Six ~ Rosa

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I could feel her watching me. I knew her eyes were on me, and fuck did I wish it was just more than her eyes on me. My stomach was filled with butterflies as I replay the scene that happen earlier in the careers room. Her body against mine, her lips against my skin, her hot breath hitting my neck, the way she is so forceful with her actions, pinning me against the wall with my hand above my head. She is so fucking perfect, yet I feel like screaming at her.

Why does this have to be so difficult?

Why did all the events have to fucking happen last year?

If none of this happened, I could still have that girl moaning from underneath me. I could still have my best friend, yet my rebound. I could still have the girl I'm in love with, right next to me, like how it is supposed to be.

Cassidy Evans. Fuck her. I hate her, yet I'm so drawn to her.

I seriously can't get enough of the blonde.

Everything is so fucking confusing. I want her back, but I don't want to be fucked around with all over again. If Tyra was just out of the picture completely, then I could have my girl back and everything would be so perfect.

Do I even want her back? I mean, of course I do. But is it worth all the fighting for? I have a perfect girl online, only two hours away, waiting for me to come to my senses and date her, except Cassie is just in the way. Marcia could treat me better than any other girl could. Better than Cassie could. Fuck, better than Cassie has, ever.

I look up from my hands, and straight into Cassies eyes. What is she thinking about? Is she thinking about me? I mean, she must be, shes staring at me. Is everything she said in that room, true?

So many fucking questions.

That I'll get absolutely no fucking answers to.

"Rosa, you fucker. You didn't even hear any part of my story." Myah softly punched me.

"Sorry," I looked away from Cassie, and drew my attention completely to the brunette next to me. "You were saying?"

"I was talking about that time we went to Cheroot?" She smiled.

"Yes, I remember." I nodded. How could I forget one of the best weeks in my life? Spending a week with Myah was better than spending four fucking months with the hormonal blonde in the corner of the room still shooting bullets from her eyes at me. "Got dizzy on the fizzy."

"Bull fuck, you alcoholics would've been drinking the highest percent alcohol in the store." Sam scoffed.

"No, Sam, we were like 15. We were responsible." Myah giggled.

"Says the one who licked vodka off the concrete." I laughed. Sam let out a groan as if he wasn't surprised with what I had just said.

"Excuse me, it was your idea." Myah playfully hit me.

"Hey, we couldn't waste it." We both ended up in fits of giggles as we remembered the week we spent together, staying with my family, forgetting about our lives here, and just enjoying our time away. Our conversation was soon cut short when the sound of the school bell echoed through the common room.

After one last period of school, the final bell rang and I hadn't walked that fast to the bus stop before. As I arrived, the blonde was standing at the bus line, looking directly at me. What the fuck does she want now? I tried to avoid looking into her eyes, and look to the teacher instead, which failed, because her eyes are just so fucking addicting. "What?"

"I came to ask you something-" She began.

"What now?" I groaned. As much as I would love to hear her voice, I really don't want to hear what other bullshit she has to say.

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