Chapter 22 - Lauren

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Several hours later and many miles behind us we start to near the town where we left the rest of the group. I was eager to see them all again but strangely anxious as to what their reaction would be to Daryl and me.

We were headed towards the neighborhood where the house was that they were holed up in when we heard vehicles approaching. I could see Daryl trying to decide on the safest course of action – hide or continue on. Lights flashed at us twice and then once more, that was Rick's signal. We had found them! Daryl pulled up next to the SUV that Rick drove and everyone got out. Abraham was driving the second car.

I started hugging everyone. It was so good to see them again. Even though it had only been a few days, we never knew what we come back to. When people went on runs for supplies, we were on pins and needles until they came back safe.

"Hey man, good to see you," Rick said to Daryl. "We were starting to get worried."

"You get all that rain? We couldn't travel on the bike in it."

"Yeah musta been a hurricane or something. That was wild weather. We were holed up in that house until this mornin'. Too many walkers around now, we had to get out." Rick did one of his head tilts that he does when he gets serious. "What did you two find?"

"It's good bro. We'll need to come up with a security plan, but the buildings are good and sound." Glenn and Abraham moved over to join Rick and Daryl discussing the cabins. Carl stood near them holding Judith trying to be one of the guys.

The ladies gathered around me. "Tell us about these cabins," asked Carol.

"It's like normal living again. There's no walls or fences like we had at the prison or Alexandria, but that's the only downside. I know the guys can figure something out. These are sturdy log cabins that can fit all of us. No one around for miles. The solar panels still work, I was so surprised! We have electricity and hot water."

"Yes!" Michonne exclaimed raising her fist in the air.

"I took at least three hot showers it was heaven!" I sighed. "But the best part is that with the electricity still working, my mom's freezer is still packed with a ton of food. This will work for us girls, I know it."

"My mouth is watering already," Sasha said. 'That just made my hunger even worse."

"Oh my God, I forgot. I brought you guys' food." I slipped my pack off my back and gave it to Carol to rummage through. Sasha, Michonne, and Tara all turned their attention to Carol and my pack of supplies. Only Maggie stayed with me.

"Any of those multiple showers include a crossbow wielding loner that we all know?" Maggie smiled deviously at me.

"Maggie!" I hissed. "Shh..."

"Well did it?" she pulled me off to the side. "I know that you've had a crush on him forever and I've seen the way he looks at you when you aren't paying attention. You can't tell me that nothing happened. Spill it, Lauren." That was news to me that Daryl had watched me.

I just gave her a big ear to ear smile. "I knew it!" she said trying to keep her voice low but it wasn't working.

"Maggie!" I said trying to shush her. "Keep it down. This isn't the place to talk about this. I'll tell you more later."

"One tidbit, please just give me one," she begged.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Okay...let's just say that I wasn't alone in the shower this morning."

"Hot damn!" Maggie did a silly little dance.

"What's going on over there?" Glenn asked.

Without hesitating Maggie answers, "Daryl finally showered." To which Carol innocently adds, "It's about damn time too."

I started to giggle as I saw Daryl start to blush. He wouldn't look over at me. Maggie was laughing with me. Lucky for me before anyone else could figure what was going on Rick called out for us all to get on the move. No one questioned me when I got back on the bike behind Daryl. We took off leading the way to our new home.

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