Beach trip

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A few days had gone by and Lori still hadn't let go of her stuffed lion, we had discovered that the baby could come away as a separate toy so Lori decided she was going to make it it's own clothes, bed, house and car. She didn't let that toy out of her sight. James however Lost his on the first day, found it two days later minus a tongue and its back end had stuffing coming other words the dogs had found a new tug of war rope...

It was about 12/12.30 ish when I thought maybe Whip could take the kids surfing...whilst I had half maybe an hour off. 'Who wants to go to the Beach!!!!?' I said as enthusiastically as possible with only a few hours sleep. 'Yaaaeeeehhhhhhhh' the kids both jumped up from the table 'whoa not till you finish eating your dinner James Clark' 'aaaaaawwwwww' 'quicker you eat, quicker we go!' I looked at him he looked back, stare war, I won I always do. We watched as he scoffed down his beans chips and nuggets Whip lent in to me 'beach?' 'Well I thought you could take them surfing??' I fluttered my eyelashes, smiled and gently caressed his thigh 'you no I can't say know to that' he leant in and kissed me 'eeeew mummmyyyy dadddyyyyy' James squealed Lori had a hand over his eyes and a hand over her own. We both smiled and took their plates into the kitchen, they got changed and we washed and dried the pots.

'Readyyyyy' he smiled, legs apart arms up, his usual starfish position. 'Mate no' whip shook his head, he decided to take one of my bikinis...he had the bra on backwards and two legs in one leg hole. Whip chased him up the stairs Lori came down, her pink one piece, sun hat, sandals, that's my girl. James and Whip came down the 'that's better Hun' I smiled, he had his bright orange trunks on. We lathered them in sun cream (bondi zinc, we pretty much got an unlimited supply) and headed off down to the beach.

We went up to the tower 'UNCLE MOOOOUUUSSEEEEE' James ran up the stairs open armed and ran straight to Mouse, we followed up I had hold of Lori's hand, Maxi bent down on his knees 'hug for uncle Maxi??' He said smiling open armed she looked up at me I encouraged her by letting go of her hand and smiling she ran over to him throwing her arms around his neck, he picked her up and spun her around, Mouse had James in his shoulders and Whip was talking to Hoppo. We stayed a few minutes before finding a spot to put the towels down, whip took them off with a lifeguard board and I watched a while before feeling extremely tired.

'Charlie!!!' 'Yeah' I mumbled groggily 'where's James?!!!' I sat up in a panic 'he was with you!!' No he came back to you to get a drink!' I jumped up on my feet, 'shit whip go to the tower tell them and grab your radio!' He legged it up to the tower I grabbed Lori, I'd lost one I was NOT losing the other! I felt a feeling in my stomach, not knowing what had happened a pain growing more intense the longer it took, 'mummy maxi!' She pointed to rhino with Maxi and Jesse 'good idea chick' tears beginning to form, 'Charlie you okay?' 'Have you seen James!?' 'Erm no I don't think so we saw him with whip in the sea surfing by not recently' I held my hand up to my head, another bit of me died inside 'right get on the back we can drive' 'no, one go In rhino, me and Lori can look on the beach whilst one of you is still manning this rip' Jesse nodded and jumped out of rhino. 'Wheres whip now?' 'Up north, he has his radio!' I shouted as he began to drive off.

'Mummy where's Jayjay?' Should I tell her, I don't want to panic her unnecessarily 'playing hide and seek Hun, he's just won and we don't where he's hiding so we all have to look for him okay?' 'Oh okay' she smiled we continued to look up the beach when I saw rhino speed down the beach we ran towards it as Maxi jumped in the water with a board 'what's happening?' I asked Jesse he looked at me with a look of "do I tell her or not" 'tell me!' He sighed 'tower said they spotted a small child's body floating face down in the rip' my heart sank...

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