Finally Out (Chapter 18)

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Chapter 18

Lilly's POV

It's been a week since I've woken up from my coma. The doctors thought it was best for me to stay this long because they wanted to make sure I was healing properly, and that there would be no further problems.

Everyday I've had people visit me from my dad to Caroline and Mollie to the boys. Having visitors always lifts up my mood because its so boring here at the hospital. There's only so much TV you can watch or nurses you can talk to.

They finally told me that I will be released today. I feel guilty though because the boys have postponed their tour. They wanted to make sure I was okay and plus I was supposed to go with them. I tried telling them to go without me and not disappoint their fans, but the boys said that they would understand.

The fans don't exactly know who I am yet. Louis mentioned that in a magazine it calls me his 'mystery girl', but he will tell the fans who I really am when I want him to. There's part of me that wants to stay private about being Niall's cousin and Louis' girlfriend because of the hate.

Being a directioner myself, I know how harsh they can be about the boys' girlfriends. How they are just with them for the fame and money and all of that stuff. I just can't believe that someone could be that selfish to do that anyway. Also since I'm Niall's cousin it would probably be worse. There isn't any mention of me, so they could think that I'm finally with them because of the fame again. Since I've never met Niall a lot of the directioners would probably get the wrong idea about my recent involvement with them.

I'm sitting in my hospital bed waiting for Louis to pick me up. Caroline, Mollie and my dad all went home to Florida and promised to keep in touch. I'm grateful that they did stay in Ireland for all this time, and the fact that they actually came at all.

It's really expensive, I know that money's tight for my friends and my family especially. We don't have the income from my mom anymore after her death, so life is going to be difference if I go back to live with my dad at some point.

There are times when I'm really homesick, and miss seeing my family and friends everyday. Other than missing them, I miss the warm weather, it's always so cold here in Ireland.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, my nurse, Abigail came in and told me that it's time for me to be discharged. Since I'm over 18 I can obviously check myself out of the hospital myself.

After checking out, I noticed Louis and the others sitting in the waiting room. When they saw me they all got up an cautiously hugged me. It's good that they didn't hug me too tightly because my ribs are still killing me.

They led me to the van that we went to the airport in, and there was a lot of security around us because of the fans. There were at least 200 screaming girls there, but luckily this time I was completely surrounded.

We finally made it to the van and I sat in my usual place between Niall and Louis. There was constant chatter between everyone, which I participated in once and awhile. I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't realize we were back at Maura and Bobby's house, or what I call a mansion.

I felt instantly felt tired right when I entered the house. The doctors said that it would be normal to be tired since I was obviously sitting in a bed for a week. I went to my room without any further interaction with the boys and Maura, other than a greeting and goodbye.

I opened my door and fell right on my bed. I yawned due to my exhaustion and closed my eyes. There were so many thoughts swarming through my head, which made it hard to sleep. I decided to read since sleeping was completely not an option. I grabbed 'The Fault In Our Stars' off my vanity and got wrapped up in the world of Hazel and Augustus.

After an hour of reading I glanced at the clock. I was shocked to see that it was 1 a.m. I always get involved in my books though so I'm not surprised that I was reading this long. I felt it was finally time to sleep, so again I closed my eyes and fell quickly asleep.

All I can hope now though is that we can go on tour and I can complete my dream of going around the world. I still feel awful that the boys waited until I could be checked out of the hospital. I think that we're starting the tour in a week, but it would probably be better to start it sooner rather than later. Like I said hopefully they will all understand why the tour has been postponed.

I know that with this tour there will be a lot of drama, rumors, and fights.






2 updates in two days!!:)

So since I've been editing my chapters I've finally had time to write a few of them too! This is sort of a filler chapter, but I hope to update again next weekend or hopefully sooner.

I just wanted to thank you all so much for reading this! I was in staples when I saw that I had over 1k reads and I almost screamed. This story's going a long way and I've been thinking that it should have around 25-35 chapters. I've thought of so many ways to end this book, but I hope to pick the right one.


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