Chapter 23 - Lauren

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The sun was starting to set by the time we all made it to the dirt drive that led to the cabins. I had been straddling the back of Daryl's motorcycle for most of the day, and my body wasn't used to it. I could not wait to get off this thing. Our misfit caravan slowly made its way into the clearing after a very long and winding trip back. We had encountered several small walker herds that had us turning around looking for alternate routes a couple times, so it took all afternoon to get here.

Everyone stretched as they got out of the cars while trying to take everything in. Daryl gave my hand a little squeeze before we got off his motorcycle. My legs were stiff as I hopped off, so I walked around trying to get the kinks out. "Sore ass?" he asked with a sly smile.

"Sore everything," I sighed. Leaning close to him I added, "And it's all your fault."

Laughing Daryl turned when he heard Rick call out his name. "Give us the run down, Daryl."

"Main house is here, three bedrooms, large kitchen and living room. The other cabin is more of a bunkhouse style with four bedrooms, small kitchen and living room. The shed over there has tools and outdoor equipment. That's a small motorboat under the tarp, we can use that on the lake for fishin'. We got woods on three sides, but we've yet to see any walkers out here."

"Daryl's right," I said, "We haven't seen any walkers at all around here or in town. To add on to what he said about the property, the solar panels are still fully functional, so that gives us electricity."

"And hot water," both Michonne and Tara added at the same time.

"These buildings are super secure, my dad did that on purpose. All the windows are shuttered closed from the inside. That hides any lights that are on from being seen from the outside. No one can see us in the dark unless we want them too."

"That's good, really good," Rick said. "Let's go inside."

I retrieved the key from its hiding place, and we all trudged up the front steps to the porch. Everyone was taking in the view and scouting the woods. I opened the heavy wooden front door and walked in. One by one everyone followed me inside. Daryl was the last inside and gave me a wink.

Abraham was the first to speak. "I guess it'll do." Everyone burst out laughing. It was the best accommodations we had since Alexandria. While the cabins both needed a good cleaning, we could all easily fit. It was extremely spacious.

"Let's get rooms assigned. Lauren what do you think?" Rick asked always taking charge.

"This house has three bedrooms a king bed, a queen and two doubles. The other cabin has two rooms with queens and two with two doubles. I'd like to stay in this cabin if possible."

"You got it," Rick replied. "Okay, Carl and I will take the doubles upstairs, and Lauren gets a room."

"Rick, can I stay here this way I'm close to the kitchen, "Carol asked.

"Good idea Carol. Glenn and Maggie and Abraham and Sasha can take the single-bedded rooms next door. Now Tara, Michonne, and Daryl..." I could see Rick doing the math in his head. "Tara and Michonne, you both, will have to share, and Daryl can get..."

Before he could finish Daryl interrupted him. "Naw, I'm good Rick, They can have the rooms."

"We can't do that Daryl," Michonne told him. "You need a room. We can share, right Tara?"

"Of course," she said."

"I said I'm good," he tried to tell them again. My poor Daryl was doing his best, but I was going to have to let the cat out of the proverbial bag.

"Guys...he'll be staying with my room." Majority of the group whipped their heads to first to look at me and then at Daryl. He blushed, and I just smiled.

"Wait...what...when did that happen?" Glenn stuttered shocked. Maggie just giggled at her husband.

Rick laughs, "Now we know what took you both so long to get back."

"We just made good use of our time during the storm," I said with a sweet smile. Everyone laughed, and Abraham slapped Daryl on the back congratulating him.

Rick nodded his approval to Daryl. Those two could speak volumes to each other without saying a word. He turned and gave me a big hug. "Treat my boy well, he deserves it," he whispered in my ear.

"I most definitely will," I replied back.

"Okay guys, let's all get settled into our rooms and meet back here in about thirty minutes for a group meeting on what our next plans are," Rick told everyone. 

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