Catching Feelings (part 5)

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-Justin's point of view-

I woke up the next morning in Caylie's bed. I remembered I fell asleep on her lap just as she had done the night before. Just then I realized that I was holding Caylie in my arms. When the hell did this happen? I asked myself. Caylie then rolled over farther into me as she woke up. When she saw she was in my arms she immediately slid over to almost the edge on her side of the bed. "What the hell? How-how did I end up in your arms?" She asked all nervous. "Caylie it's fine. It just happened while we were sleeping. Please relax." I reached my hand over and stroked her arm. She scooted a little closer to me but that was it. "Thank you for listening to me last night and comforting me." I said smiling at her. "It's no problem, I didn't like seeing you upset.." She said a little saddened. Just then her phone started ringing. When she saw the name she made a face yet she picked up the phone and got out of bed. "Brian get it in your damn head, I broke up with you a freaking month ago! I'm sick and tired of this shit!" She screamed into the phone. The guy on the other line screamed back at her and she just hung up. Now it was her turn to be aggravated. I got out of bed and walked over to her. "You okay? And whose this kid Brian?" I questioned her. "He's an asshole. We barely even dated and I broke it off a month ago because he was a jerk and I couldn't take it anymore. He was abusive." She said. "What do you mean by abusive? Did he physically hurt you." I was getting angry thinking of someone hurting Caylie. She lifted up her shirt and showed me a huge bruise she had been covering up with a couple band aids. I started to think to myself, why hadn't I noticed it when we went in the pool? I thought back to when I looked her up and down but I focused on her stomach. There was a bandage on it but I guess I was just so consumed in everything I didn't bother asking. "When did he do this to you?" I asked sternly. "A week ago. I saw him out and I tried to quickly walk away but he held me in his grip so tight it created that." She explained covering it back up. "Why won't he just leave you alone?" I asked through my teeth. "He's a very possessive person. I realized that soon after we started going on dates." She explained. I lifted her shirt back up and starred at the bruise long and hard. "Has he hurt you anywhere else before? Have you told someone about this?" I asked. "I haven't told anyone, but yes he has hurt me before." She said looking down at her feet. "Why do you continue to talk to him? How does he keep doing this too you?" I don't know why I was getting so damn upset. "I've tried ignoring him to get him to go away but that didn't work, nothing works. And he follows me, he's like a damn stalker, an abusive stalker." She explained. "Where else has he hurt you?" I asked looking her up and down looking for any signs of abuse. She moved her hair off of her neck to show a bruise on both sides of her neck made by fingers. "Most of the others have cleared up. He's just so much stronger, I can't get him to stop." She was getting a little shaken up. "Hey look at me," I picked her chin up," You're safe now he's all the way back in New York and you're here. He can't hurt you anymore." She smiled hearing those words. "You okay now?" I asked patiently. I could still see the bruises on her neck through her hair and that infuriated me. "Yeah ill be okay." She said reassuringly. "Next time he calls, give me the phone, okay?" I said and I winked at her showing that I have her back. She smiled again at me," Okay." We walked out into the kitchen for some breakfast. "Hey Justin, guess what it'll be tomorrow." She said laughing. "What?" I questioned. "My birthdayyyy!" She said through giggles. "Really? Why didn't you tell me this before!?" I looked straight at her. "Uhm because its not that big of a deal." She laughed again. "Not that big of a deal? Caylie it's your birthday!" I exclaimed. "Yeah it's just another birthday." She got out eggs from the fridge as she said this. "Come on! Why are you acting this way?" I was curious. "Because I don't really bother with them. Especially parties, I gave up on those too. My mom or somebody just ends up inviting family over and that's it." She shrugged. "So wait, did you even have a sweet sixteen last year?" I sorta felt bad. "Nope, didn't bother with that." She began making eggs for the both of us. "Caylie, come on isn't a girl's sweet sixteen like the best day of your life?" I questioned and she laughed. "I'm just not like that I guess." She shook her head. I actually felt terrible for her. "When was the last time you had an actual party with your friends?" I really wanted to hear her reasons. "Uhm my thirteenth birthday." She said getting two plates from the cabinet. "Parties were always extremely awkward for me, I hated them." She added. "Why?" She then handed me my plate. "I just always felt uncomfortable and pressured and I don't really know how to explain it." She sighed. She sat down next to me at the breakfast bar. I rubbed her back and she turned and smiled at me. "Justin you don't have to feel bad, it's my choice." She reassured me. "Alright." She looked down at her plate as i turned and smirked at her. We ate not talking. I took out my phone and went onto twitter to see what my beliebers were up too. The first tweet that popped up in my notifications made me laugh. They're hysterical. I retweeted a few of them and did a quick follow spree. I then opened up my messages to see a load of texts from Selena. Most of them was of her bitching. I really needed to end it with her but I loved her. I looked over at Caylie. She was starring at me trying to figure out what I was thinking about. "I love Selena but things are just not right lately." "Haven't you guys pretty much been broken up?" She asked me. "Well sort of its just complicated." I said. She frowned. "Come on Justin, you just have to do it. I know you're hurting but you know you guys aren't okay. I've listened to 'Nothing Like Us' I know you're trying to hold onto this but you guys are pretty much finished. You just need to confirm it." She explained. She saw my face and grabbed my hand," It's okay Justin. Everything is going to be alright." I squeezed her hand tight as I dialed Selena's number. Selena answered with an annoyed reaction. "Selena, it's time. To let go." I said between breaths. Selena laughed, "Good. Bye Justin." She hung up abruptly. Tears welled in my eyes. Caylie stood right up and came over to me. She hugged me so tight. "It's okay Justin. You're gonna be fine." She whispered softly in my ear. I wrapped my arms around her and held her like she was a teddy bear. I wasn't afraid to cry in front of Caylie. I was comfortable with her so all my tears rushed from my eyes. "Shhhh." She said soothingly in my ear as she stroked my head. "Thank you Caylie." I loosened my grip on her so I could look at her face to face. "I just don't want to see you hurting." She smiled. "I'm gonna be hurting for a little bit but at least I have the tour and you to keep my mind off of it." I half smiled back at her. She pulled me into a quick squeeze before she grabbed both our plates and placed them in the sink. "Stay at home day?" She asked with a look of sympathy on her face. "Yeah I'd like that." I smiled. "Alright well go put sweats or something on because you're still in your jeans from yesterday." She laughed. I got up and walked into my room to change. I put a pair of sweatpants on and threw on a t-shirt. I walked out to the living room and sat down next to Caylie on the couch. "So have you ever seen Keith?" She asked. "Nope, what's it about?" I questioned. "You'll see." She ordered the movie on Netflix and kicked back.

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