17: Why'd You Run?

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dedicated to 'loveniallsmiles' for being a cutie


Harry stared at the woman, taking in her appearance. She hasn't changed since he last saw her, a grand total of 5 years and 8 months ago. Niall's birthday was next month, and Harry had gone off to his mother’s— who lived 5 hours away. 

"H-Harold?" she stammered, and Harry nodded, a small smile on his face. "Oh baby, you've changed so much." she continued, ignoring her broken plate and dropping the tea towel, putting both of her hands on either side of Harry's face, taking in his appearance. 

"You've grown up so much." she murmured, and Harry let a chuckle escape his lips. 

"Hey mum." Harry said, taking her in his arms and keeping her there for a while. 

The pair eventually made it inside once the plate was clean, and Harry's mother sat him down, making sure to put the kettle on and to have a cuppa brewed for her son. 

"What brings you here?" she asked him, sitting down opposite her son, a mug of tea in her and her son’s hands. 

"I had to escape everything in Melbourne. I just had to." Harry confessed to his mum, a million thoughts on his mind. 

"Tell me baby; tell me what's bothering you." 

"I have a boyfriend." Harry said, and his mother smiled.

"You've actually settled down with someone?" She asked, and Harry looked at her with a gobsmacked look on his face. 

"What do you mean, 'settled down with someone'?" Harry asked, confused to what his mother was implying. 

"You don't think I've kept up with you? I see you in magazines sold at the local supermarket. Harold please. I'm glad that you've finally sticked to one person, for longer than what, 2 weeks?" his mother teased, and Harry scowled at her. 

"Yeah well... I don't think we'll still be together when I get back." Harry admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Why on earth not?" Harry's mother asked, baffled at her son. 

"I left without him knowing." 

"And why the hell did you do that!? I raised you up better than that Harry." His mother scolded, hitting her son over the head. 

"Ow! Mum! I know it was wrong, but I had to see you!" Harry defended, gasping as she hit his head again.

"Harold Edward Styles. You were not raised to abandon someone. Niall is obviously special if you've stayed with him, you had no right to leave." She said sternly, shaking her head at her son.

"He was angry at me in the morning anyways though mum. He isn't gonna miss me. Hell, Niall probably hates me after what I did. I don't blame him. I hate me. I can't handle the pressure of work mum. Dad's gonna take either my money or Niall away from me. I don't know what to do!"

"First, you're going to call that boyfriend of yours and tell him all this over the phone. Then, you're going to sit on that couch, I'm going to make another cuppa for the both of us, and then we're going to 'chat' about your father." 

Niall stared at Louis. 

"He can't have just left." Niall said loudly, making Louis jerk back from the force. 

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