Chapter 19 - Daryl

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This was the best day of my miserable life. I had never had a best day for anything before, had plenty of worst days, but never a best day. I remember spending two days lying on a mattress on the floor of my so called bedroom because my back hurt so bad from the whipping my drunk old man gave me. I stole food as a kid because I was so hungry, but the worst day when I had to put Merle down because he had turned. I hated him for leaving me with the old man, I hated that he treated me like crap all the time and I hated the way he called me 'little brother.' He had been all the family I had left, and now he was gone by my own hand. This day almost made up for all of that.

I turned back to watch Lauren as she rummaged through the cabinets looking to make us lunch. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know how a white trash guy like me ended up with a classy babe like her, but I was tired of fighting my feelings for her. We were together now, and that's all that counted.

I walked over and unlocked the front door looked outside to check the weather. "Fuck, it's still raining hard. We can't ride in this. It's way too dangerous."

"Hopefully tonight or in the morning it will stop. We gotta get back to the group. They're going to be worried," Lauren said while turning on the stove. "Hey, I found a few hamburgers and hotdogs in the freezer that I'm going to cook up. We don't have rolls, but is that okay?"

My mouth was watering. "Yeah, anything is fine. If this rain doesn't stop tonight, we'll have to get up a dawn to see what's going on. It's gotta have stopped by then."

"Why don't you open a few of the shutters, Daryl? It will give us some more light in here. We can close them up when night comes." Lauren suggested. The benefit of these shutters was that they opened and closed from the inside, they were intended to make the house more secure when it was unoccupied, but it did the same with us in it. When they were closed, it didn't let any light outside so we wouldn't attract walkers or people.

While the rain still poured outside, we relaxed on the sofa after filling up on protein for the first time in months. Canned food would only satisfy you for so long. We sat together on the couch, my head lying in her lap. We talked about anything that came to mind. I saw her lay her head back with this big smile on her face.

"What?" I asked.


"Don't start that nothing crap with me, why are you smiling?"

Lauren started to laugh. "I don't think I've heard you talk this much in the entire time I have known you. You were always a man of few words, but this is a whole different Daryl."

I felt myself start to blush. "Well, I never had much to say or anyone I wanted to say anything to...until now."

She ran my fingers through my hair and once again moved my long bangs out of my eyes. I loved her touching me. "You're so sweet," she said softly.

"Fuck, no one's ever called me sweet before," I told her, rolling my eyes. Daryl Dixon wasn't sweet.

"Yes, Mr. Tough Guy you are times. Get used to it!" she smiled started to laugh again.

"Take that back. I'm no sissy," I said trying to give her give her my pissed off look, but it didn't work. I was just too fuckin' happy.

"Okay, okay...let me come up words to describe Daryl Dixon." Lauren thought for a moment. "Okay... a loner...a man of few words...trustworthy...completely loyal...deadly...and to me, only me he is sweet."

"Fuck," I thought. She had described me to a 'T.' I would never have thought that being called deadly and sweet at the same time would be such a turn on.

I sat up and kissed her, first just lightly on her lips, but then she pulled me into a deeper harder kiss. I liked where my girl was headed. Before I knew it, we didn't have any clothes ...again. I sure wasn't complaining as I just couldn't get enough of her. We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon and evening in bed. We knew that this time alone, this time where just the two of us existed was coming to an end. The rain had finally stopped and first thing in the morning we had to be back on the road and get back to our group. We had to find them and bring them home.

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