating away, but I knew I was tethered. I was tethered to my rock, my support, my island of sanity in a big ole ocean of crazy. I clung to him, Kendall, like he was my lifeline. Because he was. As our child, our masterpiece, our creation made his way into the world, I kept my eyes focused on Kendall, on the security and safety of the fact that he was there, he loved me, and he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Before I knew it, the room was filled with the screams and wails of a newborn child. My heart swelled with a joy I didn't know I could possess. My baby was here, and all I wanted to do was hold him in my arms.

Then I heard it.

I heard it being repeated over and over: NICU, NICU. I heard Dr. Matthews and the nurses say it over and over again.

NICU? As in Newborn Intensive Care Unit? My heart caught in my throat. Was something wrong with my baby? Was he going to be okay?! Before I could even touch him, he was in a cart, being wheeled out of the room.

"Kendall?" I cried as I searched frantically for my love. Two nurses had stayed and were cleaning me and the area around me up. "Kendall, where are you?"

"I'm here, babe, I'm here," Kendall's cool voice brought relief to my ears as he knelt beside me.

"Where's our baby?" I asked, fear and panic leaking through my voice.

"They took him to NICU," Kendall said, pulling off his latex gloves and cupping my face in his hands. I leaned into them, tears soaking his warm, soft hands. I felt tired and weak, but I knew it would all be worth it if I could just see my baby boy.

"Why?" I asked. I felt like a five year-old child, barely able to understand anything that was going on around me, which made me feel scared and dazed.

"His lungs," Kendall cooed, trying to comfort me. "They're worried about his lungs. It's just a precaution Cam, don't worry. They told me I could go with him or stay here with you."

I raised my hand to stroke Kendall's.

"Go with him," I said softly.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and closed my eyes.

"He needs you more than I do."

Kendall leaned in a kissed me softly on the lips with my eyes still closed.

"I'll be right back." I felt his warm breath on my face, followed by a cold feeling that told me once again that I was alone.

After a little while, I was moved to a new room, this one with a clean bed by a sunny window. I changed into a loose-fitting T-shirt and yoga pants that I'd packed in my hospital bag and sat back in bed. I was still dizzy and a little shaky, but the IV I was attached to was making me feel better, little by little. I had been alone in the room, dozing, when Mom and Kelly came in.

"Congratulations!" Kelly squealed, waking me from my nap. "Where is he? What does he look like? Tell me everything!"

"I-I don't know," I mumbled groggily, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes but still feeling exhausted. "I haven't even held him. He's in the NICU."

"NICU?" My mom repeated, sitting down next to me in the bed and clasping my hand, her forehead wrinkled with concern. "Why?"

"I don't know, something about his lungs, I --"

At that moment, we were interrupted by the door opening. Kendall came in, and I noticed that he had removed his scrubs. He nodded at Mom, and then came straight to me.

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