Chapter 13 - day before the holiday

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'Oh my god, give me tablets, I need tablets' I walked in to the kitchen with my dressing gown wrapped around me like a zombie 'morning beautiful' whip kissed my cheek 'mm don't shout' I frowned rubbing my head 'here' he whispered holding out a glass of orange and tablets 'lifesaver!' I said with glee taking it from them 'I know' he laughed 'its my job' 'what?' It clicked 'oh yeah right!' I said taking a mouthful of orange and the tablets. 'We're going on holiday! We're going on holiday!' The kids chanted 'ooooooo' I moaned holding my head in my hands 'shhh kids, mummy has a bit of a headache' Lori came running over to me 'mummy okay?' I sat up 'yes sweetie, just too much to drink' I laughed picking her up and sitting her on my knee. 'What we taking?' James asked climbing up on the other stool, with a helping hand from whip, 'well it's going to be cold, so we can take a jumper, but we are going to Cyprus after so we don't want to take too many warm clothes, we may have 20kilo each' I looked up at whip, tablets were kicking in. 'You mean you haven't finished packing?' 'I HAVEN'T !?! Since when has it been down to me?' 'No, no I didn't mean that, erm' he scratched his head 'I only need to weigh to make sure the cases are under' he sighed 'like I'd let you pack!' 'True' he laughed.

We had lunch Al was texting to make sure we were okay, and packed ready, we were flying early morning, as in 8 in the morning. They would pick us up , we had booked the plane sears together, the kids had a window seat and the adults would sit next to them. *packed and ready!! What bout you? Xxx* my phone buzzed again *readyyyy! Xxx* I replied when Whip came in chasing James 'whoa whoa whoa! What are you doing?' 'James has nicked my jumper!' 'No I haven't! It mine!!!' 'Nooo it's mine!' Whip snatched a sleeve 'NO MINE!' James argued back, whilst trying to see what jumper it was I realised it was a lifeguard one, 'mine!' 'No James! It's MINE!' 'ENOUGH!' I hit my hands on the kitchen bar, they both stopped and looked at each other 'give me the jumper!' I held out my hand, the both walked over to me each one determined they were giving me the jumper, 'thank you!' I turned it the right way round and looked at it 'it's mine' I sighed 'what why?!' I turned it round so he could see the back, the back which read *MRS WHIPPET* a wedding present from mouse and Beardy who thought it was 'cute' and made me wear it for a week in the cafe... 'Well where's mine!?' Whip sulked 'yours is on the washing line' 'oh' he went outside and grabbed it off the line 'got it!' He shouted coming back in 'it needs to go in the flight bag' he nodded and jogged over to the table 'where mine mummy?' He looked sad 'yours is in your flight bag sweetie' his face lit up 'oh goody!' He ran back to play with his car set with his sister.

The house was barasic, no food, no drinks, hardly any clothes, so it was the chippy for tea, Whip had nipped out to the shop whilst I went with the kids to the chip shop. We got back before whip but he wasn't too far behind us, 'what you got?' 'Well I bought a DVD, popcorn and a pair of fluffy ugg slippers for you' he smiled holding up the white bag 'you're the best!' I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. I dished the chips out and then ran a bath for the kids, whilst whip bathed em I was picking up the last bits around the house, when I heard a big splash, I ran up stairs and into the bathroom, and saw a very wet Whippet climbing out of the bath and the kids in hysterics, 'okay?' 'It....was...James's fault!' He panted climbing out 'James?' 'Daddy had a dirty face, so I cleaned him, and he fell in!' 'Just like that' 'yeah' he giggled, I looked over at whip who was now drying himself off the best he could whilst I got the kids out and wrapped them both in a towel. 'Right your pyjamas are on your beds, go and get them on I'll bring you some warm milk okay' they both began to run to the bedroom 'don't run!' We both shouted, we didn't want any broken legs, arms, necks before we went away, well we didn't want them at all really, obviously.

When we got into the room they were in their beds, tucked up smiling at me 'excited?' Bad move they wouldn't stop rabbiting! I got a book out they were obsessed with Mr. Men, as whip came in the room with warm milk, as they slurped I read, I didn't get to the end of the book when they were both fast asleep, I carefully got off the chair in the middle and walked out shutting the door behind me. When I got downstairs the room was pitch black, with a candles dotted around the room, I walked over to the sofa, whip had got the DVD ready he had loads of fluffy cushion on the sofa, popcorn in a big bowl, two glasses of wine, a blanket and my new fluffy white ugg slippers. whip was sat there patting the sofa next to him, I ran and jumped next to him, we pulled the blanket over us until we were cosy and I picked up the bowl of popcorn. whip pressed play and *the hills have eyes* title came up. I'd never seen this film but from what I'd heard it could be jumpy at times...

We were near the middle of the film and it was getting to a pretty creepy bit when 'BOOOO!' I jumped out of my skin sending popcorn flying everywhere, i screamed as i jumped, and then turned round to see Whip crying with laughter, 'you thought there was a murderer' he laughed 'or something in the house!!' He could just get it out, it was pretty broken up because of the laughter 'DO that again, and there will be.' I glared at him with narrow eyes, he stopped Laughing and looked at me, i climbed over and sat on him, eagerly pressing my lips against his, he ran his fingers through my hair, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he threw me down on the sofa, he climbed on top and kissed into my to say we didn't watch the rest of that film.

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