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(Harry's P.O.V.)

"Cut! Good job everyone! Perfect!" the director yelled as I let out a loud sigh then they unwrapped the bandages off of me and I stood up while they started to pack up and call it a day, I walk my way to Zayn then Louis and Niall approached us.

Niall is carrying something over his shoulder covered with trench coat while laughing along with Louis and Zayn.

"Hey Haz." Louis greeted casually then Niall put down what he's carrying as I realized that it's a person and Louis snatched off the coat revealing a familiar golden brown haired girl tied down behind making my eyes widen in horror and realization.

"You mother fuckers!" I growled in rage then untied her immediately and throw the scarf away, I turned her to me as I feel my heart dropped at the familiar expression on her.

She have a purple duct tape plastered on her lips and her eyes filled with lost, panic, stress, anxiousness and terrified expression while breathing heavily like she's about to pass out.

"What have y-you guys d-done?" I whispered then carefully take the tape off of her and throw it away, she started to whimper then nearly fall on her knees but I quickly wrapped my arms around her securely with her head against my chest.

"Who started this?" I growled then Niall pointed at Louis who look so guilty as I throw them both a death glare and Tori is still breathing heavily with her body trembling weakly, I take off my coat and wrapped it over her shoulders then carry her up over my right arm.

"Hey, just breathe. I'm here Tori, you're safe." I said calmly and reassuringly while caressing her back as she wrapped her arms around me neck weakly and whimpered.

"I'll let this pass." I growled at the two fuckers who were stood frozen as I tried to calm myself down and glared at them both.

"Touch my girl like that or do this prank again on her and I swear I'll beat the shit out of you two in a heartbeat and forget that you're my brothers!" I growled darkly and grab my duffle bag on the side then walk out of the set leaving them all without giving a fuck about people watching and taking pictures since the management rented the whole place for shooting.

I feel her breathing started to get calm same as mine then I continued our way to the stalls and finding the exit.

"Candies." she squirmed pointing over the candy stand making me chuckle then walk my way to the stand and put her down but with my right arm around her waist possessively, she started choosing candies and chocolates as I watched her.

I noticed that she's wearing an all black and dolled up like she just walk out from the magazine and looking like a Victorian doll, she look up to me and smile beautifully causing me to smile too and peck on her lips making her giggle adorably.

"GemRi sinks I guess." she whispered while giggling as I tighten my grip around her causing her to squirm "Totally sinks." I said then kissed her forehead and chuckle.

"Can we play one of their games here?" she asked excitedly as I hummed in agreement and she giggles then continued picking candies.

I paid for it all then we moved on the stand filled with colorful marzipan and truffles, she bought a 4 boxes of dozens of assorted flavored marzipan and truffles then I paid for it too before she even complained.

"You're spoiling me." she stated making me laugh and lean over her left ear "I'm still your awesome dork of a best friend who loves spoiling his nerdy best friend, you're my fiancee now so that level up." I whispered as she turned to me with with disapproving look and our faces way too close causing me to chuckle and crash my lips against hers sweetly.

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