Episode Two - Chapter 10: A game of Chess anyone?

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Niall POV

Jail? As in prison – as in hardly any food or football matches in the world? Sounds like hell to me and yet my best mate was being threatened with his life in jail because of a misunderstanding. We hadn’t been able to reach him nor were we able to even hear his side to the story however Zayn tried filling is in as best as he could whilst Louis sat alone most probably scratching his eyes out from boredom that or yelling out absurdness at the guard on watch, which sounded more likely. Tossing and turning in my dreams I felt as though I were a child again running through the never ending nightmare that was my life waiting for the darkness to finally consume me in order for myself to wake up – I for some reason had the urge to run into my mother’s room hiding under the covers for protection however I was alone in an empty apartment a thousand miles away. The ringing of my phone alerted me almost immediately as if I were never asleep in the first place – I guess it had been like this since A broke in. I half expected it to be a tormenting text however as I brought the bright burning light to my face my eyes adjusted slowly homing in on the letters spelt out: H A R R Y. 

“What the bloody hell Harry – is” I searched my room not being able to find a clock to make my point so I pulled the phone away from my head extracting the information of the time as I placed it back to my ear “3 am really the time to be calling a mate?” my husky Irish accent almost made my articulation of my words barely coherent. “Liam – what?” he had received another message from A something about Liam in a warehouse with possibly the girl Louis had so called 'murdered' “are you really doubting Liam’s loyalty Harry? He is about a loyal as a beer is to an Irishmen” it was the first thing that came to my mind. Harry’s self conflict had taken over my phone so I hit the loud speaker resting the phone against my pillow as my head fell back into the soft cloud like cushion “Harry – photoshop can make me look like I am kissing you ... A could do anything with that!” barely audible my voice cracked in between words. “I think Liam could be working for A – or at least A has something on him that they are threatening him with like maybe he...” Harry’s voice went silent leaving my room filled with the static of the phone line and the shadows of my own body dancing on my ceiling as I struggled to become comfortable “perhaps he drowned a puppy?” I offered up an absurd accusation to fit in with Harry’s frantic thoughts. “Maybe I’ll go find him Harry? Would it make you feel –?” just as I spoke a knocking on the door cut me short leaving Harry questioning my silence. Was it A again? 

My heart raced as I pulled the blanket over my head holding the phone closer to my mouth “Harry someone is at my front door... what do I do?” I frantically hushed trying to think of a plan that didn’t involve climb out of my own apartment window “answer it?” he spoke sarcastically. “I just want you to know I am evil glaring at you right now smart ass – a knock on the door at 3 am doesn’t seem strange to you?” however with that I hung up allowing my feet to reluctantly swing out of my protective layer of covers onto the harshness of the cold wooden floor that sent shivers up my spine or maybe that was merely from my nerves. Heading out of my bed room I slowly sneaked toward the incessant knocking stopping every five seconds to check that no one had been hiding around the corner. On my travels I had slowly placed my hands around the baseball bat sitting in the corner of my living room as my footsteps echoed almost as loudly as my heart beating out of my chest.  

They’ve come to kill me – I knew I would die but I always thought it would be from drowning in chocolate or something like that kid from the Wonka Factory...

I had finally crossed the ocean that was my living room as my hand slowly reached for the doorknob however before I pulled it open I took a look through the peep hole and with just one glance I swung the door wide open mouth agape with the bat falling to the fall breaking the silence the moment my voice did “what the –“. There he stood one girl held bridal style dead in his arms the other clinging to his arm as if she were about to faint herself “mate Harry – what is going on Liam?” I gestured towards the girl in his arms covered in a crimson red that stuck to her hair-- did I even need to ask what that was? Not waiting for any indication of an invitation to enter he crossed the threshold of my apartment placing the girl slowly onto my couch – although I wasn’t sure whether she was a corpse or not. “She’s not dead – not yet” Liam’s voice sounded more terrified than my own “what do you call that stage then?” I asked a little shaken up however keeping my voice low. Pacing Liam tried focusing on his breathing as if he were about to sing a solo he had been trying to nail for the past few days “we found her – A” his hands flew widely into the air as if trying to catch the words escaping his voice in order to articulate the events of his night leading to this moment “they’re trying to blackmail me! But I refuse to do anything for them – I am not a part of their game” although his words were meant to sound fearless they were an absolute oxymoron.

Allison tended to the girl on the couch placing a bandaged from the first aid kit I hadn’t known I possessed onto the girls head as Liam told me his side to the story. “So Harry actually believed A?” he looked beyond hurt and mostly pissed “the evidence seemed convincing Liam – I’m sure it was just him freaking out! I mean he jumps to conclusions a lot recently, we all do mate”. I had decided it was time to eat when situations such as these presented themselves the best thing to do was to find a piece of food – a bittersweet symphony to my stomach. “The bright side Li is that we now have proof that she isn’t dead – although it looks like we kidnapped her ...” my voice trailed off as I thought of Louis once more becoming crazier by the second.

The girl spoke silencing the room as all eyes laid on her then darted from each pare in the room to register each other’s initial reactions “don’t – please! I promise to leave Zayn alone” she spoke in a terrified daze lashing out as if to defend herself. As if it weren’t possible to create in a more eerie atmosphere the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end feeling each phone vibrate felt like an earthquake had hit the room

**Squealers only find themselves in more trouble boys – looks like you’ve just been trapped once again. Don’t try and outsmart me boys after all this is my chess game and you are merely just the pawns – A.**

The food I had forgotten to savour and swallow found its way out of my mouth and onto the floor as I felt my features harden further as if with each text a wrinkle engraved itself onto my face. Allison looked at me in disgust as Liam drew her attention to his phone “they’re right – if we offer her up we’ll still look guilty” she voiced her opinion “so what are you suggesting Allison? We just allow Louis’ to take the downfall for this screwed up situation?” my voice became more hostile as the night faded and the dawn broke through the shutters of my windows. “I’m saying – we need to heal her... we need her to tell the truth for everyone to hear, that is the only way to clear your names however knowing A – it won’t be an easy task to complete” Allison was right which caused me to utter an apology under my breath. A wanted this girl dead and it hadn’t taken much of an effort it seemed to kill the last two people we cared dearly for – what will stop them from kill her? The last questioned that formed on my mind was when will it be my turn? Ending up one more corpse to fertilize the grave yard grass... literally pushing up daisies. 

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