Chapter 17

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    After what seems like forever on the plane, we were about to board at LAX.

Nearly the whole ride I had four little words playing over and over again in my head.

'Panic! At The Disco'

I should've known they were the other band. Actually I shouldn't have, I haven't kept up with Brendon or the rest of the band at all.

Brendon. Just thinking of him causes a tug at my heart. Now you may be wondering what happened to the whole 'Oh we will make it work' and all that. 

Well life happened. After graduation I did stay in touch for awhile. I went to their first few concerts... even stayed a week with them on tour.

For the most part everything was going well until the smaller tours turned into world tours, and my classes increased as my days off decreased. To sum it up we all just moved onto bigger and better things and eventually ended up losing touch and drifting away from each other.

I wonder how they've been after all these years.

Does Brendon and Ryan still do that thing were they act gay on stage? Actually there was no acting about it, I was seriously convinced that it was all real.

Is Brendon and Audrey still going at it?

Are Jon and Spencer still their crazy selves?

As I ask myself these questions I can't help the smile that comes to my face thinking about all the memories I have with those crazy guys.


"Where are we going now?" I ask to no one in particular after we hopped off the plane.

"To the bus, I guess we're meeting up with the rest of the guys there." Tyler answers.

"Dude we're gonna meet Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. This is so sick!" Josh enthuses.

There's those four words again. I don't know if I'm more nervous or exited to see them again. How are they going to react to seeing me?

As we walk further through the airport I recognize Samuel holding a sign with all three of our names on it.

"Hey Sammy my man!" Josh and Samuel do that weird handshake all guys do when they see each other.

Tyler just waves. I'm starting to realize he's pretty shy and not as outgoing as Josh.

"Elena, nice to see you again." He greets politely.

"Same to you."

"Well shall we get this show on the road. Don't want to be late for your first tour." Samuel says as he walks toward the exit.

After about a twenty minute drive from the airport, soon enough we arrive at what looks like a studio with three giant busses out front.

"The third bus is ours, you guys can start loading your stuff up." Samuel explains.

After we loaded all of our stuff, Tyler, Josh and I couldn't help but check out our soon to be home for the next few months.

"This is huge." I gape

The living area is practically bigger than my own at my apartment. There's even a kitchen, and the bathroom has a girls and boy section which leads into the back where the bunks are. I figured the bunks would be some crappy bunk beds like at this girl scout camp I used to be forced to attend. But no, they're huge and perfectly spaced out with comfy blankets and what-not.

"This is so sick!" Josh yells as he jumps into one of the bunks. I have a feeling I'm going to be hearing 'this is sick' quite a lot.

I decided to let Josh have his fun and headed back out towards the living area. I noticed a door on the side of the hallway and when I opened it I was in awe.

Inside were tons of cameras and editing equipment that I assumed was supplied for me. There had to of been at least fifty-thousand dollars worth of equipment in here.

I'd definitely have a lot more fun that I should will all of those.

After our exploring we all headed back out of the bus towards the studio where Samuel went.

Are they going to be in there? I asked myself as my nerves began to rise.

As we entered to studio I heard the familiar sound of Samuels voice and some others.

We were about to turn the corner and I braced my self for my reunion with Brendon.

But Instead of Brendon I was met with Samuel, the whole tour manager, and Fall Out Boy.

Wait did I just say Fall Out Boy. I did a double take a sure enough there was Pete and the rest of the band. I had to refrain from screaming like a teenage fan girl.

"Ah guys come, come." Samuel beckoned us over to the group.

"Tyler, Josh, this is Pete, Patrick, Andy and Joe." Samuel Introduced the guys. I can tell Tyler and Josh were so fan girling on the inside.

"Oh and this is Elena. She's going to be your guy's photographer for the tour."

I sheepishly waved as the guys all said their hellos simultaneously.

"Elena? Elena Harris? Is that really you short stuff?" Pete came closer making sure I was whom he thought I was.

"Hey Pete. Long time no see." I smiled as he tightly squeezed me and spun me around. Did I mention during the time I spent with the boys on tour I also became quite close with Pete?

"You guys know each other?" Samuel questions.

Before either of us could answer the studio door opened and in came a tall handsome man carrying a bass guitar whom I didn't recognize, along with another shorter man whom I also didn't recognize.

"Hey Dallon, Kenny, where's Brend—" Pete was interrupted by a guy walking in with sunglasses.

"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOO." The guy with sunglasses sang. I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Really Brendon, singing your own songs now are we?" The tall guy who's name I believe is Dallon raises a brow at the man who I used to call my best friend.

"Duh." Brendon says with a smirk as he looks around the room. Then his eyes land on me.

He let in a sharp gasp. "Lane?" He practically choked out.

I gulped. "Hey Bren."

It was no time before Brendon took three giant leaps and our arms we around each other tightly like they used to be many years before.

"Well I take it I don't need to introduce you to Elena then." I hear Samuel say but I'm to caught up in Brendon's arms to reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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