Chapter 5

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One Year After

Someone starts banging on the door as I try to sleep. I was not in the mood to see anyone or talk to anyone. At all. I just wanted to talk to Anthony. Even if he pisses me off.

It's been a year since I really seen him in person. In that same year, Aventura rose to fame. They've been on talk shows, interviews and many of their shows were sold out. Fame is truly a blessing, you just gotta make sure you don't get sucked into the bad side of it. For Anthony, it was too late.

The banging continues for a few more minutes until it stops suddenly. Out of nowhere, Rosa opens the door to my room.

"Mujer, are you ever gonna stop moping  over this dumbass? We both know deep down that he ain't shit."

She sits down next to me on the bed. I just lay behind her, remembering what happened.

As I pourthe rice into the pot, my phone goes off. I pick up and hold it with my shoulder.

"Que lo que, mi corazoncito?" Anthony softly speaks.

"Corazoncito? That's a new one but I like it." I laugh and stir the rice.

"Thanks, I made it up myself."

"How's the tour going?"

"So far, so good. We're in Brazil right now, and it's beautiful here. Imma have to bring you here one day."

I grin at the thought of going on vacation with him.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying Brazil. Oh, tell the guys I said-"

"Romeo, baby, who's that on the phone?" A high pitched voice speaks.

I stop stirring and suck in my breath. I know damn well he does not have another girl with him right now. I say this because let's just say that this isn't the first time I heard a female on the phone.

There's shuffling in the background and I hear him whisper, "Nobody, baby, it's just a friend."

By now, my blood was boiling with rage. This is the last time I let him get away with this kind of shit. There was more shuffling in the background and he speaks once more.

"Sorry, Mami, it was just another crazy fan trying to get at me." He said.

He pulled that "fan" trick way too many times. I'm more upset that I actually believed it the first time.

"Anthony fucking Santos, crees que soy tonto? I know that you have fans all over you but I know damn well that they don't get close enough to call you fucking Papi." I spit through the phone. I hear him sigh with annoyance.

"Natalia, you're being so paranoid right now. How about you calm down and-"

"I know your dumbass did not just tell me to calm down." I sarcastically laugh.

"You know what? I'm just done with you. You're way too focus on Aventura that you haven't been paying attention to me. Anthony, you call me once or twice a month! You say that you're in love with me but you haven't shown me enough."

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