Chapter 17 - lion king (London)

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Me and the kids were sat down outside the door, the alarm still going off, I took my phone out and called him...I then heard some tune coming from my bag, I looked and it was his phone, great so I had no way of contacting him, there was an alarm going off no we were going to be late....we looked around nobody was running around, so surely it wasn't a fire, we sat and waited, the kids were falling asleep, I even thought about getting changed right in the middle of the corridor, 'where's daddy mummy?' James came to me and sat down taking my right arm and wrapping it over his shoulders, 'he's changing the key Hun, maybe he's had a bit of trouble' then Lori came and sat down on my left, taking my left arm, 'how long is he going to be?' She asked me as she began to play with my wedding rings 'not long now...I hope' I smiled kissing both tops of their heads.

Another hour passed, we were now running extremely late for the show, there was still no sign of whip, if he turned up now we would just make the sit down time before the show, but no luck he still didn't show 'mummy I'm hungry' James looked up at me 'I have a bag of crisps in that bag if you want to share?' James jumped up and took the crisps out, he opened them and sat them on me so they could both reach...eventually I very red faced looking Whippet turned up out of the blue 'WHERE have you been!?!? We kept hearing an alarm! And then you didn't have your phone!' 'It was me!' He said breathlessly 'what was?' We all stood up and grabbed the bags as he put the key in and opened the door 'the was me' the kids rushed in and started to change 'how could it have been you? Did you have trouble?' He turned to look at me 'TROUBLE! Did I have trouble!? Well if you call being stuck in a lift for nearly three hours trouble then yeah I reckon so' I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling 'that alarm was you...stuck in the lift?' A bit of laughter escaped he shot me a glare, 'yes that alarm was me tryna get help!' But then he couldn't help but grin 'right quick, we need to change' I ushered, the kids had nearly done so it was just us.

On the way we were sat on the tube when my phone buzzed 'where are you!?' al shouted down the phone 'on our way, ill tell you everything when I see you' I giggled 'right well we're being called in for our seats, you have ten minutes to get here' 'okay okay' she then hung up, our stop came and we jumped off, 'right kids run run run!!!' We all ran towards the theatre, went inside and handed over our tickets 'sorry you can't go in' 'excuse me?' 'Well you're late so you have to wait here until there is a right moment which won't disturb' I but my tongue I could've knocked that woman's head off but whip pulled me away, so we had to watch the opening sequence on a tiny box screen 'what we doing mummy?' James shook my hand 'we are going to see lion king when that silly lady lets us in' i smiled 'lion king!!' Lori jumped up and down 'yay' she clapped, but then a worried expression crossed over her face 'what's up Hun?' I asked her 'will....will there be real lions?' She bit her nail 'oh yeah, and you know if any children are noisy or naughty they come and gobble them up!!' 'Ryan!' I hit him hard on the arm as the look of horror came over Lori's face 'no I'm joking Hun, just actors in costumes okay' whip bent down and picked her up 'okay' she smiled and whip leant over to me 'that bloody hurt' he giggled 'well fancy telling her that!' I stuck my tongue out as the song finally finished, the mardy woman then came and opened the doors for us 'there you go' she grinned at us 'thanks' I said sarcastically and walked in quietly.

We found Al and mouse and sat down 'how long!?' l whispered 'whip got stick in a lift' I whispered back then I heard her snort 'shhhh' I giggled but that was it, hysteria set in, I had to grab my handbag and hold it up to my mouth, Al had a scarf wrapped around her face to stop her 'what are you two laughing at!?' mouse leant in Al leant over and whispered in his ear, Mouse covered up his mouth with his hand and looked over at whip who was giving a death stare to us all. The kids were in total amazement of the production, their eyes never left the stage, me and Al were still in hysterics....then the half time came, that was when we both burst out in loud laughs 'oh I'm glad I could entertain you!' He folded him arms 'oh don't sulk, you have to admit that's pretty funny' I giggled 'it wasn't bloody funny when I was sat in that lift for three hours!' Just then the ice cream woman came down 'daddddddddy' Lori batted her eye lashes what dad could resist that? He sighed 'chocolate? James strawberry?' 'Oooh ice cream' he grinned, I grabbed a tissue from my bag and tucked it in his shirt, I always come prepared, Whip passed down the ice cream 'how bad is it when my three year old daughter already knows how's to work me to get her something' whip laughed stroking her head and kissing her gently.

The show continued and it was brilliant, the acting the the music everything, the kids were buzzing. However we were all starving, 'shall we get some food?' I asked my stomach was growling, we all agreed so we headed to the underground and caught the train, at our stop we got off, 'mummy my bag!!' Lori gasped as the train does closed and the train went 'right' I ran over to the help phone and pressed help, holding the phone to my ear, the cameras all around me focused in and zoomed *hello how may I help you?* came the voice on the phone 'hello, erm my daughter has just left her bag on the train' the phone then no up and the cameras went back 'hello? Hello?' I put the phone back 'sods hung up on me!' I looked at the shocked faces around me, 'mummy?' 'Ill get you a new bag sweetie, what was in it?' 'Just a bit of money' 'okay Hun' I grabbed her into a hug, 'let's go and get some food eh?' She nodded, wiped her eyes and we walked out of the underground station.

We found a KFC and headed there, we walked in, it was the dirtiest, grubbiest place I've ever seen, we were tempted to walk out but there was no other food places for a good distance, this KFC was in the middle of loads of offices, we walked down the stairs, I held onto the kids's hands, tightly, 'what ya want' said the young teenage lad I looked at whip with a shocked expression and ordered a meal '12.80' 'please!' James jumped up 'James!' I said 'what? He didn't say please, you have to say please' James folded his arms '12.80 please' the teenage lad said, I paid him and sent James to sit back down with mouse and Al. We got the tray and headed over to get salt and wipes. We sat down with Al and Mouse and tucked in, it was delicious possibly because we were so hungry but it tasted amazing...'oh for god sake!' Whip cussed 'what's wrong now?' I asked 'I don't believe it!' 'What!?' Asked Al looking at him gone out 'I've put bloody sugar on my chips!' He threw it down 'you picked up salt though?' 'Well it must have been mixed up in it!' 'Have some of mine' I gave him the rest of my packet, 'not your day today is it Hun?' 'Hmph' he munched on a chip...

When we got back to the hotel for our last night we tucked the kids in bed who were already fast asleep and me and whip started to get undressed, 'is that new underwear?' Whip said with excitement 'maybe' I winked, I'd bought new underwear for the holiday, I liked to feel special sometimes, what girl doesn't? 'You look stunning! How'd I get so lucky' he smiled at me sat on the end of the bed, I turned around on the spot 'you lucky...babe I'm the lucky one' I smiled tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, he stood up and grabbed my waist pulling me in, he gently kissed my nose and tucked the other side of my hair behind my ear, I drew imaginary circles on his chest 'I love you' he smiled kissing my forehead, 'I love you too' I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him, passionately, he picked me up and put me gently on the bed climbing on top of me he kissed into my neck making gasp out, but the kids...'whip, kids' said breathlessly as he kissed me 'I know...' He sighed and rolled off....'Cyprus' I smiled before pulling up the duvet and intertwining my legs with his.

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