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Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Nothing in it has happened in real life and everything that has been written is purely for the enjoyment of the readers (& myself).

All Rights Reserved.

© copyright 2013 - scutts97    (this chapter is undergoing editing)

this story contains boyxboy action and various sex scenes.

Rated [R] 


 I'm scared to get close & I hate being alone... 

Harry cursed loudly as his driver told him the news. Paul knew that Master Styles wouldn't be happy that they had broken down out here, but he had to tell him otherwise Master Styles would question their sudden hault. 

"Where are we Paul." Harry asked, pinching the bridge of his nose and then straightened and fixed his blazer.

"About halfway to your destination, Sir." Paul answered, looking from the hood of the car. 

"How long until we can get there and I can calm down my father." Harry asked, and Paul sighed.

"A little longer than an hour, Sir." 

"Fuck!" Harry yelled, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration and turning around, spotting a little cafe not far away from where his car was broken down.

"I'm going over there." Harry told Paul, then looked both ways and crossed the road, pushing open the cafe's door, not caring that he was in his work tuxedo. 

Harry observed everyone in the little place as he sat down on a table hidden in the corner, watching how they were all talking to one another. This must be one of those places, Harry thought, briefly scanning the menu and deciding on what he wanted and looking up to see a cute blonde standing before him

"Do you know what you would like, Sir?" the blonde asked, and Harry smiled at the boy, getting rid of the hard glare he had on his face before. 

"Can I please have a cup of black coffee with one sugar and a Cinnamon swirl roll?" Harry asked the blonde, and he nodded. 

"Of course, I'll be right back with your order." the blonde said, collecting up the menu and hurrying over to the coffee machine. 

Niall knew exactly who the man was. He knew exactly what he gets up to in his spare time, but why on earth he was at the little cafe he works at was beyond him. Niall hurried up as he made the black coffee and then heated up the roll, placing it delicately on the plate with a napkin under it and then cleaned up the coffee cup, making sure there were no black spots on the outside. 

Niall tried his best to walk as straight as he could over to the table where Harry Styles sat, hoping that he doesn't trip and spill everything on Harry's expensive looking suit, and then have his manager take money out of his pay-check to pay for the broken plate and cup. 

"There you are." Niall said to Harry, thankful that his voice wasn't as shaky as what he thought it would be.

"Thank you." Harry nodded, and then asked Niall to join him. 

"Oh, um, I'm working... I'm not supposed to interact with the customers; I'll get in troub--"

"Nonsense. It's just this one time, please?" Harry pleaded, and Niall glanced around nervously before shaking his head and sitting down opposite the curly haired boy. 

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