30: Meet the Parents.

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dedicated to 'xTheFWordx' bc god damn you're fast. 

this is SO LATE, and i'm so sorry. I hope no ones forgotten mee :c 

has niall met gemma yet?????


 "Get up sleepy head." Harry spoke as Niall just barely fluttered his eyes open. 

"What time is it?" he asked groggily, wincing a little at the light. 

"It's just after 10 in the morning." Harry smiled, looking down at his sleepy boyfriend, still in bed, still wrecked from last night. 

"What time are we meeting your mum?"

"10:30." Harry said, checking his wrist watch briefly before flicking his arm out and straightening his blazer jacket. 

"What?!" Niall yelled, sitting up from the bed, blushing a little when he realised he was naked, but frantically looked around for a clock for the precise time. "Harry! I can't get ready quick enough!" 

"Sure you can." Harry shrugged, and Niall glared at the already dressed boy.

"Everything’s going to be so rushed," Niall muttered, "It's not like I'm meeting your mum or anything and I have to look good." 

"You'll be fine," Harry waved it off, "You could go looking like what you are in right now and she wouldn't care." 

"I'm not in anything!" 

"Exactly." Harry winked, and Niall scowled at him before making his way to the bathroom, ignoring the wolf whistle coming from Harry’s mouth at his bare bum. 

Niall rushed to get dressed, pulling his jumper on inside-out, earning more teasing from the boy he pretends to love. He made this known to Harry very clearly. 

"I only use you for your money you know." Niall blatantly said, and Harry chuckled. 

"Sure you do." 

"I'm serious!" Niall scowled, causing Harry to laugh more. 

"Darling, if you were only in it for the money, you would have bought a hell of a lot more stuff with it, than buying everything with your own money." Harry smirked, crossing his arms as he watched Niall struggle to pull off the jumper and then put it on the right way, his shirt collar still tucked into the jumper.

"Oh." Niall spoke, "Right. Next time, that’s what I'll do. Then you'll believe me!" Harry smiled and shook his head slowly at his boyfriend, walking over and untucking his collar, kissing his cheek when he was done. 

"Stop stalling," Harry whispered, "and get your cute butt in the car waiting for us downstairs." 

Niall nodded and walked out of the door, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves nervously, as he waited patiently for Harry to catch up with him, linking their fingers together when he did. 

"She's going to love you like I do." Harry spoke once they were in the car, making Nialls eyes flick to the side of his face, focused on the road in front of them. 

"It took me a while to get you to say that you loved me, Harold." Niall pointed out, and Harry blushed a little bit— but he didn't want to admit that in front of his already cocky boyfriend. 

"Yeah but... you don't... oh shut up." Niall smirked and bit his lip to conceal it when he felt Harry's eyes on his face.

"We're only 5 minutes away now darling." Niall paled when he heard Harry speak, and shyly glanced at his curly haired lover. 

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