Catching Feelings (part 2)

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The ride back was mostly filled with me and my uncle talking and catching up on each other. I sat in the front with my uncle and Justin was in the back with my bags. The entire time I felt Justin's eyes on me. I knew exactly what he was thinking, "why is she acting this way?". He was never gonna find out. I have no desire to tell him why, I have no desire to remember the past with him. And that was that. We reached their new house in Los Angeles. I have to say, I was pretty damn amazed. It was so much bigger than the other house I had lived in with them. I got out of the car and just stared at the house for a while. Finally I got out of my daze and grabbed some of my bags. Just then my uncle got a call and went ahead into the house to answer it. It was just me and Justin. "Come one i'll show you your room." He said plainly. I guess he got my hint finally. I just nodded as he got all three of my duffles from the car. I started to the house till Justin yelled out,"Hey! Where are you going?" I turned and looked at him. He was going on past the the house. I made a weird face at him but I followed behind him. He walked completely past the house and started heading for the pool/guest house I was guessing. He was struggling to open the door so I ran ahead and got it for him. He smiled at me and I started to smile back but I quickly turned away. He walked in before me and I followed. "Welcome home." He half smiled knowing not to expect any comment back. When I laughed he looked surprised at me and sorta happy. The place was beautiful. A kitchen with a living and dining room. Justin showed the way down the hallway and I saw the first bathroom, then he walked to the next door and pushed it open and walked in. When I saw the room I was emotionless. It was beautiful. I couldn't believe that a room like this was in a pool/guest house. Justin sat my bags down next to my bed. I sat the bags I was carrying down too. "Wow this is amazing." I said as I plopped down on my bed. "Come on ill show you my room." He walked out the door and I followed. He walked down the hallway a little bit then opened up a door. His room was even bigger. I was amazed. But then I realized, we were both gonna be living in the pool house together until we go on tour. I decided to lighten up on him a little, I was being a little too harsh. After all now we were gonna be living together, just the two of us. "I know you just got here and all but do you want to come out to the pool with me?" He asked with that puppy dog face of his that he knew I couldn't say no too. What a little bastard, I laughed to myself. "Sure, just let me find my stuff." He nodded and went off to get his suit and change. I went to me room and dug through one of my duffles till I finally found my bathing suit and I walked out and down the hall to the bathroom. I changed quickly and threw my hair up into a pony tail. I put a pair of soffee shorts on over my bathing suit bottom and went back into the room to put my clothes down. Finally Justin came into my room all changed and ready but he stopped short and starred at me. I covered my stomach quickly with my arms as he walked over to me. I looked at him uneasily. I had to stop this. If I didn't I know exactly what would happen. "So are you ready?" I asked walking over to the door. "Uh yeah." He answered shaking out of his daze. We walked out to the pool to find Pattie, Justin's mom, and his little sister Jazzy. "Caylie! Oh my god how are you! Look at you all grown up and so beautiful!" She exclaimed giving me the biggest hug. "I'm good and thank you! Look at you! You're the beautiful one! I missed you!" I said back smiling. I loved Pattie she was like a mother to me. "I missed you too sweetheart!" Then she turned to jazzy. "Do you remember Caylie? You were very young when you met her. She's Scooter's niece!" Jazzy looked at me and backed behind Pattie. "Aw sweetie it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." I said as I bent down to her level and smiled. She looked at me long and hard then she came over to me and hugged me. "H-hi Caylie" she said quietly. "Hi Jazzy." I said smiling. She then looked up at Justin behind me and ran to him. "How's my little princess?" He asked giving her a squeeze. "Good!" She said happily then she pointed at the pool and asked, "Will you take me in Justin?" "Sure" he said as he walked over to the steps with her. He played in the pool with her for a while then Pattie said she should probably take her in to get all cleaned up. We said our goodbyes to Pattie and jazzy as they walked away. Justin walked right up to me and starred into my eyes, I guess he was hopping to get a reaction out of me. I was not about to let this happen again so I quickly turned away and jumped in the pool. When I rose to the top I saw Justin in the same spot with an aggravated expression across his face. "You coming in?" I asked trying to change the topic. "Y-yeah." He dived in and swam back to me. "So what do you want to do?" He asked while we were treading water. "Hm ill race you to the other side." I said with a smirk. "You're on." He winked. Damn this is going to be way too hard to try to stay away from him. "Ready, go." He said as we each swam as fast as we could. Justin beat me by a second and he started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I'm still faster than you." He said giggling. He's bringing up the past. No. "Uh yeah." I mumbled as I swam to the steps. "You're getting out already? We just got in." He asked swimming after me. "Yeah I just don't really want to be in the pool right now, I'm going to go back inside." I said while drying off and wrapping the towel around me. I walked back to the guest house and I looked back before I walked in to see Justin starring at me, yet again, with puppy dog eyes. I almost went back but I couldn't so I pushed open the door and went straight to my room. I grabbed my clothes an went into the bathroom and shut and locked the door behind me. I walked over to the mirror and starred at myself. What was I going to do? This is just way to hard for me. I don't see why he's doing what he's doing. He has Selena. He has everything. He's going on tour. With me. Damn. On tour with him for a year and a half. How the hell am I going to get through that! Just then there was a knock on the bathroom door and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Caylie? Are you okay? Why'd you lock yourself in the bathroom?" Justin asked pleadingly. I walked over and opened the door. He looked up at me. "I'm fine Justin. I was just gonna take a shower." I said reassuringly. He sighed in relief,"Okay, I'm sorry I just got worried." He said. "It's okay, I'll be out soon." I said quickly closing the door. I started the shower and got in.

-Justin's point of view-

Why? Why? Why? That's all I could ask myself. I don't know what to do. The minute I saw her everything changed. It's like it was 4 years ago. This is all my fault. I'm going to get her back. I care way too much for her. But I'm going to have to get her back as if we had just met today. The way she was playing it. Just then my phone started ringing and Selena's face popped up on the screen. Shit I forgot about Selena. I don't know what to do now. I answered the phone and put it on speaker as I was getting changed. I talked to her for a while on speaker planning our date for tonight. Then she did something really low. I hung up on her right after that. I didn't hear that Caylie had came into my room. I looked at her. Her eyes had tears on the brim of her eyes and she had a hurt look on her face. I jumped up and ran over to her but she just pushed me away and ran into the living room. "Caylie!" I screamed after her. I walked over and sat down on the coffee table in front of her. "Caylie I'm sorry. What Selena said was low, really low. She had no right to call you a bitch and spoiled and everything else she said. You're none of those things. She's just jealous of you." I said trying to comfort her. She had a couple tears dripping down her face. "Jealous of me? Yeah okay, thats funny. She has you! What is there to be jealous about? NOTHING. Just go on your damn date Justin. Just leave." She buried her head into the couch pillow. I touched her arm but she shrugged it off so I did as she said.

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