Chapter 13

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"Tony, which shoes do you think I should wear tomorrow?" He looks up and scrunches his face.

"Nati, I don't care about shoes. Go ask Rosa, she's a girl." Tony rolls his eyes and goes back to writing in his journal.

"She's busy! And come on, tomorrow's an important day for me," I give him a pouty face.

Walking away from my closet, I sit down next to Tony and peak at his journal. He glances over at me and chuckles.

"Nati, it's the first day of school. I don't think it matters what shoes you wear." He says, looking back up at me.

"That's because you're a boy. And boys don't care. And it's not just the first day, it's the first day of high school! This is a huge deal, Tony." Groaning, I walk back into my closest and continue searching for a pair of decent shoes.

Anthony laughs as I peel off my heels at the doorway of my apartment.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I just remembered something from back in the day. You were always so picky with what you wore. But you still killed every outfit you had on." He comments, as he sits himself onto my couch.

"I thought you were done spitting your game at me back at the restaurant." I couldn't help but chuckle.

Anthony continues to stare at me as I enter into my kitchen and grab some wine.

"Natalia, with your beauty, I could go on forever."

"How about you make yourself useful and grab those wine glasses up there?" I ask, trying to redirect the conversation.

With my back turned, I hear him walk towards me and felt him place his warm hand on my lower back.  Looking up at him, he continues to search for the glasses.

"I don't know why you have all of your shit so high, you can't even reach it by yourself. You're still the same short girl who needs to stand on chairs to grab something, huh?"

I suck in my teeth at his remark. I guess there are some things that never change.

"Why are you exposing my secrets out here?" He laughs softly as I pour the wine into our glasses.

Backing away from him, I place the bottle onto the counter as I stare at him, inspecting my apartment.

"Nati, your place looks really beautiful. You gonna give me a tour or what?" He looks back at me, with his eyebrow arched.

Sighing, I nod my head and motion him to follow me. We walk into the middle of the living room.

"This is my living room. That's a couch and that's a TV. Any questions? No? Ok." I speak fast and continue walking as I hear his deep laugh bouncing around my apartment.

We proceed through the kitchen, bathroom and the guest room. For the final stop, we reach to the door of my bedroom.

"And this room is where I sleep." I point out, flatly. Tony's eyebrows raises up in curiosity.

"So this is where the Queen takes her naps and stuff? I don't get a VIP tour inside there?" He turns to me, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. "Nah, not today. Maybe one day when we are on better terms. But don't get your hopes up." Walking past him, I went right back to the kitchen to refill my glass.

"Okay, understandable." Tony stands right next to me and takes the bottle out of my hand. Right as I was about to yell, he starts to pour my drink for me.

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