Chapter 8

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Rosa will now be played as Massiel Taveras.

Henry takes a breath before starting.

"Mad years ago, when we went on our first tour, it was really fun. Well, for the first few months. Then we started to meet new people, other famous people. It was great, you know? But we also met many people that wanted to ruin our careers. Especially women. Men would love to have women thrown at themselves but it isn't as fun as they think it is. People wouldn't expect women to come into their lives and try to ruin their image or take all their money. "

All this talk about women brought images of Anthony and that blonde chick back into my mind. As Henry continues to talk, my jaw starts to clench as I remember all the bad shit he's done all the way up until last night. My ears perk up when he spoke about Anthony.

"Yeah, Romeo got way too deep into fame. This dude started buying everything from jewelry to cars. And most of the women would go up to him instead of us because he was more good looking and was just naturally smooth with the ladies." He said, very nonchalant.

I feel Lenny's eyes trying to read my face, waiting for my reaction. Was Henry speaking about him on purpose? Or did he not remember that him and I had a past?

"I remember when you guys were dating and we went on tour, he would not shut up about you. Either he was saying how much he missed you or was bragging about all the stuff he was gonna buy for you. Months later, his dumbass started getting drawn towards other women."

Lenny nudges his arm, warning him about where he was going with this. But it was too late, my hands were balled up and I could feel my heart beating hard and fast, as if it was going to explode out of my chest. I tried telling myself that it was in the past, but I have so many unanswered questions that drove me insane. Glancing over at Lenny, he notices me getting furious.

Just try to calm down and breathe. Maybe he might give you some answers about what happened years ago.

Doing as I say, I calm down a bit and continue to listen. Henry didn't notice anything so he kept talking.

"Tony and I would go and party some nights while him and Mikey just stayed at the hotel." Rosa was sitting with us for a little bit and I feel her tense up when Mikey was brought up.

"At every party, he was saying, 'Yo that girl look's real good. I'm gonna try and talk to her.' And I would remind him about you and he said the same shit over and over: 'She doesn't need to know.' Natalia, we're really sorry that we didn't tell you sooner. We just let it happen because we felt like he needed to tell you himself, instead of hearing it from us. He thought that he was gonna get away with it. But karma doesn't work like that."

Slowly, I feel my head nod up and down, letting everything sink in. Right now, I have more respect for the boys than for Anthony. Yes, they told me this news kinda late, but I know that it was the truth. And it's understandable that they didn't want to become a part of our business.

"After he told us that you broke it off, he still never stopped with the girls. Especially Sierra. He took that dumb blonde on mad dates but still slept with other women behind her back. It was all over the news that they were a couple. That shit didn't even last a year. That was when he started writing more and more songs, mostly about love and heartbreak. We knew that they were all about you, but we never asked. We just assumed."

Everyone in the room was looking at me, just waiting for something to happen. Now that I'm calm, I can't bring myself to get angry at Anthony. For some reason, it sounded like Anthony somewhat acknowledged what happened. It seemed like he started valuing me after we split. I swear, it's like we both have bad timing.

"After the tour, you remember how Henry, Mikey and I came back to the Bronx for a little while?" Lenny asks.

They stayed here for a month until they had to move all the way to Los Angeles. All the big producers and bigger studios were there and Johnny thought that it would be for the best.

"Well, Tony was really ashamed about what happened and he didn't want to come back to the Bronx. He bought a house down in Miami and basically ran away. He still came with us to LA but he would always go back home. He came on the low to visit his mom but that's it really."

That answers one of my questions.

"I knew it!" Rosa yells.

Lenny gives Rosa a confusing stare then continues.

"Then the rest is history. A few months after our second album, Romeo started calming down from women and started to focus on music. Honestly, he was becoming more responsible and we were proud of him. But we've noticed that he was never really happy. Like he'll smile here and there but it was never genuine, ya know?"

"Then we just decided to split because we've been together for so long that it felt right. It was a mutual decision and we were all okay with it. Romeo got huge and we all have our own projects going on."

"Yeah they decided to visit me before heading back to LA. I don't know what happened with Mikey." Rosa mutters.

"We wanted to visit you and to tell Nati that Romeo's looking for you. He called us up and asked where you lived. We didn't know so we sent him to your moms house."

Does nobody understand that I don't want to see him? I will not let him ruin my life a second time.

"I know you're only trying to help him but I really don't want to meet up with him. I don't care if he misses me, I don't miss him at-" Rosa cuts me off.

"You're such a liar. You miss him so much."

My cheeks start to feel warm as I stutter.

"N-n-n-n-no I don't. You always think that I still have feelings for him."

"Because I have to open your eyes! Natalia, we all knew for a fact that you really liked Anthony. And now, he's changed. He's not that same immature, teenage boy anymore. He's a grown man that changed for the better and is now trying to get it right with you. You need to start growing up and just talk to him. If you really don't want to see him, then you're never going to get over the past."

Rosa has never been this deep with me, especially about Anthony. I am grown up, I just can't bring myself to forgive him. What he did really hurt me and I can't get over that. But I'm gonna have to talk to him one day, right?

I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Fine, I'll meet up with this man." Gritting my teeth.

This better not be something I'm gonna regret later on.

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