Chapter 27 - Lauren

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"Sorry," Carol told me laughing. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

I gave her a big hug. "Not a problem, Carol. I had already told him, no, but he was trying to convince me otherwise, and my willpower was slipping. We have too much to do right now anyway. He just doesn't like to hear the word no." I rolled my eyes for emphasis.

We both burst out laughing. After a moment, she put her hand on my shoulder. "He's very special to me, and he hasn't had a lot of happiness in his life. I know you are going to be very good for him, I know that deep down. He's smiled more today than I've ever seen thank you, Lauren."

I looked Carol directly in her eyes so that she would know I was serious, "I love him, Carol. I love all of his quirks that make him Daryl, even the surly grumpy side. I'll take good care of him." I knew that Carol and Daryl had a very special bond and I was happy that she knew how much I cared for him.

"I know you will, I don't doubt that because if I did, you'd know it. You haven't told him that you love him yet, have you?"

"No, I haven't. It's way too soon for that, I don't want to scare him off. Hell, I bet everyone thinks that this just developed because we were alone here, but it didn't. It was a long time coming."

Carol looked at me with that wry smile she has. "I know. I spent months watching you looking at him and Daryl watching you, with neither you realizing what the other was doing. I tried to give him a little push once, but he told me to stay out it."

"He was under the completely wrong idea that he wasn't good enough for me. Stupid man," I said rolling my eyes again. "But... I changed his mind."

We hugged again each understanding where the other was coming from. We both had Daryl's best interest at heart.

"So what did you need?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"Oh right, I did disturb you for a reason," she laughed. "First, the clothes and stuff in the bathroom are those yours?"

"Yeah, they are. I'll get them out of your way right away."

"No rush, I just wanted check with you. Can we also go over the kitchen supplies or should we wait until after the meeting?"

Rick was walking in the front door with Abraham and Carl who carried Judith. "Why don't you wait until afterward," he said. "The sooner we can get this hashed out the better."

"Sounds good to me," I told him. Carol and I joined them in the great room, and we each chose a different sofa to sit on. I was glad that this house was designed for large groups. The wide-open living room boasted three separate sofas, plus several comfortable chairs and assorted other pieces of furniture. My mom's decorating style had been a combination of country comfortable and rustic cabin. The numerous seating options meant we would all easily fit. Soon the others started to straggle in. Tara and Michonne looked relaxed, and I could tell that they had showered. Only Daryl was missing.

"Lauren, where's Daryl?" Rick asked.

"Still upstairs," I replied. "Want me to get him?" I was thrilled inside that Rick automatically saw us a couple.

"Naw," he said walking over to the bottom of the stairs. "DARYL," he shouted. "Get your ass down here."

"I'm comin', I'm comin'. Shit there ain't no fire is there?" he drawled slowing coming down. He plopped himself down next to me and whispered in my ear. "I'll deal with you later." It took everything I had not to burst out laughing. I was glad to see that Daryl had made use of more of my brother's clothes as I saw he was black jeans and gray t-shirt this time.

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