Chapter 10

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  I was having an amazing dream in which somehow I had managed to be having a steamy make-out sesh with Channing Tatum. The hottie and I were just about to take it further when my dream was rudely interrupted by a foul smell. I slowly opened my eyes only to find a pair of horrible smelling feet in my face.

"Whoever you are I swear if you don't remove your feet from my face, I will personally cut them off and force you to eat your own toes."

Everyone started laughing and I realized that Bren and all the guys were just chilling away in my room.
I looked at the time and it was only nine o'clock.

"Okay guys seriously, you know I love you all but it's only nine and I'm sorry but at this time, I value sleep more than you guys." I groaned.

"Oh come-on Elena, Ain't nobody got time for that when we have videos to be sending to Pete Wentz!" Jon exclaimed.

"I take it you told them about Pete's new record label thingy?" I looked to Brendon.

"Yes he did. Now chop-chop, get out of bed you're gonna help us... Please." Ryan said.

"Ugh, how did you guys even get in?"

"You're mom let us in, Duh. Now let's go." Brendon said impatiently.

After I rushed to get dressed, we headed over to Ryan's house since that's where all of their instruments were.

"What song are you guys planning on sending?" I asked.

"We're not quite sure.. What do you think we should send?" Brendon asked me.

"Well obviously 'But it's Better if You Do' I think he'll really like that one, it has more of an up-beat tune."

The guys all agreed with me. They asked me earlier in the car if I would video tape them, which I was more than happy to because I had planned on going to college for photography and stuff like that.

It took us about three hours to get a good take and edit the video. Overall they sounded amazing. By the time we sent the video in, the guys were exhausted and "starving" so we decided to go to a little restaurant up town.

We ended up meeting with Audrey at the place. I swear she got at least three more piercings since the last time I saw her, and her hair was lime green. We laughed and had fun but I knew there was something fishy about that girl.

I was about to order ice cream when I got a text from my dad.

"Please come home we need to talk."

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