20: F**king Hell, Harry!

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oh my. the response to the last chapter. oh my.

♦dedicated to TropicalJoy, you're lovely sweetie 


It's been three weeks since the last interaction with Harry and Niall has been hanging out with Luke from that pub band a lot more recently. So much so that he offered him a job at his cafe. 

"Niall! You can't just say that!" Luke laughed, and Niall groaned. 

"Why the hell not, Luke?" Niall asked, and Luke nudged Niall with his shoulder.

"Because it's rude, duh." Luke said, and Niall giggled at him. 

The pair were at Luke’s shared house, Luke shared it with his band, Ashton, Calum and Michael. Niall was happy with sitting at home with Luke. Just with Luke. No one else, no massive dates where there can be cameras at every corner just waiting to snap a photo of them. 

"You okay Ni?" Luke asked, cocking his head to the side, his big blue eyes staring at Niall in curiosity. 

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." Niall smiled, and Luke smiled back, his dorky, out of place smile. 

"I hope it's nothing too serious, you looked really deep in thought babe." Luke smiled, and Niall blushed a little at the slip of babe. 

"No, it wasn't haha, I was just thinking about... well... him." 

Luke groaned. "Still? Niall, it's been three weeks, you can't possibly still be thinking about that man. He broke your heart, he said that he was too good for you, please, Niall, you need to get over him!" 

"What if I don't want to! What if I still believe that he will come back? What if I still hope that he'll come back to me and wrap his arms around me..." Niall trailed of pathetically and sighed when he saw Luke’s face. 

"What if I want to do that to you?" Luke asked quietly, and Niall froze for a second, realising what Luke just said. 

"You... why would you... I don't... what?" Niall was confused. Luke was his friend. They were only friends 

"You seriously didn't think that us being this close wasn't going to lead to emotions did you?" Luke asked the shocked boy, laughing at his gobsmacked face. 

"No! I thought we were friends! You were just being friendly! Nothing more! Luke," Niall stopped, groaning out Luke’s name. 

"I do like you, Niall. A lot." 

Niall sat there as Luke waited for an answer. What the heck was he going to reply with?!

Harry moped around his penthouse 24/7. He called into work and said that he was taking a "mental health" week, even though it's been a little more than a week. He couldn't focus on anything. Not since Niall changed his Facebook picture to one of himself and... Luke. Harry wanted to incinerate that boy with his mind, but no matter how hard he glared at the computer screen, it didn't work. 

He didn't understand how Niall could move on so quickly. It wasn't fair. Why was he allowed to forget Harry, and Harry wasn't? It's been three weeks and Harry's still not over this stupid blonde haired boy. Maybe he never will. Maybe Harry's currently in one of those stupid cliché movies where the girl never gets over the guy and then when they meet in 20 years later she tries to make him leave his happy life for her and wait.

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