Catching Feelings (part 11)

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-Justin's point of view-

I finished tying up my sneakers as I heard a soft knock at my door. I looked up to see Caylie standing in front of me biting her lip nervously. I stared at her for a while, taking in what she was wearing. "You look so beautiful." I finally mumbled out while standing up and walking over to her. "Thank you." She said slightly blushing. "You don't look to bad yourself." She added as my hand grazed her leg as I raised it to place it on her hip. "You ready to go?" I asked with a smirk on my face. She nodded as I slide my arm around her waist as we walked out. Scooter and Kenny were already waiting for us in the car. We slid in the back for they were in the front. The ride there was pretty silent only a few exchanges were made between me and scooter. I watched Caylie out of the corner of my eye as she twiddled her fingers and bit her lip several times. She was obviously nervous but I couldn't figure out what exactly had her jumping like that. When we got there, everything was rushed, everyone was pushing and shoving to get where they wanted or needed to be. I took Caylie with me to make my appearance on the carpet. I felt her hand shaking in mine and she was nervously looking all around. We were just about to walk on to the carpet so I pulled her aside quickly. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked pushing a strand of hair out of her face. "I-I'm uh no, no I'm not okay. Th-this scares me so much. Like being here with all these people, famous people and I'm just me. I think you should walk it by yourself, I'll just go find Uncle Scott and I'll see you after." She said trying to walk away but I grabbed her waist and pulled her back to me before she could run far enough. "Caylie its fine, you'll be okay. I'll be with you the entire time; I want you to be with me. Please." I pleaded to her, looking into her eyes. She looked around then looked back at me and sighed. "Okay." She whispered out. I smiled and kissed her forehead, "Thank you." I said and she nodded. I pulled her with me as we made our way onto the carpet and the first host came up to us. "Well look at you!" She exclaimed to me, "We are so excited to see your categories and see your performance tonight Justin!" She added. "Thank you. I'm excited for tonight as well." I answered looking next to me at Caylie to see her biting her lip again. "And who is this?" The host asked turning to Caylie. "This is Caylie; she's my manager scooter's niece and a really good friend of mine." I smiled while squeezing her hand. "Ah well why isn't Selena with you?" The host said and I tensed up. "I decided to come with Caylie but we should get moving so nice talking to you." I said with a half-smile as I pulled Caylie down the carpet with me. We stopped to get a couple pictures taken and I pulled her in close to me. I felt her grip increase on my hand and I giggled. She shot me a look but I just pretended not to notice because I knew she was just gonna say you know I hate pictures or some shit like that. I talked to a few more people and many many more pictures were taken to Caylie's dismay. Towards the end I noticed Selena standing nearby talking to a host and I almost wanted to walk over to her but then I felt Caylie's warm embrace take me in. I wrapped my arms loosely around her and she pulled back just far enough to look into my eyes. "Everything's gonna be alright Justin." She said reassuringly. I was glad to have her with me right then and there. I smiled and intertwined our fingers as we began making our way inside. I kept Caylie close to me at all times and I could feel eyes on us as we walked through the arena. It was a shock to most people seeing that Selena wasn't right on my ass like how we used to be. It was nice to be here with a friend, especially the fact that it was Caylie. We ran into Scooter and Kenny once we were inside and we began shuffling to the front to where my seat had been assigned. I saw some guy eying Caylie as we walked past and I shot him a warning glance but then I stopped myself, why did I just do that? The guy saw me and threw his arms up in defense signaling he meant no harm. Truth was I knew exactly why I was being so protective over her. After hearing what Brian did to her, I wasn't going to let just any guy have her and quite frankly I just didn't want her to be with any guy. I know that sounds selfish but it's the truth, I would not be able to stand here watching someone else have her. Wait what the hell was I talking about? All the guy did was look at her, am I really getting this obsessive over the topic? I looked to my side to see Caylie walking swiftly next to me, her hand still in mine and she had calmed down from before. I couldn't help but smile at her. Just then she did a double take upon noticing I was staring at her. "What is it?" she asked biting her lip and pushing her hair out of her face with her free hand nervously. "Nothing, you're absolutely fine." I smirked at her as I saw her blush slightly. We were close to the seats now because Kenny and Scooter made their way down the second row to sit in the seats behind my designated seat. Caylie turned to follow them but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Where are you going?" I questioned with a slight smirk. She cocked her head to the side utterly confused so I sighed and pulled her along with me to the front row. I plopped down in my seat and patted the seat beside me for Caylie to sit. She obeyed, thankfully. Although as soon as she sat down she started fidgeting with her dress, "Caylie." She didn't seem to hear me, "Caylie, you're perfect, please stop worrying." I pleaded looking into her eyes once she turned her gaze to me. "Oh uhm I wasn't uhm worrying about that I uh uhm I just I hate dresses." She mumbled out. I gave her a strange look and she sighed, "Have you ever seen a picture of me in a dress? Or a skirt? Or just something fancy in general?" she questioned and I shook my head no. "Exactly." She sighed settling into the chair, giving up on the situation. I leaned over and whispered into her ear, "If it helps, I did mean it when I said you looked beautiful and perfect." I grinned at her and she hid her face in her hands due to embarrassment. I pulled her hands away from her face and turned her chin so she was looking at me. I was about to say something else when I was interrupted by Scooter. "Justin you're going on towards the middle of the show, okay?" he said loud enough for me to hear over the crowd. "Yes Scooter, I know." I let a slight smile come out. He patted my shoulder then leaned back in his chair starting a conversation with Kenny. I turned my attention back to Caylie and saw her gawking in the opposite direction. I followed her gaze until my eyes landed on Miley Cyrus. I settled my gaze back on Caylie and saw her begin to flip. I couldn't help but laugh she turned and glared at me, "Shut up, I love her." She stated. "Alright then, come on." I stood dragging her up with me. "Justin what are you doing?" she questioned and I giggled. "I'm about to make you a really happy girl." We walked over to Miley and as soon as she saw me her eyes lit up. "Justin!" she exclaimed. I hugged her and when I pulled away she turned her attention to Caylie who was once again biting her lip nervously. "And who's this?" Miley asked smiling. I was about to introduce her but she spoke for herself. "I'm Caylie, Scooter's niece." She spoke smiling. I added onto her statement, "And she happens to idolize you a lot." I smiled at Caylie. "Well I'm always glad to meet my fans. Come here." Miley said her arms stretched out. Caylie walked over and hugged her. I smiled seeing how much that meant to her. Miley pulled away and said, "I'll see you guys around." She smiled and waved before walking away. I turned to see a smile across Caylie's face and I chuckled. "Thank you so much Justin." She said while wrapping her arms around me. I pulled her in close, "It's my pleasure." We pulled away and walked back to our seats. As soon as Caylie was about to sit down, Scooter called her from a little ways away. I hadn't even notice he wasn't there when we got back. I licked my lips as I watched her walk away but then my attention was taken from her as I noticed Selena walking over to me, her face blank. I braced myself for whatever was about to happen when she finally reached me. "Can I?" She asked calmly pointing to Caylie's chair beside me and taking me by surprise. I slowly nodded as I watched her sit next to me. "Justin, I'm sorry. I was a bitch to you when we broke up and during the weeks leading up to it. I guess I just knew it was eventually going to happen so I was a little upset. But now it's been about two weeks and I've been thinking about how we've pretty much been over for so long now, we just didn't want to let go. But this is for the best, I just hope we can stay friends." She sighed staring at me waiting for a reaction. Just as I was about to answer, Caylie came back over. I looked up at her and saw a concerned look on her face. "Is everything okay?" She questioned looking between me and Selena. "Yes everything's okay." I smiled, pulling her down so she was basically sitting on my lap. "Caylie I'm so sorry for being a bitch to you as well and doubting you and tagging you with all those names. I was just upset, but that's no excuse. I just came over here to apologize, to the both of you." Selena said pleadingly. "It's okay. I know everything that was going on and I shouldn't have gotten myself involved and yelled at you that night." Caylie apologetically answered. "No no you were standing up for Justin. I would've done the same thing you did." Selena winked and they both laughed. "And I would love to stay friends." I added and saw Selena's smile get bigger. "And I hope maybe, possibly that we can be friends as well." Selena turned to Caylie as she smiled, "I'd like that." Selena patted my leg, "Well I'm going to get back to my seat, so i'll see you guys around." Selena said but before she stood, she leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Don't let Caylie go." She smiled getting up and walking away. "What was that about?" Caylie questioned about Selena's whisper. "Nothing." I smiled knowing that I was already planning on obeying what Selena said even before she said it. Caylie raised an eyebrow but then just slid off my lap and onto her chair beside me. I watched her every move studying all her features as I have done many times before. Her dirty blonde hair that had bleach blonde highlights from the sun was perfectly straight and fell down her back almost down to her butt and her bright green eyes glistened every time they laid eyes upon someone. Her jawline had a perfect outline all the way around and that brought me to focus on her nose and lips. Her nose was so cute, I don't know why I think that but I do believe that. Her lips were small and she never brought much attention to them but right now I found myself staring at them. A strand of hair fell in front of her face and I leaned forward to brush it back behind her ear. She gave me a look once realizing that i was staring so intensively at her. When I didn't respond she sighed while turning back to look at her phone. The lights began to dim and the camera men readied themselves before the stage. I saw Caylie lock her phone and place it face down in her lap. She settled into her chair so I put my arm across the back of it. She placed her hand on my thigh and patted it just as the opening performance began.

( Caylie's point of view )

I sat leaning over, whispering something into Justin's ear when the host began to announce the best male award. "And your nominees are; Cody Simpson, Chris Brown, Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake and finally Justin Bieber! And the winner is...." She paused while opening up the envelope. "JUSTIN BIEBER!" The crowd applauded as he stood and I stood with him giving him a tight hug and he kissed my check before walking up to the stage steps. He walked up the steps and hugged the host before accepting the award and stepping before the microphone. The clapping began to die down as he began to speak. "Wow, thank you." He started out saying. "This couldn't be possible without all the support I have has throughout the years. I want to thank my mom, my family for always believing in me. I also want to thank my manager scooter for everything he has done for me. I want to thank his niece and also a very good friend of mine, Caylie, for being here for me. And of course I want to thank my beautiful beliebers who have been supporting me, I love you guys so much. Thank you!" He ended walking off the stage to go backstage. I was still amazed at the fact that he added me in his speech. I mean I just couldn't believe that he said that. Someone tapped me on the back and I turned around to face my uncle Scott. "Seems like you're making quite the impact on his life...again." he said with a smirk on his face. I blushed slightly and he let out a chuckle. But then I realized that he had said "again", he was referring to the last time..... no I can't think about that. I guess uncle Scott was waiting for a real response because he was starring at me. I just shrugged and said "I guess" under my breath. He nodded so I turned back around. The lights began to dim and a voice came over through the speakers, "And now here to preform boyfriend and as long as you love me from his new album Believe, introducing Justin Bieber." The crowd went ecstatic with excitement. The stage screens opened up revealing Justin, standing on a platform, connected to a bunch of wires. I was honestly really excited to see his performance. Boyfriend began to play as he broke from the wires and began singing. People were standing and dancing around the arena so I stood and danced as well. Every time that I saw Justin look in the general direction where I was standing, I would smile at him. "And I can be a gentleman, anything you want, if I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go." The music faded out as the beat to as long as you love me took over. Justin began his dance routine to the song and it was amazing. His overall performance so far has been amazing. I was still dancing around and watching him when I noticed him looking right at me as he sang the chorus of the song for the second time. I just smiled and blushed a little before the announcer came over the speaker introducing Big Sean. They both rapped the part together and hugged before Justin continued into the chorus and Big Sean walked off the stage. Justin finished up his performance and thanked the crowd before walking off the stage. The crowd screamed and clapped including me. When it died down I sat back in my seat, waiting for Justin to come back. The show continued for about another ten fifteen minutes before Justin came to join me again.

Justin's point of view

I walked back to my seat and was immediately taken into Caylie's arms when I got there. "You were amazing Justin." She said with a smile on her face. "Thank you. And I saw you dancing around." I said with a wink. She blushed slightly and I let out a chuckle. We sat in our seats and watched the rest of the awards. Somewhere during that period of time, I managed to slide my hand into Caylie's and when I did, I squeezed it and didn't let it go. At the end of the show, people began pushing and shoving as they had when it was starting. I held Caylie back by our seats because I didn't feel like battling the crowd. "So they have an after party for this..." I began to say to Caylie. She looked at me strangely, "If you want to go, we can. I'm not making decisions for you and I'm certainly not holding you back from things that you want to do." She said laughing. "Well then, I guess we're going to go." I said smirking. She smiled back at me but then sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked stepping a little closer to her. "Nothing." She said with a half smile. I stared her down for a while till she finally began to speak again. "Justin. Seriously, I'm fine." She said. "You don't want to go do you? We don't have to." I answered. "Justin no. I just told you I'm not going to hold you back from doing what you want to do." She replied. "Caylie, I don't care. Yeah I would like to go, but I don't want to drag you to somewhere you don't want to go. It's fine with me if we just go home." I said rubbing her arm. "Justin I never said that I didn't want to go." She argued. "But you never said that you did want to go. So we should go home, besides I think Scooter and Kenny want to leave anyways." I decided grabbing her hand as we finally made our way out of the arena. Caylie tried protesting a couple times but I just kept walking on. We met up with Scooter and Kenny and left. In the car, I held Caylie close to me with her head in the crook of my neck. The drive took longer than usual due to traffic. When we finally got home, me and Caylie said goodnight to Scooter and Kenny and began walking to the guest house. We were holding hands so I started swinging our arms and I spun her making her laugh. Her laugh and her smile was my favorite thing about her. I pulled her in close to me as I stopped us both from walking so I could hug her. "What was that for?" She asked once we both pulled away. "I just felt like hugging you." I answered smiling. She smirked back at me and squeezed my hand. We reached the guest house and Caylie opened the door walking in and held it open for me as well. "Why thank you miss." I said all proper. "You're very welcome sir." She responded and before long we broke from our straight faces out into laughter. "I'm going to go get out of this dress." Caylie said turning and making her way down the hallway and into her room. I went to my room and changed as well. When I was done, I walked back down the hall and to Caylie's room. I knocked on the door, "Come in." I heard her say from inside. I walked in to find her laying in her bed, looking at her phone. I walked over to her side of the bed as she locked and placed her phone on her side table. "Well I guess I'll just say goodnight if you're tired." I said rubbing her hand. "So goodnight Caylie." I added with a smile. I started to walk away a bit but Caylie's hand caught my hand. I turned around, "Stay here tonight." She said softly. "I would, but I don't want to wake you when I get up tomorrow morning to go to my run-throughs." I said back. "I don't care, just please stay here with me tonight." She pleaded to me. I sighed, "Alright, it's whatever you want."

-Caylie's point of view-

Justin climbed into the other side of the bed but I remained laying on my side, facing the other way. "No, no, no. You can't beg me to sleep here and then not even look at me." He said jokingly and I felt him move his body closer to me. I didn't answer so all was silent until I felt Justin's legs fit in the crook of my bent legs. He then slithered one arm under my body and the other over and pulled me in close to him. Seconds after, I felt his warm breath brush across my check as he fit his head in the crook of my neck. I leaned my head into his because it tickled a little bit with his slight stubble. "Justin, what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm cuddling you, is that okay?" He asked speaking softly. I nodded my head so he tightened his grip around my stomach a little bit. "Goodnight Caylie." He kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Justin." I replied. The room was silent, the only things to be heard was our breathing as we slowly fell asleep.

||sorry I haven't posted in so long guys. But I hope this long chapter will be worth the wait :) I'll try to post more often!||

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