Chapter 19

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Three weeks later marked week number thirty one of my pregnancy. It also marked the arrival of Christmas.

Christmas was my absolute favorite time of year. I spent most of my time at home (since I had so much) doing whatever I was physically able to do to help out, making strands of holly berries and popcorn and then hanging them throughout the house, dusting off and putting up Mom's collection of Santa Claus figurines, and hanging wreaths on the doors. What excited me most about this particular Christmas though was the fact that I knew before long, Kendall would be getting out of school for break and coming home. Just the thought of seeing his face filled me with joy that made the days creep by even slower.

On December 15th, the night before Kendall was supposed to fly home from Seattle, I got a call from him. I was sitting on a couch in my living room that was positioned in front of a roaring fireplace. Hanging from the mantle were four stockings: a red-and-white striped one for John, a green silk one with gold tassels for mom, a white one with silver snowflakes for me, and a tiny blue one for the baby. "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" played softly in the background, the crackling flames perfectly complimenting the upbeat melody. I could hear Mom and John in the kitchen, making dinner and flirting. I hoped that one day I could be that happy and in love after ten years of marriage as them. I sipped apple cider John had made just for me. I also hoped that one day I could be as good of a parent as him, even though he wasn't my biological father.

I answered the phone. My heart fluttered. I imagined Kendall in a T-shirt and boxers in a tiny dorm room, packing his suitcase and thinking about coming home to me. Words couldn't even describe how in love with him I was.

"Hello?" I said flirtatiously, wishing Kendall was there so I could kiss him.

"Hey babe."

My heart caught in my throat. Something was wrong. What was wrong?

"Kendall, honey, what is it? What's the matter?"

"Cam, love, I don't know how to tell you this. . ."

Tears pricked the back of my eyes.

"Go on, tell me. I'll be okay," I lied.

"I failed one of my midterms. If I want to pass that class, I'm going to have to retake it over Christmas Break, and I have a lot of studying to do, which means. . ."

"You won't be able to make it home for Christmas," I said blankly.

"Right. Baby, I'm so sorry."

There was a long pause.

"Really, I understand," I lied, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Cam, you aren't crying are you?"

"No." A tear slipped down my face. "I'm okay."

"Alright. Merry Christmas, baby. I'll call you again as soon as I can, okay? I love you."

"I love you too, Kendall. So much."

"Bye Cam."



The next few days were a mix of joy and sadness. Christmas was my favorite time of year, but more than anything, I wanted to spend it with Kendall. Kelly came home, and we spent what she called "Christmas Eve Eve", or the night of December 23rd together, and she painted my belly like a wreath and took pictures of it while promising me than I was the cutest pregnant person of all time.

Christmas Eve was a night full of traditions for Mom, John, and I. First, we sang Christmas carols and sipped eggnog. Then, we all cuddled up under one blanket that we only used on Christmas Eve and each of us opened one present from under the Christmas tree. John had already gone, and opened up a tie that Mom and I picked out for him. Mom had opened a pair of pearl earrings. Now, it was my turn. Before I could pick my present, John scooped one up and handed it to me. I took a look at the tag. It read "From Santa". Very funny.

I tore the red paper off the box and opened it up. Inside sat another, smaller box covered in blue velvet.

"A necklace?" I asked John.

"Open it," he replied with a twinkle in his eye like the jolly old elf himself.

I pulled the velvet box out and opened it. I stared at the contents for a moment in disbelief. It was completely empty.

"Is it supposed to be empty?" I asked slowly, trying not to seem rude. As if I had said the magic word, the doorbell rang.

"That must be Santa coming to sort things out right now," John said. He stood up and went to get the door.

"Mom?" I said, turning to my mother who was still under the blanket with me. "You know I stopped believing in Santa when I was like eight, right?"

"Well maybe he's here for the baby, not you, honey," Mom quipped. Um. . .

"Cameron?" John called from the door. "Come tell Santa about your problem."

I shot my mother a quizzical look, giving her one last chance to tell me why they were hiring what would probably be a sweaty guy in a dirty Santa suit for a baby who wasn't even born yet. Mom just flashed me a Mona Lisa smile in return, giving away absolutely nothing.

I got out from under the blanket and went to the front door. As I expected, a guy in Santa suit stood on the porch, snow falling softly behind him. It looked like something from a Christmas card.

"Well hello there Cameron," the Santa said in an almost creepy voice. "Why don't you come on out here and tell Santa all about your little mix-up?" Nervously, I went out onto the porch with this completely stranger in a white beard. I jumped as John shut the door behind me.

"Here's the thing Cam," the Santa said. "I think I have what you're looking for in that box right here."

I watched in awe as the Santa pulled off his beard and hat, revealing the love of my life. Kendall was home.

"Kendall!" I squealed, my heart feeling lighter than air. Before I could jump into his arms and kiss him all over like I'd wanted to for months, something happened.

Kendall got down on one knee.

Kendall pulled a ring out of the pocket of his Santa suit.

Was this even real life?

"Cameron Barone," he said. "You are the love of my life. Will you marry me?"

I only hesitated for a second.

"Yes!" I said. Kendall slid the ring on my finger and picked me up into his arms, extra thirty-one pounds and all, and spun me around until I was giggling and dizzy.

"Merry Christmas, Cam," he said before he kissed me soft and slow. Our first kiss as fiances.

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