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(Tori's P.O.V.)

We we're currently here back at the penthouse and currently finishing packing all of my stuffs literally and it's already 1:14 in the afternoon.

"Move faster! You're moving way too slow than a turtle nerdy!" Haz boomed entering my closet while I'm struggling to zip my vintage luggage close "I swear I hate it whenever they prepare stuffs for me, it's too many!" I whined making him laugh then motion for me to move away.

I groan then stand up as he kneel down and patted the luggage causing me to chuckle and take a seat over it as it barely press down making him burst into fits of laughter while I huffed.

"The day I found you again in the café I seriously thought that you've become one of those girls who loves to spend time in gym and eat healthy but turns out you're doing the opposite, you seriously are toned down and never gain weight easily!" he said while laughing then take a seat beside me above it to add a pressure as he zipped it quickly.

"There you go, all set?" he asked causing me to groan dramatically and collapsed down the carpeted floor lazily making him laugh again "I still haven't packed my shoes! Do I seriously have to pack everything?!" I whined as he stood up then grab the last empty luggage bag on the side and started packing my shoes in it by himself.

"Yup, you're gonna leave some clothes to my place before you even fly out in the next few weeks so you have stuffs to my place here to make it easy for you to not bring too much stuffs whenever you're going here." he stated simply as I hummed in agreement then sit up with my legs crossed and my arms supporting me behind.

"Tell me, when did you meet that girl with dying hyena voice?" I asked curiously and teasingly making him shrugged coolly then crinkle his nose in adorable way "Before I tell you that, let me explain everything first to make things clear to you." he said still packing my shoes as I hummed motioning for him to carry on.

"Here's the thing, some of the managements and agencies who wants their talents to have an instant fame and attention sticks to those well know and currently mainstream people in the industry. For example, I went to a pub last September with the band and our friends to celebrate Nialler's birthday there." he said then I hummed again and started to pack my accessories and makeup.

"I met that girl with dying hyena voice there in the pub while I'm just casually sitting in the corner with Liam while talking stuffs and she approach us, I thought she's one of Niall's friend so Li and I act nicely and respectful towards her because she's a girl. We have no idea that she's on the starting stage of her modelling career, she was invited by the management to be there and use me without my knowing. I swear nothing happened between us, ever." he continued as I feel a pang of pity and anger rising through me about the fact that he experienced those.

"Everyone thinks I'm a manwhore because of my perverted jokes and misinterpreted body languages and that's what the management wants people to see me, I never once become a manwhore ever. I would never ever dare to disrespect anyone else that way especially towards women because I grew up with mum, Gem, your mum and you, only Chase was the lad whom I always have with in a daily basis before and practically stood as my older brother who guides me with stuffs just like how Gemma is to you. Your brother and I have this views that 'We wouldn't dare to do something bad towards women because we don't want karma to fire back to our sisters and mums or if we ever got a daughter in the future.'." he said then sighed deeply as I hummed and couldn't help but smile tugged on my lips.

"I know you're not, but I agree to the fact that you really are a pervert." I said trying to switch the mood lightly then laugh earning a playful glare from him "I'll seriously start to act like one if you didn't stop laughing." he said seriously then smirked causing me to stop immediately and carry on what I'm doing like nothing.

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