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I am reminded of you everyday. Everyday I walk down these dreadful, colourless, old halls of the school where I first met you. Every time I walk past the courts where we first met, and every time I walk past the classroom where all the magic happened. My heart breaks as I watch you bounce around interacting with our pairs, your blue eyes twinkling and your blond hair swaying with your hips. I get jealous when I hear you laugh with the crowd, or sit on one of the couches next to someone to annoy them. All the things we once did, were behind us, and now you barely even notice my presence.

"Rosa!" My thoughts were quickly drowned out by the voice of my friend. How long was I watching you? I turned my head slightly to the brunette sitting next to me, who was gawking at the blonde boy next to her.

"Hmm?" I hummed, looking between the two. Natasha flipped the bird at him after he called her a name that I didn't quite hear, then turned to me, her blue eyes were burning holes through my skin.

I never really took notice of my friends, or the people around me. I wish I never did now, they were all a bunch of happy looking freaks. Most of them making out with each others eyes, or laughing at lame jokes that were totally last year. Half the people in this room where all in here because there was no where else for us to go, yet they act like they are one huge happy family when I know, deep down in all of their little brains, they could barely stand a few people they were among.

Back to Natasha and the blonde boy; Olly. I never realized how into each other they really were. I barely took notice of the small things they did, like gazed into each others eyes, sat almost an inch apart with their knees almost touching.

I never really understood Natasha. I mean, she's a great girl and all. But some of the stuff she says, makes me wonder why on earth she has to lie so hard to get someone to believe her. She was bubbly, and very loud. She was mainly the reason why my social status was dramatically low. She had brunette hair, which was almost a dark shade. Her face was oval shaped with not one freckle. Her body was a little on the skinny side. Okay, a lot on the skinny side, she blamed fast metabolism for that. She often talked herself up, coming off as strong until she is face to face with the situation. But overall, she was basically the only friend I had, so I had to stick to just playing it cool with her.

Unlike Olly, such a sweet boy. He was an international student from some county, I never cared to remember. English wasn't his first language, but I almost think that's a lie because he speaks it so well. He had pale skin, almost the color of cloud, literally. His hair was basically white with a tinge of yellow. He had piercing blue eyes to die for, and a smile that made him look like a child. He had a killer personality, everyone loved him which I didn't understand as he hangs out with the lamest kids in our year. He often told jokes, that were funny unlike the other boys in this year group. I was sad that he would only be at our school a year, but I guess that is just how some things work out.

Next to Olly was the one boy who really grinded my gears. Jack. He was a total no body, and that was coming from me. He was just one of those boys that didn't need to say or do anything, but you felt like waking him with a bat anyway. He often tried to join the conversation but would be quickly shut down by either myself or Natasha. He would argue against us, and when he gave up, he would shake his head and put his head phones in his ears, then continued to stare and listen into our conversations.

On the couch opposite me were the three girls who I had occasionally hung out with. Marissa, Kate and Rachel. The three were always laughing, squealing and taking photos of themselves. They were classed as 'nerd' but only Rachel would come under that definition. They were always happy, and looked like they didn't care what the world thought of them. Marissa bugged me at times, she would always be against Natasha and I in a conversation and would always get angry at us for not letting her in on personal conversations between the two if us.

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