Episode Two - Chapter 9: She's There

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Harry's POV

"I hate distance." Taylor whined as she cuddled into her pillow. "I know love, but we will see each other again soon." I reached my hand out to caress her beautiful face, but the only object greeting my hand was a glass screen. She slowly started to drift in and out of consciousness, which was one of the things that I found the cutest. "Have a good show tomorrow babe." I whispered. "Th- y-.....la...you." Was all I got as the connection began to become restless. Her voice crackeled and her face became a blurr. "Babe?" I called out as I fidgeted around the connections on my laptop. Taylor and I made it an every night ritual to fall asleep on Skype, and I wasn't going to let my rubbish internet connection ruin the only contact I had with her. Sitting up in my bed, I reached over to my lamp so that I could actually see what I was doing. The moment I flicked it on, the light danced around my room in flickers. Within the space of five seconds, the Skype connection between my new and secret girlfriend had been disconnected and the radio beside my bed inviting itself in like it had permission from the switch. I frowned as the feeling of being haunted creeped over me. "Pfftt, I don't believe in ghosts!" I whispered to myself. "Supernatural beings are not real." I said, reaching for the torch in the drawer beside my bed. I had kept this for power outages, not random spooky nights. Turning the torch on, I heard a sound that made me flinch coming from my laptop. I never had it on full volume, but the bars sat at full sound as the email application flashed a red number one, meaning I had received an email. Hovering my mouse over the undisclosed  sender, I thought twice about clicking open, but it was like I had no control over my finger as it clicked my mouse without my consent.

I found the email to have no message or any form of text whatsoever, just an attachment of a picture file. Clicking the image turned the thousand-miles-an-hour switch on in my brain. Not only was this image, just a random picture, it had a big fat red trademark in the bottom right hand corner. I should've known! '-A'. What was even more distrubing was the fact that Liam was in this picture, holding Allison's hand. Big deal? Each to their own. 'A' couldn't ever try and put me against my mates because they like a certain girl, I'm not like that, so clearly 'A' didn't do enough research on me. The date had been stamped with today's, so it was clearly taken in the last hour or so since Liam and I had seen each other. I closed the image because I really could care less about what Liam did with girls in his spare time. What did 'A' want me to do? Rush down there and give him a lecture on how I should approve every girl he dates? Who am I to do that? It kind of made me giggle how immature the level was that 'A' was stooping down to, and for a second I was actually grateful that that's all it was. Only for a second. There had to be more to it. There was ALWAYS more to 'A'. I opened the attachment once again to study it's contents, in fear my mate was actually in trouble. There was barely any light whatsoever in the picture, his facial expression was surely surprising, as was Allisons'. It seemed as though he was gripping onto her hand than holding it more than anything. I couldn't quite pick out the place they were at. It was big, and the roof seemed pretty high up. I couldn't see any objects of any sort in this place. Just emptiness. There was definitely something going on and I knew I had to contact Liam right away. 

Liam's phone rang and rang until it eventually rang out. Was I freaking out over nothing? I had become such a paranoid person lately. I was weak when all I wanted to be was strong. The echoes in my mind had gotten so loud that they just crushed every ounce of strength in me. It didn't take much to weaken the links in my chain anymore, and I was holding on for dear life before they snapped. I was happy with Taylor in my life though, she seemed like the glue trying to put the links back together. I knew one person that would know a lot about this deep and meaningful stuff was Zayn. I was still new to it all. I needed a partner in crime tonight, and he's going to be it. I rang his phone and he came over to my apartment straight away. It was still in darkness from some sort of spooky 'A' power outage. I was telling him all about the picture I had recieved from 'A', which eventually led onto my feelings which I didn't often talk about with the lads. I didn't notice it at first, but still sitting in my room in the complete darkness, it should've stuck out like a sore thumb. There was another email. "I'll open it." Zayn said, taking hold of the mouse. It was a cropped version of the picture that had been sent before. This time it had been zoomed in. "Is 'A' trying to tell you that you need glasses Harry?" Zayn said with a smirk. I just put on a giggle as I stared at the spot I had missed. I had missed the whole point of the entire image, what Liam and Allison had discovered. There curled into a ball on the floor was a girl. Blonde hair covering over majority of her face. I had no indication whether she was dead or alive. My hair stood on end. "Who's that? And what are they doing?" I quesioned as I investigated the picture even more. Silence. "Hmm?". Still silence. "Earth to Zayn?!" I tapped on the side of his arm. "Sh-she's there." "Who's there?" "Elle. Elle is there." I had no idea what he meant or who he meant for that matter, but I had a feeling I was about to find out as he dragged me out the door and into my car. Taxi Styles at your service.

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