Chapter 23 - pirates of the Caribbean cruise

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The holiday had gone far too quick, but the kids had enjoyed it and everyone was relaxed, the second to last day we had booked a boat trip, it was on the "black pearl" I was a massive fan of the films pirates of the Caribbean and this boat was supposed to be an exact replica of the film ship, and I'd been told that the actors were pretty good too.

We caught the bus to Ayia Napa to get on the ship. It was huge, the kids grabbed hold of whip, they didn't have much choice, me and Al were like little kids ourselves, we ran to the front where the pirates took our tickets, we walked on as did the kids, we found a table at the front of the boat and out all our stuff down, the lads stuck with the kids as we ran to the very front of the boat and looked down at the water, hundreds of fish were swimming around the ship, all different colours all different sizes, eventually we set sail. Captain Barbossa came out and have us an introduction until we'd got out into the ocean, me and Al went back to the kids, 'you okay chick?' I looked at James who was looking at the actors extremely funny 'is he a real pirate?' He pointed to the one dressed as captain Barbossa 'they're actors sweet' Al smiled you saw him relax. He then wanted to look at the back of the ship so I took him up the stairs, where we were greeted back Jack sparrow 'mummy!' James whispered tugging in my hand 'what?' 'Jack sparrow!!' 'Captain' he interrupted James jumped back as did I, he sounded just like him 'why does nobody remember the captain?' And then he wobbled off, he was brilliant, looked just like him and everything.

As me and James were looking over the back we heard Jack Sparrow talking. We both ran down the stairs and back to where the rest were, 'now ladies, gents, and kids, I'd like to introduce to you, bootstrap Bill's son!.....Will Turner, who is looking for his long lost Elizabeth' just then a Will Turned look a like stepped up, both me and Al gasped, he looked hotter than Orlando bloom, 'id be his Elizabeth any day' I whispered to Al who nodded in agreement 'unfortunately for you, you're married to us' whip leant in between us 'shhhh' I said still staring, Will turner was wearing a white shirt, which was open showing his toned tanned chest. He had a black headscarf wrapped around his head. Suddenly a woman dressed up in pirate gear came out and began to entertain the kids, so James and Lori both went off to make a flag, whilst Whip and Mouse went to go and get drinks me and Al went back to the front of the boat, the sea breeze blowing through our hair 'beautiful isn't it?' A mans voice came behind us, an English accent we turned around Will turner was stood there 'h..hello' I stuttered 'its amazing, it must be brilliant working here' Al smiled 'its great, the sun, the waves the people' he smiled at us, got all jelly legged and it wasn't due to the boat rocking on the waves. He then got called back over to Jack sparrow and we watched as he disappeared, I turned to Al who turned to me and both swooned 'OI, drinks' Mouse grinned lifting up Al's as Whip held up mine. We walked over and took them sitting down as the ship came to a stop, the pirates all came and stood at the front, the kids were now back with their pirate flags and sat on our knees 'right then!!!' Jack sparrow started 'you, are going to be the first one to jump off the plank' he said pointing his gun at this poor bald man 'name sir?' Will smiled 'Paul' this man looked around worried 'get up Paul and walk to the top there' Will motioned to the top of the boat, we watched as he stepped over this ledge onto a flat surface which was quite easily 10 metres high from the water. The couple then started pushing him with their guns to jump off, he stood right on the edge and just stepped off, it was a while until we heard a splash but when we did everyone cheered 'the first swim stop is now open!' Jack sparrow shouted.

Everyone began to strip down to their costumes, loads of people were jumping off the tallest jump and I really wanted to...'whip it's obvious she wants to jump off there' Al said looking at him, I had already stripped down to my costume 'do you...really?' He turned to me, I looked at the ledge and then back at him nodding, he sighed and began to take off his stuff, we walked up to the ledge, 'why you so scared? You surf bigger waves then that drop' he turned to look at me 'I have water constantly under me...this however I'm going to t water from a ratty high drop' he sighed, it got to our turn pretty quickly, he hopped over but I couldn't get over 'Whip help me!!' 'NO if I'm going I'm going!!!!' And with that he left me struggling and stepped off the edge, I leaned over the side to make sure he came up 'you okay?! How was it?' I shouted down 'bloody amazing!!' He shouted back up, now the next issue I had was climbing over, I tried several different ways, getting one leg over, sitting on the edge I gave up, whip was still swimming below waiting, I tried to lift myself up when I felt two hands grab my waist 'I can't watch you struggle anymore' Will turner came to my rescue, he lifted me up over the side and wished me luck before he disappeared again, I walked to the edge and felt sick, it looked so much higher stood on that small square, I began t breath heavily 'you can do it!!!' Whip shouted up at me 'no I can't!' I shouted back as I stepped to the edge 'look yes you can!' I looked at the blue, the perfect blue water below me...I closed my eyes, held my nose and just stepped off, I felt like I was free falling for ages until the cool water wrapped around my body, I swam back up to the surface to cheers 'oh fucking holy shit!' I gasped as I grabbed hold of whip, 'you went in like a dart, you must have gone at least 6 foot underwater' 'shit really!!?' I laughed nervously as we began to swim to the back of the boat to get back on board.

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