Chapter 11 - Daryl

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I stood in a room that looked like it definitely belonged to guys. It had that guy feel to it, none of the crap that girls fill their rooms with. Lauren gave the okay to take any of the clothes in the dresser by the door. I think Tyler was one of her brothers and that belonged to him. I open one drawer, then another, and I checked a smaller drawer toward the top. That has underwear in it. Hell No! I don't wear someone else drawers. Fuck, I gave up wearing that months ago anyway. Didn't have any left, so it's been commando ever since.

There's a pair of jeans that looks like it will fit and I grab a shirt. They get tossed onto the bed, and I head into the bathroom. It's larger than my old bedroom that I had as a kid. Who the hell am I foolin'? I've got a good idea from what Lauren came from, and I doubt I'll even come close to measuring up.

I drop my grimy clothes in a pile and head into the shower I had heating up. It does feel good, really good. The rain had left me chilled and as much as I fight it, cleaning up ain't half bad. If I want Lauren to go for me, I can't keep looking a piece of crap.

Soaping myself up, I notice the numerous bruises and cuts and scrapes I have all over me. I never even knew I had them. The hot water is streaming over me, and I just stand there letting everything wash away...everything that is except the thoughts of her shower...naked.

I smile at her comment about seeing a 'clean Daryl.' She's so cute when she gets flustered. "I'd like to show her what that looks like, right now in fact," I say out loud knowing no one can hear me. Closing my eyes I think of her and her hot body sharing this shower with me, the water running over her tits and my imagination just continues to be x rated. At least I'm in a place that I can take care of the hard-on I have...again, just thinking 'bout her. I start to stroke my dick and let nature take its course.

I take my time heading downstairs, just needed a few more minutes to get my shit together. Her brother's clothes fit pretty good, even though the jeans are a bit loose. I head back downstairs wondering what this night is gonna bring if anything.

Outside, I can tell the weather is shit. The wind is howling through the trees as the rain is slamming up against the house. It is nasty out there, and I'm glad that we didn't try to head back to the group. That woulda been real stupid.

When I get downstairs, I notice Lauren is in the kitchen cooking. First thing I notice is that her hair is down, something I rarely see. She puts a smile on my face as she swaying to something that she is humming while stirring a pot. Her ass is looking good in those tight black pants she has on.

"Hey," I say letting her know I was down.

"Hey you!" she smiled back at me. I instantly saw the beer in her hand. Oh hell yeah, this day was looking better and better.

Lauren hands me a beer and I 'bout guzzle half...liquid courage. "I like your hair down. It...looks good that way," I tell her. She usually has it up in a curly ponytail, and this is different, and I like it... a lot.

"Really?" she says wide-eyed surprised. "I can't wear it down when we are ...well out there. It just gets in my way too much. "

I walk up to her and stood closer than normal. "I like it this way. Maybe you can wear it down more often?" I played with one of her curls before stepping back. Small moves forward, but I was finally making them.

My stomach did a big flip when she gave me a sly smile and said. "Sure, Daryl...I will when I can...for you." Then she danced back to the pot she had on the stove stirring it with one hand and drinking the beer with the other. Damn, this was heading to be a very interesting night.  

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