Episode Three - Chapter 11: Let Her Go

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Zayn POV:

Teen choice awards is apparently the event we were playing tonight so as I walked through the backstage doors towards our dressing room I tried to take a moment for myself from the craziness of the pumping exhilaration that had taken over the atmosphere. Liam and Niall were headed home the moment our categories had been awarded since the performance was finally out of the way and were had finished the north American leg of our tour leaving us unshackled and ready to relax. However Harry and I had other priorities to take care of – Harry was still up for a few nominations and sat quietly trying to avoid the camera that landed on his face every two seconds unsuccessfully next to Ed as I sat patiently in the crowd supporting Little Mix even though that relationship was on very rocky terms. Perrie and I hadn’t talked for a couple of months however Simon wanted us to be at least civil for the public eye – nothing like a bad break up to ruin ones image. Louis hid behind stage not really overly joyed at all with being here however Harry had asked him to stay back which left me now wandering the back stage finding a designated smoking area.

My feet propelled me rather heavily forward as if I were a balloon that had lost its helium – worn out and ready to burst I hid my face low drawing the least amount of attention as I walked passed vaguely familiar faces that didn’t captured my desire at all. Taylah had still been the one person on the forefront of my mind each day no matter how much I tried shaking the feeling. Nightmares haunted me throughout my life always hiding around the corner away from the sunlight but once the silvery twilight sets in I find them looming over my head.  A few months had passed by although A was still hot on our trail more fired up than anything. We had gained a new member to our group which hadn’t worked out so well the last few times – I wasn’t talking about a member to our band but the girl trailing behind us like a lost puppy alongside the blond bomb shell accompanying us at each event. “Zayn” that voice could have frozen me better than stage fright or a freeze ray gun. However the voice escaped none faces that in a blur passed me ever so silently – it came from a shadowed corner just up ahead. Walking one slow hesitant step at a time my curiosity drove me towards that voice – the one that echoed throughout my dreams and into my nightmares. Taylah.

My phone had magically replaced the cigarettes that had previously preoccupied my right hand as I caught a glimpse of the ghost that looked ever so real. A hood obstructed my view however the black hair cascading from behind it clouded my judgement “Taylah?” I questioned following closer behind as her pace picked up into a slight jog. I felt the room around me closing in a little as if I had been placed into an earthquake testing room and flipped upside down feet being swept out from underneath me with no control. You’re drunk – or insane... let’s go with insane. My heart was pumping as if it were about to escape my body finally running free however little did it know without the rest of me it would die. She’s dead. My mind screamed at me to listen to reason but my heart was in control leading the race that had me running insanely through the back stage up the stairwell and into a room filled with mirrors.

As my reflection looked back I noticed a figure in the corner “Zayn – help me” it begged me innocently but as I was about to step forward my own ghostly figure knocked me to the ground, a mirror had been shoved in my direction as the others circled me. Clammy my hands were the first to respond in efforts of pushing myself up but the sweat made it harder than normal. I felt the room morphing as if I were growing into a giant that resided in a doll house and my vision became blurred allowing the figure or maybe even figures to escape my mind. Coughing I found myself gasping for air as my raspy voice groaned out Taylah’s name – I had no idea what was happening until two sweet caressing hands found their way around my cheeks.

Hair as black as the midnight sky and eyes as crystal blue to match as the stars allowed my senses to focus a little helping me to home in rather than the allowing overwhelming weight to crush down around me. “Zayn – shh you’re having a panic attack” one hand released my cheek however returning it’s connection to my body as it rubbed soothing circles she lulled me to breathe steadily again. Once I had come around she had handed me a cup of iced water cautioning me to sip “it’s okay – you know I used to have a lot of panic attacks each year on the first day of school” the girl sat back on her knees however I couldn’t help pick the resemblance of Taylah within her quirky smile. “Thank you – Lucy Hale right?” my face still wore the same grave and disembodied look. Nodding she allowed a soft smile to reach her lips hoping it would have an effect over my mood “or just Lucy – I presented the award to you before” she reassured me of our acquaintance as if it were okay for me to feel less embarrassed. “Right  -- sorry I just, my cravings for smokes is out of control” for some reason the lying rolled fluently off my tongue making me feel sick that effortlessly I could lie to an innocent stranger. “It’s a horrible habit however I heard stress brings it on” her comment stuck with me for a while however I steady myself against one of the mirrors of an abandoned dressing room “well I guess that theory is right”. Shrugging I pulled myself together gesturing towards the door “after you” as she followed my lead however I lingered on the room allowing myself to fully absorb the scene when my eyes flickered noticing a mask, walking towards it I picked it up turning it right side up.

“Zayn – are you coming?” the sweet voice of Lucy lured me like a siren does to a sailor however inspecting the mask in the dark I noticed it had an eerie similarity towards Taylah’s resemblance. Finding the pocket that concealed the mask the most I headed out the threshold of the room with Lucy two steps ahead turning back every now and again as if observing me “I’m fine you know” I shrugged again feeling impolite after everything she had done “better safe than sorry Zayn”.  As the blaring lights of the stage finally came into view you could instantly feel the heat as if it were an oven on stage and the acts were the main course. Lucy and I parted ways as I spotted Liam headed for the door although the moment I walked towards him my voice caught in my throat as if I were merely coughing.

‘Meaning of a doppelganger; a ghostly double of a living person that haunts its living counterpart. Love comes slow but it goes so fast Zayn – you only knew you loved her when you let her go. Got too fly – A’

Liam had exited the building, Louis was out of sight, Niall had surely left with Li and Harry sat with all eyes on him however I could have sworn the world had been watching me survive the hunger games all this time as I felt the panic rising from the pit of my stomach up into my throat again ceasing all control of my body.

And you let her go.

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