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(Harry's P.O.V.)

I groan when I feel a fluffy pillow making me open my eyes and look for Tori, I noticed that her stuffs and skateboard are out of sight.

I sit up then palmed my face and glanced over my wristwatch, It's already 5:46 in the evening.

I grab my stuffs and shoes then hopped out of the bed and sauntered my way to the dressing room across Tori's where Chase placed my bags.

I entered then put my stuff on the side then decided to take a quick shower and stuff on the connected bathroom.

Once I'm done, I folded my dirty clothes neatly then put it on the side.

I grab a clean pair of black Calvin Klein boxer, white v-neck shirt, plain black hoodie, black skinny jeans, ankle socks and my brown Saint Laurent button up coat.

I put it all on then grab my brown suede Chelsea boots and slipped it on, I grab my phone, wallet and keys then walk out of the closet and exited the room.

I sauntered my way across the hall till I reached the massive receiving area in the end with a U shaped white leather couch, oak wood coffee table and a massive flat screen telly hang from the ceiling.

They are all still wearing the same exact clothes that they have from flight but Tori and Aunt Mel are nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, where's T? Is she still sleeping?" Chase asked me causing me to frown "She's not there when I woke up, I thought she's with you all now." I said making Dean burst into fits of laughter while Chase groaned and palmed his face.

"She sneaked out again man!" Dean said while laughing causing me to drop my jaw "Where's Aunt Mel?" I asked again "Harvey Nichols, shopping for food. Alone." Chase said then sighed deeply.

I grab my phone and contacted Tori then lean it over my right ear while waiting for her to pick up.

"It's either she's out to cruise or bought food and give it to people for free." Chase said then chuckled making me stare at him in disbelief "Are you seriously letting your sister do that alone?!" Gem freaked out.

"She's sneaking! So that means I'm not letting her! Why would I let my sister be in danger grumpy? She usually does that." Chase fired back as Tori picked up the phone.

"Where are you?!" I boomed worriedly over the phone.

"I sneak out, but I can explain! I just cruised around and stuff alone, I couldn't help it." she said then chuckled nervously as I heard voices from the other line.

"Are you serious?!" I asked her in disbelief while Dean mouthed 'I told you so'.

"Well, you see. There's a pavilion somewhere here so I bought food, and do stuffs." she ranted nervously and defensively.

"Where exactly are you?" I asked her calmly.

"About that, I-I don't know w-where exactly I am. I forgot my way around. But I'm here in front of a lake thing with boats and there's a bunch of people, I guess I'm still somewhere here in park." She said with a tone of panic causing me to drop my jaw in horror.

"You forgot your way around?!" I asked again in panic.

"Y-yeah, and yours, Dean and CC's fans. There are a group girls, they said mean things and call me names. That's why I panicked and skate away! I don't know what to do! Gemmy said if they said mean things to me I should ignore them so I just skate away!" she squirmed while breathing heavily on the other line making my heart drop.

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