Catching Feelings (part 8)

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On the way back when there was a song that I knew that came on the radio, I would sing or mouth the words making a bunch of different faces trying to entertain myself and Justin as well. "You're crazy." He finally said as he turned the car on to his street. "I know." I said covering my giggle up with my hand. I couldn't keep a straight face. When we got back into the guest house, Justin kept peeking at me then laughing. I did the same as well. Justin tried to keep a straight face but he couldn't, it was too hard for him to contain his smile. I'm telling you, I don't think I've laughed as much as I had these past few days in a while. "Oh I almost forgot." Justin said running into his room. He came back out carrying a wrapped box. "Justin I said only breakfast and how the hell did you get that? You only found out it was my birthday yesterday and you were with me the entire time!" I exclaimed. "Caylie sit down, shut up and open the damn gift." He said. I sat down on the couch and took the box from his hands. Justin sat next to me all giddy. I tore through the wrapping and pulled the top off. Inside lay a black varsity jacket with a "B" on the front for 'Bieber'. I flipped it over to read "Girlfriend" stitched across the back. I gave Justin a look and he just smiled. "All my dancers and the crew each have leather Bieber jacket for the tour, on such late notice; this was the only jacket that they had. I got you this since you'll be with us on tour. And yes it says 'Girlfriend' but all of my girl dancers well 'Bieberettes' have the same one. It's supposed to go with my other surprise for you. For the big concerts on the tour I was thinking about changing some of the dance routines. You can slow dance right?" He finally said. "Yeah I can, why?" I was a little on edge. "Well for the song 'Catching Feelings' I've already decided to not dance but just sing. Although for the bigger concerts I do want to do a little dance because it's special. So I was wondering if maybe you would do the slow dance with me because you're new and I don't want to really do it with one of my dancers, so please?" He looked up at me somewhat excited but also nervous to see what my answer would be. "Me, dance on stage? With you? In front of an entire audience?" I said soaking it in. Justin motioned for me to continue. "Alright fine I'll do it." I put a smile on my face. He got so excited. He looked like a little kid. He leaned over and squeezed me tight. "Thank you caylie." He said smiling. "But how does this jacket have relevance.." I trailed. "Oh yeah." He jumped up and went back into his room. He came out with an identical black varsity jacket that read 'Boyfriend' across the back. He smirked once more at me. "And since you'll be dancing with me like the others..." he trailed at the end waiting for me to catch on. "Ah I get it." I laughed. "You do like the jacket though, right?" He asked looking right at me. "Yes I love it, thank you." I said giving him a hug.

The rest of the day was not that exciting, we just hung around. It was now 7:00 at night. Me and Justin were making our way to the main house. "Why we going up here?" I questioned him. "You'll see." He pushed open the doors to a dining room with Uncle Scott, Pattie, Alfredo, Kenny, Dan, the list goes on, basically it was his entire crew. "Happy Birthday!" They all screamed to me. I was definitely surprised; I didn't even know half the people here. In front of me a cake lay on the long table. "Awe thank you guys." I said through the smile on my face. They started singing then to me, and I giggled. We had cake and I talked to my Uncle Scott for the most part of us being up at the house. We stayed there and talked for a couple hours then we headed back to the pool house. "Thank you for today." I said leaning into Justin's side giving him a side hug. He stopped walking and pulled me into a bear hug. "You're welcome Caylie." He said softly. He grabbed my hand as we parted and started walking again. Today was plain and simple and just the way I liked it. I really did have an amazing day to be honest. I was happy that I got to spend it with Justin too surprisingly. I walked into my room once we got inside, and Justin followed me. He plopped down on my bed and pulled me over next to him. "You have 10 minutes left of your birthday, what do you want to do?" He smirked. "Uh I don't know." I said standing back up, walking over to my bag to get a pair of sweats and a tank top out. "Wait wait before you change let me get a picture of the birthday girl." He winked while getting out his phone. I set my clothes down on the dresser than turned to him and stuck my tongue out while throwing up the peace symbol. He laughed and took the picture. "Come on now a nice one?" He pleaded. "No no you already have gotten me to take way to many pictures." I protested throwing my hands up in front of my face. I heard him take another picture. Then I felt his hands on mine trying to get them off my face. "Come on please Caylie." He kept saying to me. His hands were then on my waist. I immediately reacted by moving my hands onto his trying to remove them. "Ah I got your hands off your face." He laughed leaning his forehead against mine. He snapped another picture of us just like that. "Stop with the pictures." I said walking back over to the dresser and grabbing my clothes. "I'm sorry." He slid his phone back into his pocket. "I'll be right back." I walked out to the bathroom.

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