Chapter 7

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"You're lying! You ran over that man's foot? Yo, remind me not to mess with your crazy ass." Rosa cackles in the chair, earning stares from clients around the room.

"It's not funny." I couldn't help but giggle because it was kinda amusing.

She chews her gum and watches me in the mirror, applying color onto her hair.

"But seriously, what is he doing back here after 10 freaking years? I heard rumors that he would only come to visit his mom here and there, on the low. But besides that, he never came back after Aventura blew up." She whispers.

I shrug my shoulders, wondering the same thing.

Has his eyes finally open and realized how stupid he was?

"But in all honesty, how do you feel, about all of this?" Rosa's tone went from silly to serious in a matter of seconds.

"I could care less. If he wants to return and try to fuck shit up, then he has another thing coming for him. I don't wanna see or talk to his dumbass." My voice cracks on the last sentence.

Both of our eyes widen and she points at me through the mirror.

"You're lying! I cannot believe you miss his ass!" She yells again, getting another round of stares around the salon.

"Keep yelling like that and Imma kick you out with your assumptions as well." I whisper to her.

"Mi amor, it's not an assumption. It's a fact. And just like years ago, you're still too ignorant to accept it. Remember when we were young and you doubted your feelings for Anthony?" She sighs and smiles.

"Damn, I remember it as if it was yesterday. Then you guys got together and you both were so happy."

Remembering all the good times with him made me smile. We had many memories, especially memories from before we even dated.

"Just because we had good times back then doesn't mean I like him now. I know that he's still a jerk and hasn't changed." Saying as I finish up her hair. I set a timer on my phone for an hour for her haircolor to process.

Sitting on the chair next to her, I sigh and play with my hair.

"Who says that he's still the same? Something must've changed if he's suddenly back in Bronx." She points out.

I nod my head as I thought about it. Ten years. It took his slow ass ten years to finally come back and confront me. Why now? What got me really confused is my mom. She knows I hate him, so why would she try to make me talk to him? She knows that I'm happy with Damian, so why ruin it?


After finishing up her hair, I told my coworkers to close up later on. Rosa and I headto her apartment. Just like me, she had enough money to buy her own as well, but it was still near the bodega. Like what my mom did for me, her parents passed down the shop to her.

Right as we're outside her door, I hear a crash inside the apartment. Rosa just shakes her head and opens the door.

"Stupid ass men can't do shit right." She mutters as we walk in.

My eyes widen as I see Lenny and Henry in the kitchen, with rice spread all over the floor. The guys look over at me and smile widely.

"NATALIA!" They yell in sync and run towards me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Cuanto tiempo!" I laugh as I hug them back.

I can't believe how grown these street boys have become. They both have gotten taller and definitely have a lot more facial hair than before.

"How about you guys catch up over in the living room while I clean your mess up?" Rosa pushes Lenny out of the kitchen.

"Damn, sorry for attempting to cook para mi hermanita." He puts his hands up in defense. The three of us go and sit on her couch.

"Natalia, how've you been?" Lenny asks. Shrugging my shoulders, I tell them about the salon, my mom, and other achievements in my life. I didn't mention anything about Damian because I wasn't sure if Henry or Lenny were still close to Anthony. He doesn't have the right to know about my personal life.

"Sounds like you're doing good." He smiles.

"Yeah, and looking good too." Henry comments, eyeing my body down.

"Watch it, Henry. I don't fall for easy shit like that." I smirk.

He just shakes his head, similar to the way Anthony used to shake his head at me.

"Vega hasn't changed one bit. I don't know why you even try, man." Lenny smacks his shoulder as we all laugh.

"But enough about me. I know you guys lived a more exciting life than anyone else in the Bronx." I try changing the topic.

The guys look right at each other for a few seconds before responding.

This feeling started to come from my gut, warning me that I'm probably going to hear something about Anthony. And after what happened last night, he's the last thing I would want to talk about.

But since I was raised with manners, I didn't stop them.

Wow, over 100 reads! I know it's not much, but it's the little achievements like these that make me happy. Thank you😊

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