Catching Feelings (part 7)

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-Caylie's point of view-

I woke up early the next morning and jumped in the shower. I couldn't get Justin off my mind. It was annoying. I pushed the thoughts out of mind, it was my birthday. No reason to stress. But I was stressing. I couldn't help it. At least tour rehearsals are starting in a couple days, that'll stop whatever is happening. Or at least I hoped it would. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I put on high waisted jean shorts and a white crop shirt. I dried my hair and straightened it. I put on my black converse and walked out. I didn't hear that Justin had gotten up but he was sitting on a chair in the living room patiently waiting for me. When he looked up and saw me, he kicked his lips. I pretended not to notice. He got up and came over to me. "Happy Birthday." He hugged me tight. "Thank you Justin." I squeezed him back. We were interrupted by my phone ringing. I grabbed it out of my back pocket. It was my best friend Serena. "Hey." I answered. "HAPPY SEVENTEENTH FREAKING BIRTHDAY CAYLIE!" She screamed into the phone. "Thank you Serena." I said back with a smile on my face. "I hope you're having a great time with Scooter and Justin." She said excitedly. She was a big fan of Justin and couldn't believe it when I told her that Scooter was my uncle 5 years ago. "I am having a good time, thank you for asking but I'm going out to breakfast so I got to go." I replied. "Alright happy birthday again! Bye!" She exclaimed into the phone one last time. "Bye Serena!" I hung up the phone. Justin had a smirk on his face. "What?" I questioned. "Nothing." He smiled again. I gave him a look and he just looked away. "Come on let's go!" He grabbed his keys off the counter and opened up the door. We walked up past the main house and saw Uncle Scott coming out the back door. "Happy Birthday kido!" He said coming over and giving me a hug. "Thanks Uncle Scott." I smiled at him. He handed me an envelope. I opened it to a card and $150 dollars inside. "You've always been a picky one with gifts so I'm just keeping it simple." He laughed saying this. "Thank you so much." I half hugged him again. "Alright well I know Justin's taking you to breakfast so have fun!" He said to both of us. We smiled as he went back inside the house. "So you're gonna pay for breakfast now?" Justin said looking down at the money in my hand. I looked at him like 'Are you serious?' And he started laughing. "You're a jerk." I laughed and gave him a playful push. "Come on." He wrapped his arm behind me as we started walking to the garage. He opened up the garage door to a long row of cars. "Which one should we take?" He asked raising an eyebrow while half smirking. I pointed down the row to the Fisker Karma on the end. "Good choice." He smiled as we made our way down to it. He opened up my door for me and I giggled. I got in as he shut the door and made his way to the driver's side. He started the car and pulled out onto the road. My phone kept buzzing in my hand, most of the texts were from my family and only a couple from friends. I only talked to very few people from my school outside of school. When I was going into ninth grade, people changed and I cut most people off from my life. I became shyer than I had been the previous two years and I've been that way ever since. I was starring out the window when I felt Justin's hand brush up against mine. I turned and looked at him and he looked sorta embarrassed for doing that. I smirked as I grabbed his hand. He immediately squeezed back as his embarrassment slipped away. Justin pulled into the parking lot of a diner and parked. We both got out of the car. "I know it's nothing fancy..." He began but I stopped him. "Justin it's what I like. I don't like fancy things so its perfect for me." I laughed. "Good, that makes me happy." He wrapped his arm behind my back as we walked in. We were seated by a teen who was flipping out and dropping the menus all over because it was Justin. I couldn't help but giggle. Justin just smiled at her as we sat and she walked/ran away happily. We looked at the menus and ordered. Once the waitress took the menus away, Justin turned his attention to me. He didn't say anything he just stared at me. "What?" I asked finally. "Nothing, you just look very pretty today." He turned his head as he said this trying to cover his embarrassment once again. Why does he have to be so adorable? I asked myself. "Oh uh thank you." I smiled while blushing slightly. Justin got a call so he answered it. I began to think to myself, why am I acting this way towards him? Why am I getting butterflies in my stomach? Why does he have to be so damn adorable that I can't resist smiling or accepting the compliments? I couldn't believe this was happening to me. It can't happen again, this really can't happen. But I want to enjoy this. My last relationship was abusive after all so I haven't felt this way or have someone make me feel this way for a while. It doesn't really matter though, tour rehearsals start in a couple days and we won't see each other as much. He'll go for photoshoots, dance rehearsals, run throughs and interviews. I'll stay back at the pool house doing nothing, sometimes i'll join him with Uncle Scott but then that's it, these past couple days of being together non stop, that will end. The tour will come and i'll see him a little more but still not much. Besides I've already decided that four years ago was a long time, a time to be forgotten. I was interrupted in my thoughts by Justin shaking my arm. "Caylie? Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear, he must of moved next to me while trying to get me out of my daze. "Yeah I'm fine, I was just caught in a daze." I turned to him while saying this. He rubbed my arm, "You sure?" He looked straight into my eyes. "Yeah I'm sure." I smiled reassuringly. He got up and slid back into the booth on the opposite side of me. "Who called?" I asked changing the subject. "Oh it was just Alfredo." He smiled. "Oh okay." I said just as our breakfast got to our table. We ate peacefully. I could feel Justin taking peeks at me every once in a while and I wasn't gonna lie I glanced up at him a couple times as well. When our table was cleared from our plates, Justin spoke. "So are you sure this is all you want to do for your birthday?" He looked deeply into my eyes. "Why? Did you have anything else in mind?" I folded my hands and leaned on the table. "Nope just wondering if there's anything else you would like to do." He smirked as he got the check. We got up and went to the front counter to pay. As we were walking to the car and idea struck me. "Hey there is something I would like to do." I gave him a sly smile. "What?" He gave me a nervous but devious look. "Let me drive your car." I placed my hand out waiting for the keys. "What!? Are you insane?" He got all defensive. "Come on please Justin? The only car I've driven is a beat up old pick-up." I argued. He looked from me then to his car then to the keys in his hand. He set the keys in my hand. "You're lucky that I trust you so much." I gave him a hug, "Thank you Justin." I whispered in his ear. "You're welcome." He said back as we got into the car. It felt so different to be in a smaller car like this. I started the car and pulled out easily. I had no idea where I was going, all I knew was that driving this car felt amazing. I guess Justin saw how excited I was because he started laughing. "Make a right here." Justin instructed me. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see, make a left here and go all the way down." He answered. I drove for a while till we came to an abandoned building with a huge parking lot. "What are we doing here?" I asked stopping. "You want to drive my car right? Well here you can hit its maxed speed and really feel it." He smirked at me. I put the car into gear and hit the gas. It was such a rush, I was having so much fun. Me and Justin were laughing the entire time. After a while he grabbed my arm, "Alright let's not wear the tires completely out." He spoke through a giggle. I pulled the car to a stop and shut off the car. "That was amazing." I turned to him. "I know. This is one of my favorite cars to drive." He smiled. "I can see why." I laughed. "Alright wanna head back?" He asked and I nodded. We switched spots and left. Justin turned on the radio to a rap station. When I cringed he lowered the music and asked, "What's wrong?". "Oh I hate rap. I mean some is okay but most of the time it just doesn't make any sense to me." I said softly. He looked at me strangely then changed the station

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