Episode Two - Chapter 8: Never Heard Silence Quite This Loud.

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Liam POV:

The moment we all got the call from Paul was one that was truly shocking, Lou and Zayn had only gone out for drinks right? Or so I thought that’s what they said they had done so why was Louis being jailed for murder? I dropped the phone and ran to the TV, surly enough Louis was being carted away in a police car cuffs and all, being pushed harshly by two polices officer’s faces that really made my skin crawl. I watched wide eyed in terror of the whole scene, my hands shook and my jaw gaped down almost hitting the floor I didn’t pull myself together before I heard Danielle open the front door to the apartment. “Dani Louis is in trouble! We need to get to the police station! It is a misunderstanding I know it is!” I stumbled falling over the couch that suddenly appeared in my haste to the door. “Liam calm down, there isn’t anything we can do... we just need to let it play out! I am sure Simon will sort it out in no time” she came over to me lulling me into a trance with her calming words but something didn’t quite add up, where has she been anyway? I nodded and pried her hands off of my face as I tried to act like I had let it go.

No sooner than I had pulled away my phone blew up with different tones, text tones, twitter tones, call tones you name it! Harry was frantically panicking with Niall, Zayn was texting me all that had happened and twitter just wanted to reiterate how much trouble we were in. I could already see the headlines spreading around the world “Heading in One Direction – To Jail!” or “Louis Tomlinson Has Officially Gone In-Zayn”. “Hey Dani I think I am just going to spend the night with Harry and Niall... I have to be with them, work out some sort of plan” I explained as I quickly made my way into my bedroom shoving anything I could find into a bag. “Liam I am sure it’ll be okay! its treacherous weather out there at the moment do you think that is a smart idea?” she tried to pull on my arm but I couldn’t be bothered arguing her on this. “Danielle I am going” I said and with that I placed a light kiss on her cheek and strode out the door as fast as I could.

The silvery light cast up from the wet pavement filled my senses with a somewhat calm state, lighting the way as I walked through the streets of London late at night. I couldn’t help but think over everything Zayn had written down, there had been a girl who he was talking to that night however she left early, Elle was her name. Somehow during the time Louis and Zayn got into the car and the time they drove out she had apparently been hit and what look liked killed however there was no body? Louis turned himself in for something that had a very bizarre feel to it... almost like... And there it was, the tone I had dreaded the most, A.

*Let’s call this an initiation to the A Team Liam; You don’t want Danielle or Allison hurt and I need your help – 34, Carswell Road, Notting Hill – A*

I had no idea what the address was or a way to get there, I couldn’t even ask the boys for a lift since I knew A wanted this kept a secret... as much as I wanted to tell them, I was A’s little pet monkey for now. I searched the address on my phone and started heading in that direction by the time I got there morning would be on my trail so I started jogging a little pacing myself as I went. I heard a car in the distance but it wasn’t until a few minutes later did I feel as though the headlights were eyeing me off as it’s next road kill, so I ran further away from the curb. I turned a few streets to see if I was actually being paranoid but surely enough the car followed so I stopped. The car slowed and pulled over so I casually walked over to the door and waited for the driver to show their face, the moment I saw the blonde curls and the piercing blue eyes I was relieved. “Alli what are you doing out here so late?” I asked with a mixture of confusion and relief as a smirk spread across her face. “I could ask you the same Mr Payne, need a lift?” she asked with a tilt of her head, I looked her over once and noticed she was in her PJ’s. “Sure... what brought you out here in those?” I asked gesturing to her outfit of choice. She sighed a little and pulled out her phone showing me a replica of my text message only it was threatening me... “Wait... you are on the A Team?” my eyes widened and I backed away from her a little. “Oh God no! I just got this... so I figured I would go to the address and I saw you” she said with a shrugged and sincerity written over her face. “I got the same one actually...” I said as she started the car again making the way to the address. I couldn’t help feel like it was a game when I was next to her, we used to pretend to be spies all the time but now in such a dangerous situation I had been transported back to the innocence of child’s play. “Have you told the boys about it yet? I heard about Lou...” she trailed off driving in silence until I replied “no... I don’t particularly want them suspecting me of anything I haven’t been doing...”. “Right... Well is it the first time?” she asked her questions were thick with curiosity “yes” I lied.

We pulled up to an abandoned warehouse standing tall and alone in the concrete jungle of buildings, Allison went pale but I figured it was from fear of what we could be walking into. My hand instinctively grasped hers as I shot her a hopeful smile making my way out of the car; Allison killed the engine and did the same. We walked hand in hand closer to the big sliding door accompanied by a tinny one to the right. Allison tilted her head as her eyes spotted a key hanging from a chain, she wrapped her hand around the key holding it between her shirt in order for the finger prints to not be plastered all over it as evidence. Everything was eerily quiet with the slight hoot of an owl every now and then which really set my nerves into overdrive. She matched the key to the hole turning it slightly, the click of the lock echoed around us making me double take the area before I allowed myself to step inside first. One foot in and Allison grabbed my arm pulling me around to face her “what if it’s a trap?” she whispered in a rushed tone “don’t worry it’s probably nothing” I remembered all the dead leads I had been sent to by A. “Liam... I have to tell you... I’ve been here before” she confessed letting go of my arm looking anywhere but my gaze. “When? Why?” I shot off questions at her but she shook her head and pushed me in “I can’t tell you here... but I want to I promise” she said with willing eyes so I shook my head mouthing speak later.

After a moment or two my eyes adjusted to the pitch black warehouse full with emptiness apart from one distracting shape in the middle of the room, it looked like a sack of some sort. There were no lights so the only way I would find out what it was, was by further inspection at close range however Allison wasn’t so keen; she eyed the room as if it were confusing her. I left Allison to her thoughts as I slowly walked over to the lump on the floor but the closer I got I saw the figure come into shape, a hand, a foot, an arm... a face. The face that I clearly remembered seeing on my TV screen the moment I left home but it was different, cuts and bruises lined her face as she lay unconsciously on the ground. “Allison...” I called but she was already at my side shaking her head in disbelief “if that is the girl supposedly Louis killed why is she here?” I asked the rhetorical question everyone knew the answer to. “She isn’t dead...” Allison let out looking like she had seen this all before but before I could even get a word in both our phones went off clashing tones and breaking the deadly silences that was way too loud.

*Save a life and I’ll spare one of yours but don’t tell the other boys; fail and someone will take her place – A*

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