Chapter 9 - The day before the wedding

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Whip was at work and i had the kids in the cafe. 'Mummmm can I have a bun pleaseeeeeeee' he was asking this before we even walked in 'yes' I said as I opened the door Em was already in, the smell of freshly baked chocolate cookies wafted through the door. 'EMMMMMMM! James shouted arms wide open heading for a hug, which Em happily took 'and how's my little Lori?' 'Me is good' she beamed 'right you two go and play in the book corner, ill bring you both a cupcake and a fizzy drink' they both skipped off hand in hand to the corner, Lori got out a book and James got out his cars.

'They are so beautiful You're so lucky Charlie' Em cooed taking a sip from her coffee cup 'hmmm you wouldn't say that if you lived with them' I laughed walking over with two runny chocolate centre muffins I heard her laugh before opening the oven, 'fanks mum!' James smiled 'thank youuu' Lori took the plate off me putting her book down. I walked back to get their drinks, I handed them the drinks and turned the sign to open n the door.

A couple of minutes later Mouse came through the door. 'Hey you!' I smiled 'hey' he looked down 'can I have a word?' 'Yeah sure' I looked over to Em who nodded giving me a worrying look I mouthed thank you as I walked up the stairs with him. I made a small living area, a small tv a small sofa, small coffee table and a beanbag, he flopped on the beanbag 'Mouse you okay?' I asked gently sitting on the sofa facing him. He looked up at me, his eyes red and watery 'hey hey hey' I went down to my knees and held his hands 'what's happened?' 'I can't do this' 'cant do what?' 'I can't be a dad, I can't do it, I will be awful, that child will deserve a better father than me!' 'Whoa, where's this coming from?' He paused 'wait here' I ran down stairs, made coffee and brought up a piece of cake 'here' I handed one of each over 'thanks' 'right, why do you feel like this?' 'I don't know, I watch Whip with James and Lori, and how much they love him, and all I think is, what if it doesn't love me?' 'Oh who wouldn't love you, James adores you, and Lori she doesn't stop talking about "the great uncle mouse" your child will love you as much as they can' he took a deep breath and took a drink from his cup, and a big bite of cake 'is it the wedding? Is this all nerves?' 'Maybe, I don't know, but I couldn't talk to Al about this, she'd panic and I don't want her to panic, and I couldn't tell Whip, he just wouldn't understand' 'whip understands more than you think' 'but so do you, you understand from a woman's point of view' I laughed 'thanks' I took a sip from my cup.

We sat for another half an hour 'and then there's the no sleep, I don't want to look rough for the next 10 years of my life' 'you tryna say I look rough?!' I acted mortally wounded 'oh shut up Charlie! You look as gorgeous as ever! But I need my beauty sleep!' He smiled, and then laughed, it was the first time I saw him smile for a while 'look, every parent finds a way to cope, you will find a way to cope just like everyone else, this is the time to be excited, you're getting married tomorrow, you have a baby on the way, this should be the happiest time of your life, yeah of course you're going to be scared, we were too, our live changed completely but for the best! A child opens up so many new doors, and marriage is even better!' He looked up at me his eyes were not red anymore 'you're right, you're completely right' he moved forward slowly 'and now is the time to take care of Al, now is the time she needs your help and support the most' he moved in closer and hugged me 'thank you' he whispered.

We both stood up and walked down the stairs 'now go and do your lifeguarding, and look forward to your wedding tomorrow, whips coming round at 8 Al will be coming to mine at the same time' I smiled 'ah okay! Thanks again Charlie you're the best!' He walked out of the door and the kids waved him off. 'What was all that about?' Em asked 'per wedding nerves' I smiled before walking over to make sure the kids were okay.

That night the kids were in bed and it was nearly time for Whip to go to Mouse's. I had my arms around him 'hard to believe three years ago, we were getting married' I smiled before kissing him gently 'yeah I know' but he held something back 'what's wrong?' 'Yesterday, when mouse told me Al was pregnant, he seemed' 'worried?' 'Yeah' whip had a puzzles look on his face 'he came to the cafe this morning' I then continued to tell whip all about our little conversation 'how is he now?' 'He seems a lot happier, he's looking forward to the child now at least' I giggled 'hmmmm that's good' he kissed me gently 'have you written a best man speech?' He looked at me sheepishly 'is that a no?' 'Ill just wing it!' 'Hmmmm' I smirked 'you best get going, Al will be here soon' '10 minutes' 'no!!!' 'Please' he batted his eyes 'whip go!' I kissed him one last time and shoved him out the door.

10 minutes later Al knocked. 'Hey' 'hey!!' She came in, 'drinks!?!?!' 'Non alcoholic for me!' I poured her some juice so it looked a little like wine whilst I had a baileys, 'here's to your future!' I held up my glass she held hers up and clicked it with mine 'to my future' she smiled.

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