Catching Feelings (part 1)

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"Dad, are you really gonna make me go through with this?" I asked my dad as we were walking to the terminal,"I mean this is just some joke right? You're taking it pretty far though..." I added trying to laugh but I knew this was not a joke, he was really making me do this. "Yes Caylie, it's been long enough." He said sternly. "But really after last time? Don't you remember what happened?" I pleaded to him. "I do remember what happened but that was 4 years ago, I doubt he's gonna bring up what happened in the past and your Uncle Scott really wants to spend some time with you. He was like a second father to you, you guys were always together even when you were younger. You know that." He explained this like I hadn't heard this speech before. "But aren't you gonna miss me? Dad this is a year and a half tour. That's an extremely long time and I'm missing my senior year for this!" I exclaimed. "Caylie you basically already had your senior year last year, you have all your basic credits and this year your already starting the college courses your school offers. You're already ahead of the game. So you have no reason to complain about that. You're gonna have an amazing time, believe me. Plus you like his music don't you? And you guys already have a history, a bad one but that should help you get along for this time. You'll be fine, trust me. You're flight is boarding. Call me when you land. I love you munchkin." He hugged me and I hugged him back. "I love you too dad, ill call you when I land, bye." I answered him as I made my way to the terminal door. As I handed the flight attendant my ticket I looked back to find my dad waving goodbye to me, I gave him a quick wave as the attendant handed my ticket back to me and I walked onto the plane.

It was ten minutes till landing and I had been on the plane for 6 hours. The entire time I was thinking about last time when I actually lived with my Uncle Scott and him. After I left there we ended on a bad note, me and him. I had been debating on a solution to this and whether or not to go through with this plan that I had. After that long time with me and my thoughts, I came to my decision. I was going to pretend that 4 years ago never happened. It would be a lot easier to not pick up where we left off. Hopefully he won't bring anything up either, that he'll just go along with it. Ill keep to myself and he'll keep to himself. Besides he has his new girlfriend now. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her. Just then the plane hit the runway and I braced myself and prayed for this plan of mine to work. We pulled up to the gate and everyone stood. I sat there and waited for most of the passengers to get off first. That's another thing about me I am mildly claustrophobic I don't like being pushed and being enclosed in a group of people. I was so glad I had an aisle seat with no one beside me. Most of the people got off so I stood and got one of my smaller bags from the top compartment and then I grabbed my carry on. The rest of my bags I needed to get on the belt. I walked silently and slowly through the airport to where I was supposed to get my bags and meet my uncle. I dialed my dads number and had a quick conversation with him letting him know I landed and was safe. I hung up just as I reached the belt from my flight. I set my carry on down and sat on my smaller suitcase waiting for the bags to start coming down. I scanned the long hallway for my uncle but I didn't see him, so I just sat there till the belt started moving. I brought my other bags a little closer and waited for my duffles to come down. I prayed for my uncle to get here soon because there was no way I was going to be able to carry all these bags that were gonna last me almost two years. My first bag came down and I grabbed it quickly. My last two came down a few suitcases a part and I grabbed them both. Now I had to figure out a way to get them all to the door by myself without someone stealing them. A couple of people looked at me strangely with all the luggage I had considering I was one person. And I don't blame them, I did look kinda funny. After a few attempts of trying to stack the duffles on my smaller suitcase and me failing I gave up and decided just to let him come to me. I dialed my uncles number hoping to find out where he was, but it went straight to voicemail. So I just sat there and waited. Finally I saw my uncles head above the crowd of people. "Uncle Scott!" I screamed down the hallway and waved. He saw me and headed toward me. To my surprise he was with my Uncle. Why does he have to do this? I thought to myself. My uncle finally reached me."Hey kido!" He came over and hugged me."Hey Uncle Scott! How have you been?" I asked. "Good good, I'm so excited that you agreed to come stay with me!" He had a great big smile on his face as he said this. I returned the favor by smiling back and said," I really missed you." Then Uncle Scott moved aside and brought him forward. Seeing him in person again brought memories flooding back into my mind. I quickly pushed them away. He had this big smile on his face and he was starring at me. "Hey Caylie!" He said coming over and giving me a hug. I just stood lifeless not hugging back. "Hi Justin." I said flatly. "That was not a greeting I was expecting..." He said disappointed pulling away from the hug. "What did you expect me to go 'Oh my god it's Justin Bieber omg omg omg'." I looked at him annoyed and he looked at me funny and said "no" under his breath. Uncle Scott broke the long silence,"Alright let's help you with your bags." He grabbed one of my duffles and I put my carry on on my back and grabbed my suitcase. Justin grabbed the two smaller duffles and we made our way back to the car silently.

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