Chapter 6 - nuts

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Whip pulled up in the car, 'you do know I'm coming with you right!?' Al said grabbing her phone 'no you're not, it's your hen night, stay here with Jo and enjoy it' 'Lori is my goddaughter, I'm coming with you!' 'What about Jo?' 'She's asleep on the sofa, I've already written a note so she will see when she wakes up' I grabbed her and hugged her so tightly, the car horn beeped 'best get going!' We jumped in the car, Al phoned mouse 'hey chick, Lori is in hospital we are on our way right we don't know yet....right okay...bye love you bye' she hung up 'he's meeting us there' I nodded and carried on looking out of the window.

We arrived at the hospital and ran to the ward she was on, 'Lori fletcher!' I said breathlessly to the nurse, but then I heard sobbing I turned around and saw mum 'mum! What's happened?!' 'She won't wake up, she isn't waking up' my heart sank, the nurse came up behind me 'she's in good hands' she stroked my arm gently 'would you like to see her?' I nodded, Al began to walk with us 'I'm sorry miss, only parents in for now' Al nodded understanding why, we walked towards the room not really sure what we were about to be greeted by....

She was laid there, so pale, machines attached to her small body, her eyes shut tight, her body lifeless...I turned and sobbed into Whippets shoulder, they were hard sobs, crying out why her, how could this be happening, my beautiful little girl laying there, no movement, getting help to breath by big noisy machines. Whip put his hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair gently, I felt his chest jump, he was crying as hard as I were, 'my beautiful little girl' he said quietly causing me to cry harder, we then heard the machines blare out, I turned around 'what's happening!? What's wrong!?' 'If you would just like to step out of the room guys' 'what's happening!!?' We then saw doctors run in with other machines, they stuck pads on her chest and began to do CPR 'miss please step outside' 'NO!' 'Miss you cant do anything leave it to the doctors' we were ushered outside the room, where Mouse had joined Al.

I collapsed to my knees, I felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest 'CHARLIE? Charlie what's happened?' 'She, she' i was crying to hard to speak 'she stopped....she stopped breathing, doctors are doing CPR on her now' Whip continued, Al fell to her knees in front of me and wrapped her arms around 'she's going to be fine, Charlie she will be fine' she kept saying, 'my baby girl, I can't lose her, I can't lose my child!' Just then the doctor came out 'is she okay!!?!' I jumped up and grabbed hold of him 'her heart is beating again at a strong pace, she's a fighter' I gave a sigh of relief as I hugged whippet so tightly, his squeeze told me he was relieved too.

We walked in the four of us, Mouse was talking to doctors, she was still laid there, still lifeless and pale, this wasn't the little girl I knew, full of life, laughter and love, she just laid there, not knowing what was happening to her. I tried to stop crying but the tears just kept flowing, they wouldn't stop it was like someone had turned on a tap. 'Do we' I swallowed 'do we know what has caused this?' 'We suspect anaphylaxis' 'Ana....anaphylaxis?' 'Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset, It typically causes a number of symptoms including an itchy rash, throat swelling, and low blood pressure. Common causes include insect bites/stings, foods, and medications' the doctors words were going over my head, I didn't understand a word he was saying. 'oh Charlie!' Mum grabbed hold of me and Whip squeezing us tightly 'they think its anaphylaxis' I gulped 'to what?' She teared up again 'has she had anything to eat, that she hasn't had before?' I asked trying to get to the bottom of things, she paused, thinking 'no I don't think so, we had fish fingers for tea and ice cream for afters, then she had a glass of milk and-' she gasped 'what?' 'She had a snickers bar....' 'Nuts!' Whip said 'she obviously has a nut allergy!' We grabbed the doctor 'we think its because if nuts!' 'Nuts?' 'She had a snickers bar, and they contain nuts...' We saw as he thought for a minute and then something clicked 'nurse!' He then gave some doctor jargon that I did NOT understand, we got ushered out again whilst they did tests.

Mouse disappeared with Whip to get drinks, they came back shortly with a few plastic cups 'here' Whip handed me a hot chocolate 'thank you' I said sniffing quietly, Mouse had brought back Al a coffee, Al detested coffee, she couldn't stand the stuff, 'thank you' she smiled slightly taking small sips, mum had gone home stay with James and dad. The doctor came out half an hour later 'we are happy to tell you, that you were correct, Lori had a severe reaction to the nuts in the chocolate bar, now we know we can treat her suitably' i jumped and threw my arms round him, thanking him over and over 'you can all go and see her now if you'd like' we nodded and quietly walked into her room, Mouse gasped 'hey, if its too much you don't have to face this' I said quietly he shook his head, his eyes filling with water 'I'm fine, I'm doing this for Lori'.

We all spent an hour or so in there, stroking her face, holding her hand until the doctor said Al and Mouse had to go. 'Call as soon as you hear anything!' Al shouted back as she was walking away. Now it was just me and Whip...'you go home and take care of James, then tomorrow I'm sure Al will have him' 'okay' he sighed kissing me and then gently kissing Lori on the forehead.

It was just me and her, a nurse came in with a blanket and pillow for me, 'you should try and get a bit of sleep' she said smiling softly 'thank you' I whispered, I put the pillow in place, and wrapped the blanket around me, as I held her hand stroking it with my thumb I began to drift off in to a sleep...

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