Chapter 5

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Sali's POV
K-What's up with you?
Me-I really want to push the two of them in front of a bus.
Me, Rameena an Keyarie were talking in our group chat. It was Wednesday morning, and we were waiting for Natalie to pop up and ask us if we wanted to walk together, in the other group chat. In this group chat we talk about her and Ramiz, or something that we're planning for her, unfortunately though, that is not Namiz related.

A few minutes later, I saw a notification pop up at the top of the screen. "Hi". It was from Natalie. I clicked on it.
K-Lemme guess
K-You're here to ask if we want to walk with you, amirite?
N-Um, yes
K-You ask us this everyday, and what has the answer always been?
K-Then stop asking if you KNOW what the answer is going to be.
N-Where's Sali?
Me-Right here!
N-Sali, hurry up. I want to leave early today.
Me-My teeth need to shower tho
Me-Don't judge
N-K just hurry up
-a few minutes later-
"Keyarie," Natalie screeched. That bitch has a set of lungs on her.

"I know what you're gonna ask, but the elevator took a long time," Keyarie explained.

"We were gonna ditch you, ya know," I told her. She shrugged.

"Keyarie, don't pretend you wouldn't be salty." Keyarie cracked a smile.

"Yeah, I probably would be..." We left Keyarie's building and walked to school together. School is about five to ten minutes from where we live, since me, Keyarie, and Natalie live in the same area. Rameena lives a bit further away, so she meets us at school. We walked to school, and waited for the bell to ring when we got there, talking about some cringy video that Keyarie sent us on the group chat. It was really fucking cringy, but I don't think it's important enough to talk about.

We got into the class and saw that a supply teacher was sitting in the place of our regular one. Her name was Ms. Vincete and she was really nice. While taking attendance, she asked us to say one interesting fact about us. Once she got to Ramiz, we noticed that he was absent.

"Oh, Ms. V?" Natalie called out.

"Yes, uh..." she looked at the seating arrangement our teacher gave her,"Natalie." Natalie squirmed in her seat, and softly whispered,"Ramiz is going to come a bit later..."

"How would you know that?" Maryam, who was sitting behind her asked.

"He texted me to tell me..." She said quietly. Everyone in the class said "Ooooooo" and banged their hands on their desks, while Natalie's face turned a deep crimson colour.

"What? He just wanted to tell me to ask my brother to give back the soccer ball he borrowed, and he just decided to tell me," she explained. No one believed her though.

During science, Ramiz ran into the room and dropped his late pass on the table beside the teacher.

"I'm Ramiz," he said breathlessly.

"Hi Ramiz," she greeted him warmly,"I'm Ms. Vincete. Can you tell me an interesting fact about yourself?"

"Well I—" he started, but Keyarie interrupted him.

"It's nothing big, he's just married to Natalie!" She called out. Everyone in the class burst out laughing as Ramiz and Natalie both blushed.

"No!" He denied,"I was gonna say that I like soccer!" Keyarie giggled, and mumbled "Mmmhmm." Ms. Vincete told us to settle down, though she was giggling a bit herself. This was going to be an awesome(and Namiz filled)day.

At lunchtime, we were sitting around talking when I noticed Ramiz behind Natalie. He looked at me, put his finger on his lip, tapped her shoulder, and quickly ran away.

"Ramiz, you ain't slick," I told him, crossing my arms.

"What?" Keyarie asked, turning around in her seat.

"Ramiz tapped Natalie's shoulder and ran away like a little not slick bitch." Keyarie's eyes grew wide.

"Physical contact!" She screamed, and dramatically fell to the floor, making a really gross gurgling noise. Natalie blushed.

"Ramiz, don't piss me off," she said, trying to sound tough.

"What're you gonna do, apologize to him until he dies?" Rameena asked sarcastically.

"You'll poke out his eye with your big ass nose," she muttered.

"You wanna say that to my face, forehead?" Rameena stood up. Keyarie and I shook our heads.

"Tsk tsk," I said,"You guys are always fighting. And such fighting leads to violence."

"Sali, you're one to talk!" Keyarie exclaimed.

"Shut up Keyarie. You're teeth are about as straight as you." Keyarie rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. That's why your toes are uneven." I pretended to be offended by that. The bell rang and Keyarie, Natalie, and Rameena got ready for Lion King practice. Keyarie gave Ramiz a hug, like she always does to annoy him. This time he actually hugged her back. Natalie groaned and pulled on Keyarie's hood.

"Just try and kill me, why don't ya?" Keyarie snapped.

"Stop hugging Ramiz and let's go," Natalie snapped back.

"Why you so mad? It's just a hug," Keyarie said, arm wrapped over Ramiz's shoulder.

"Are you jealous forehead?" I asked her. Natalie blushed.

"Am not!" She protested.

"Then what's wrong with you?" Rameena asked her.

"Yeah, Ramiz isn't your property."

"He's...I...she...Ugh!" She threw her hands up in frustration,"Do whatever the fuck you want. I don't care anymore." And she stormed off to the gym. All of us looked at each other.

"What's wrong with her?" Ramiz asked, his voice full of concern. We all just shrugged.

After math, and last recess, we made our way to the music portable, when we heard someone yelling at Natalie to wait up. We turned around and saw Ramiz running towards us, with something in his hand.

"You dropped this," he said, handing Natalie her bracelet.

"Thanks Ramiz." He walked with us to the portable. Keyarie, Rameena and I kept smirking at each other as Ramiz and Natalie walked in front of us.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked her.

"Yeah...I don't know what got into me," she told him. He shrugged.

"We're teenagers. We get pissed off about everything." She giggled a bit. When we got to the music portable, we saw that we had another supply teacher. She was kind of a savage.

"Is she not a blonde Rameena?" Keyarie whispered at me. I nodded in agreement. She told us we could do whatever, and if we wanted to play a game called taboo(someone has to describe something, and we guess what that something is)we should sit on one side of the room. Me, and the other three demons from hell sat together, and Keyarie called Ramiz over to play with us. He agreed. It was actually pretty fun until Ramiz decided it would be a good idea to hit me. So I yanked his hair and pulled him down until Natalie smacked my hand, causing me to let go.

"Ramiz, are you ok?" She asked him. He rubbed his head.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll live." He sat down beside her, and as much as they probably didn't want to admit it, they had a good time playing together.

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