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(Harry's P.O.V.)

We are both currently sitting on the grass under the tree and facing the Serpentine Lake by afar here in Hyde Park with a bunch of people strolling and jogging in the morning.

She's sitting on my right side sketching the place with her sketchbook journal and eating her Vanilla, Pistachio and Cream Cheese ice cream with Nutella sauce in doughnut cone, strawberry slices and crushed almonds on top same as mine that we got from the ice cream van that's strolling around the area while I'm randomly jotting down some lyric ideas on my own journal and eating too.

"Now I know why your butterfly tattoo looks so awfully familiar." She blurted out then turn to me with amuse stare while eating making my face heat up and my eyes widen "You copied it from my old journal that you've got from the treehouse, didn't you?" She added and burst into fits of laughter.

"I got the tattoo last year after I write that 'Don't Let Me Go' song, no one knows why I have this tattoo until now. But since you recognise it, yes I copied it from your old journal that I still have." I said sheepishly then shrugged and continue eating.

"Just be thankful that it's not one of my copyrighted sketches though." She said coolly causing me to stare at her in disbelief "Are you kidding me?! You're gonna sue me if it's copyrighted?!" I asked in horror making her laugh again and shrugged.

"It's like song writing too you know, just in a different perspectives and way. You write your songs and sealed it with copyrights so no one can have them without your permission, you're an artist dork so you should know that." She said while laughing as I shrugged then chuckle.

"But I very much appreciate that you pick that butterfly sketch of mine, it's my favourite and own style of sketching butterflies. See this?" She said showing the cover of her leather sketchbook journal with the same exact butterfly sketch and a quote 'If I Could Fly' below it causing a wide grin to tugged on my lips.

"Do you mind if I steal your right collarbone tattoo quote and some of your made up quotes?" I asked as she frown and look up to me "Why?" She asked and finish eating her ice cream sandwich "Just for writing stuff." I said then shrugged and finish mine.

"Sure, it's not copyrighted." She said jokingly making me chuckle as she continued to draw while I grab my phone.

I sneakily snapped a photo of her right hand while holding a black pencil with her left hand gripping her journal showing her silver unicorn ring over her pinky, black queen crown engagement ring on her ring finger, her sketch of the whole place, my left hand holding my own journal showing my own black king crown ring and cross tattoo on her right side and an emerald green butterfly over the purple flower bed with gray squirrel picking up flowers.

"Tico!" She cheered childishly startling the squirrel causing it to rush in surprise under the flower bed making me burst into fits of laughter while she groan in disappointment and glared at me adorably.

"What are you laughing at?!" She yelled in annoyance "Call your friend Snow White!" She said pointing at the direction where the squirrel hide as I glared at her playfully this time.

I posted the photo on my account with a caption 'She cheered "Tico!" when she saw the squirrel and made it hide away, now she's commanding me to call it back because she thinks I'm Snow White. #YesWeAreNormal'.

"Shut up Aurora!" I fired back causing her to laugh "From Dora to Disney princesses." I said in amusement "I'm not Aurora!" She huffed and continue sketching "Yes you are, you've been in coma for almost a year before." I muttered stating a fact making her snorted and rolled her eyes then chuckle.

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