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(Tori's P.O.V.)

"Why are you guys so quiet?" He asked us as he realized we're sitting near him "Oh sh-" he was about to curse when I immediately cover Ginri's ear with my hands.

But before he even finished his word, Gemma scolded him "Niall don't!"

"Oh, yeah, sorry! I didn't noticed we have a visitors! Sorry about that, I'm Niall Horan." He smiled sheepishly as we both shake hands "It's okay, Tori Mckenzie." I nodded then let go of his hands

"Hello there princess! I'm Nialler! What's your name?" he asked my sister who's still in a state of shock "My name is Ginri" she muttered, Niall pulled her in a hug then pinched her cheeks slightly "You're so cute!" he grinned.

"Nialler, don't scare the kid!" Harry groan as he palmed his face "I'm not Haz, No need to exaggerate stuff!" Niall said defensively then started back to my sister.

I leaned down to her "Are you okay sweetie?" I whispered near her ear when she whispered back "May I borrow your phone Tori?" I stared at her bit confused "Sure, here. Why?" I handed her my unlocked phone then wait for her to answer but she stared back to Niall who's observing her too.

"May I have a photo with you? You're my favourite!" she asked politely while holding my phone, making me groan and facepalm myself while Haz and Gem laugh.

"I'm honoured to be your favourite, Of course you may!" Niall beams. He grab my phone from my sister then they both take a bunch of pictures.

"Thank you!" my sister grinned at him then hand me back my phone.

"Gin." I scolded her "Sorry about that." I said to Niall "No it's totally fine with me! I rarely seen a Directioners who's only kindergarten and it's adorable." he nodded happily

"I think you should buy me my own Polaroid next time Tori so I wouldn't borrow your phone oftenly." she blurted out making them all laugh "I want my own Polaroid!" she beamed

"No." I stated firmly "Okay, then I'll asked mum or dad to buy me!" she said then continue eating her food.

"I swear she's more stubborn than I am sometimes." I muttered "At least she's not throwing a tantrums." Harry said as I nodded in agreement.

We continue eating while Harry explained Niall how am I related to them, how we're childhood best friends and used to be neighbors back in Chesire, and the stuffs that happened but he skipped the incident part, Which I'm thankful because I don't want him to describe how he saw me in the middle of the woods.

"Wow." Niall said "Yeah." I answered as I helped Gemma with the dishes "Hey! Go back to your seat. You're our visitor here Tori." she scolded me "What? Let me just help you!" I frowned stubbornly "I know I wouldn't win this argument, Fine." she groan making me chuckled.

"Anyway, Where are the other lads?" Harry asked Niall. "Liam went out to buy some stuffs earlier with Preston, Zayn and Louis were sleeping upstairs to their rooms." he answered

"They leave me here alone while starving! Thank goodness I heard Gemma yelled the food is ready so I changed quickly then ran all the way here in the kitchen!" he groans exaggeratedly making us all laugh.

We were all interrupted when a guy about same height as Haz but a bit shorter with a brunette styled up hair, chocolate brown eyes tattooed arms and a lightly tanned skin wearing a white tank top and denim washed jeans walk in then placed the grocery bags on top of the table.

"Yes Nialler, I bought you a box of jelly beans, gummy bears, Skittles, M&M's and Nerds." he rolled his eyes while Niall cheered

"Oh, Hello there! You're the girl from the coffee shop right?" he asked me "Yep, Tori Mckenzie and that's my little sister Ginri." I nodded "I've heard a lot from Harry, I'm Liam Payne. Pleased to meet you!" he smiled "Same." I smiled back

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