Four ~ Rosa

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"Please don't leave me." I whispered. Why did I just say that? I quickly let go of her wrist and took the nearest exit. I walked to where I left Kate, who was still sitting there. I sat next to her, running my hand through my hair.

I have tried so fucking hard to get her out of my head, and tonight was supposed to be the night I completely get over her, yet she is the one to come to the fucking rescue. Saying all the right things, and even standing up for me.

So fucking perfect.

I can't let her think I had forgiven her just like that. She needs to understand that she hurt me, and I haven't been the same since. The way her eyes were filled with worry while I cried, and how she held me while I sobbed, she never said a word. She hardly needed to say anything, just holding me was soothing.

When I was safe next to Kate, I just listened to the stories she was telling Rachel and their new few friends that were lounging around. Natasha came in five minutes later and sat down on the floor in front of us. "How's everyone?" She slurred her words.

"Okay," I admitted at the same time the rest said good. Natasha gave me a look as if to say I know. Mel was never invited to partys, she just showed up calling herself 'The life of the party' and without her there, was not a party. Apparently.

I didn't end up babysitting last night, as Natasha ended up staying home instead of going out. Which was good, because I had no energy to babysit her little sisters that would have been loud and annoying all night. I spent the night drowning in my thoughts, yet again.

Myah bounced past, hung around an extremely tall boys neck. I quickly called her name, then stood up. She looked at me, waiting for a response. "Have you been drinking?" I bit my lower lip. Honestly, all I wanted right now was to be home. In bed, without stupid Cassie in view.

"Uh, only one. Why's that?"

"What time are you going home?" I asked.

"I'm going to Tyras, do you need a ride home?" I nodded. She whispered something to the boy then walked to me. "Is it because of Cassie?" I shook my head. "It's not?" She sounded surprised.

"It's Mel, I just can't be bothered with her. And partly Cassie." I admitted. Myah let out a slight laugh then nodded.

"I'll go tell Tyra I'm leaving, then I'll take you." She stated then walked away. I lent beside the front door, anxiously waiting for Myah to come back. What if Mel finds me and kills me right here? She would do that. Moments later, Myah returned, with Thomas from our year group, and the familiar blonde, Cassie. I looked at Myah who mouthed 'I'm sorry' I rolled my eyes and walked out to her car.

After Thomas dibs the front seat, Cassie and I climbed in the back. I buckled my seat belt and looked out the window to the complete darkness. How dare she get a ride, knowing full well I was getting a ride to. She's doing this on purpose.


"Don't talk to me Cassie." I snapped. Honestly, all I needed right now was one of her hugs, but she hurt me and I can't let her just get away with it so easily.

That's what she wants.

For me to just fall back into her arms, or at least, become her friend again, since I don't know for sure if she misses me, and still likes me in that way again.

But I won't give in.

I possibly will, but not for a while. It's been four months and I can hold grudges for many years. While grabbing my phone from next to me, my hand ever so softly sweeper across Cassie's. Her eyes shot down as I froze with my hand touching hers. I cleared my throat, grabbed my phone and sat it on my lap.

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